Date: November 29th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TODAY: Tuesday, November 29th: Peace Activism Jesse’s Rant! I have a lot on my mind today…again!

Guest: Jodie Evans: From Code Pink.



FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for it’s overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -

TVNL Editor's Comments: What has to happen before we heed the warnings of the scientists who are telling is in clear terms that global warming is the greatest threat to life on earth? I have said time and time again that terrorism has posed less (statistically verifiable) of a threat to human life than everything from drunk drivers to medical malpractice. Of course environmental toxins can also be blames for millions of deaths by a number of diseases but global warming is moving up the threat list fast!

It’s like we are living in a bad movie where nobody is listening to the good guy/girl while people are dying all over the place. We watched in horror as something we never thought would happen did; the WTC towers crumbled to the ground (actually they exploded, but that is another story!) How are we going to feel when the island of Manhattan is swallowed up by the sea?

When I worked at the Associated Press I had a guy on my staff who was a Marine Reserve Warrant Officer. He was a cool guy but he approached his job like a Marine in one respect. He used to operate with the mindset that it is always easier to apologize than it is to ask for permission. An apology might suffice coming from a Marine who took an extra 45 minutes extra on his lunch break so that he could shove as much “all you can eat” sushi down his throat. An apology won’t suffice for ignoring warnings about global warming. When the real horrors of global warming come to fruition apologies will be greeted with the immortal words of Seinfeld’s George Costanza; “you could stuff your sorrys in a sack, mister!” That is if we survive long enough to say it. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

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· German woman and driver kidnapped in Iraq - The German Government has confirmed a German woman missing in Iraq had been kidnapped, joining a list of foreigners taken hostage in the war-torn country since the weekend.

· 2 TASK FORCE BAGHDAD SOLDIERS KILLED - Two Task Force Baghdad Soldiers were killed when their patrol struck a roadside bomb north of Baghdad shortly after 10 a.m. Nov. 29.

· War based on a lie - Weapons of mass destruction? I'm still looking for them, and if you find any give me a call so we can justify our presence in Iraq. We started the war based on a lie, and we'll finish it based on a lie. I say this because I am currently serving with a logistics headquarters in the Anbar province, between the cities of Fallujah and Ramadi. I am not fooled by the constant fabrication of democracy and freedom touted by our leadership at home and overseas.

· Video: US mercenaries randomly shooting Iraqi civilians - The video has sparked concern that private security companies, which are not subject to any form of regulation either in Britain or in Iraq, could be responsible for the deaths of hundreds of innocent Iraqis."

· Allawi: Bremer is a Dictator. I said to Garner "Don't Expect an Iraqis to take Orders from an American Officer - The former Iraqi Prime Minister Dr. Iyad Allawi disclosed his extreme disagreements with the American civil governor of Iraq after the war on Iraq in 2003. He described Bremer as a "Dictator".

· Civilian attacks make Iraqi town ghostly after dark - "Why do you ask what has changed since the war?" said a sixth grader who gave her name only as Sarah. "Everything is different now. How can anything be the same?"
TVNL Comment: Liberation, Bush/PNAC style!

· The only WMD in Iraq are US soldiers - Why does a US military ethicist commit suicide in Iraq? "A note found in his trailer seemed to offer clues. Written in what the Army determined was his handwriting, the colonel appeared to be struggling with a final question. - How is honor possible in a war like the one in Iraq?"

· Iraq: A Criminal Process: Carpet bombing, cluster bombs and napalm against Iraqi civilians - The mainstream media described these mass murders of innocent Iraqi men, women and children as "caught up in air strikes" designed as "necessary measures" for "spreading democracy".





· Ex-Powell Aide Criticizes Detainee Effort - Wilkerson blamed Vice President Dick Cheney, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and like-minded aides. He said Cheney must have sincerely believed that Iraq could be a spawning ground for new terror assaults, because "otherwise I have to declare him a moron, an idiot or a nefarious bastard."

· Testimony from Rove's former assistant may solidify case that he misled leak inquiry, lawyers say - Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald will present evidence to a second grand jury this week in his two year-old investigation into the outing of covert CIA agent Valerie Plame Wilson that could lead to a criminal indictment being handed up against Karl Rove, President Bush’s deputy chief of staff, attorneys close to the investigation say.





· · GM to raise India workforce by 30% - America's loss is turning out to be India's gain. Within days of announcing 30,000 job-cuts in the US, automobile giant General Motors Corp will this week unveil plans to increase its workforce in India by nearly 30%.

· Fears gas crisis is scam to raise prices - An urgent inquiry has been ordered into the gas supply crisis. It will focus on claims that major suppliers are rigging the market to inflate prices and boost their profits.

· As Profits Surge, Workers Still Wait - This is Wall Street's version of comfort food: Corporate earnings keep rising at a double-digit pace while workers are lucky to get even low-single-digit wage increases.
TVNL Comment: Another Bush Legacy! The rich get richer and the rest can eat cake!

· Jobs curb inflation, hurt wage growth - For those U.S. workers who still have jobs, the pressure on their wages has intensified as companies use the threat of moving more production overseas -- where labor is far cheaper -- as a way to extract concessions from their U.S. workers. - "It is one thing to celebrate keeping inflation in check. It is another thing to celebrate that living standards are stagnant or falling for most American workers," said Thea Lee, policy director for the AFL-CIO.

· Merck to Cut 7,000 Jobs by End of 2008 - The embattled drugmaker Merck & Co. said Monday that it will cut about 7,000 jobs, or 11 percent of its work force, and will close or sell five of its 31 manufacturing plants by the end of 2008 in moves that it says will save up to $4 billion.

· Not A Penny More - In order to pay for the huge tax cuts to the wealthiest of the wealthy, our nation has developed a growing, severe government debt problem. Combined with irresponsible government spending on a senseless war in Iraq and an reckless, ineffective expenditures on homeland security, the Bush Republican tax cuts for the Super Wealthy has finally produced a rebellion from both fiscal conservatives and the general public.



9/11 News :








· Storm Clouds Gathering - Scandal could take in at least a dozen in Congress

· Rep. Cunningham Enters Guilty Plea, Resigns - According to The Associated Press, Cunningham admitted "he took $2.4 million in bribes to steer defense contracts to conspirators."

· House Bill Raises Welfare Work Requirement - President Bush has sought the changes for nearly four years but has been unable to get them through the Senate. Now Republicans have slipped them into a voluminous bill designed to save nearly $50 billion over five years by imposing new costs on Medicaid recipients, squeezing student lenders, cutting federal child support enforcement, narrowing eligibility for food stamps and trimming agriculture subsidies.
TVNL Comment: Yet the tax cuts to the rich are safe!

· Four congressmembers role in Abramoff lobbying scandal probed - A Justice Department investigation into possible influence-peddling by prominent Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff is examining his dealings with four lawmakers, more than a dozen current and former congressional aides and two former Bush administration officials, lawyers and others involved in the case tell the WALL STREET JOURNAL Friday.





· Miami Police Take New Tack Against Terror - Miami police announced Monday they will stage random shows of force at hotels, banks and other public places to keep terrorists guessing and remind people to be vigilant.

· The CIA uncovers a secret: how to look things up on the internet - THE CIA now has its own bloggers. In a bow to the rise of internet-era secrets hidden in plain view, the agency has started hosting weblogs with the latest information on topics including North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Il's public visit to a military installation (his 38th this year) and the Burmese media's silence on a ministry reshuffle. It even has a blog on blogs, dedicated to finding useful information in the rapidly expanding milieu of online journals and weird electronic memorabilia on the net.

· Appeals court upholds decision striking down abortion ban - A federal appeals panel on Monday upheld a decision striking down a Missouri ban on certain late-term abortions that lower courts had concluded lacked an exception for the health of pregnant women.

· Confusion, Misreporting Surround Reports on CA Sec. of State Diebold Voting Machine 'Hack' Test! - Mainstream Media Reports Indicating Scheduled Attempt to 'Hack' Voting Machines Appear to Be Incorrect





· Global Warming…Is Anyone Listening to the Warnings? - It’s like we are living in a bad movie where nobody is listening to the good guy/girl while people are dying all over the place. We watched in horror as something we never thought would happen did; the WTC towers crumbled to the ground (actually they exploded, but that is another story!) How are we going to feel when the island of Manhattan is swallowed up by the sea?

· Russia moves to secure water supply against toxic slick - Authorities have stepped up moves to secure water supplies in Russia's far-east region but gave conflicting accounts on the danger posed by a slick of toxic benzene moving into the area from China.

· Global warming 'a major threat' - The impact of spiralling pollution on the planet poses a threat to civilisation just as catastrophic as much-vaunted weapons of mass destruction, Britain's top scientist warned on Monday.
TVNL Comment: Something we say every single day.

· U.S. Farmers Use Pesticide Despite Treaty - Shoppers rifle through store shelves brimming with succulent tomatoes and plump strawberries, hoping to enjoy one last round of fresh fruit before the Western growing season ends. There is no hint of a dark side to the blaze of red.





· WITNESS IN HARIRI CASE KILLED IN CAR CRASH - A key witness in the UN commissioned probe into the death of former Lebanese premier Rafik Hariri has died in a car crash. Nawwar Habib Dunna, was killed on Saturday night after the vehicle he was travelling in plunged down a ditch on a road some 30 kilometres east of the capital Beirut.

· ‘Secret CIA jails’ deepens US/EU divide - The senior European diplomat could not have been clearer: “You don’t talk about torture in the morning and then say in the afternoon: ‘Democratise yourself’.”

· Canadian government defeated - Canada's shaky minority Liberal government lost a vote of confidence on Monday, ending a 17-month stay in office that was largely overshadowed by a patronage scandal.










· How Ruling Powers Distort Morality So That It Does Not Restrain Them - And so it is that our present ruling powers seek to divert the attention of people who care deeply about morality away from the uses and abuses of power onto other areas peripheral to the rulers' own lusts for riches and domination.

· Nowhere to run - After embarking on what has been described as the most foolish war in over 2,000 years, Brian Whitaker asks if there is any way out of Iraq for President Bush - There is a remarkable article in the latest issue of the American Jewish weekly, Forward. It calls for President Bush to be impeached and put on trial "for misleading the American people, and launching the most foolish war since Emperor Augustus in 9 BC sent his legions into Germany and lost them".





· Hollywood, Iraq and 9/11: Reinforcing the Party Line - Moviegoers in the upcoming months will be bombarded by films about the Iraq war and 9/11. These movies will uniformly reinforce the official party line that 9/11 was carried out by 19 Arabs with box cutters and that the invasion of Iraq was a heroic act of liberation in the defense of America.

· Fox News Promote Pro-Torture Spokesperson - Article
TVNL Comment:





· Pharma's Poisoned Generation - A growing number of professionals in the health care field are reporting that a relationship exists between the epidemic in neurodevelopmental disorders of autism, attention deficit hyperactive disorder, and speech or language delay all across the country, and the use of thimerosal, the mercury-based preservative used in childhood vaccines.

· Cure the flu? For Pennies? Naturally? - Find out how to skip the flu shot and cure the flu with out taking drugs! This, and Jerry Policoff on today's radio program!





· Cheney accused on prisoner abuse - LINK - A top aide to former Secretary of State Colin Powell has launched a stinging attack on US Vice-President Dick Cheney over abuse of prisoners by US troops.










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