Date: December 1st 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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Monday, December 5th: Topic: How the Republicans Stole Christmas : The Republican Party's Declared Monopoly on Religion and What Democrats Can Do to Take it Back

·        Guest: Bill Press - Columnist, Commentator, Author, Radio/TV Talk Show Host & Political Insider.

Tuesday ,December 6th: Topic: Hydrogen Peroxide Vs. Cancer.

·        Guest: Bill Munro, 81 year old self cured cancer survivor!


FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for it’s overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -

TVNL Editor's Comments: The White House is admitting that Iraq is likely to face violence for years to come. OK, so where is their apology to Iraq?

Let’s understand this…the White House invaded Iraq on the premise that they had weapons and posed a threat to us. The White House lied. They removed Saddam from his position based on that threat. The threat turned out to be wrong. Where was the apology for falsely accusing Saddam?

Now that the White House and the media have successfully revised history so that the original reason for invading Iraq is no longer acknowledged, we realize that as a result of their “liberation” of the Iraqi people they have destabilized Iraq which will now to be a violent place for years (according to the White House). OK…so where is their apology?

Am I wrong here? Am I stupid for believing that a nation that conducts itself in a way that results in creating a dangerous and deadly environment for another nation should at the very least apologize for doing so? Am I wrong in saying that the people who made the decision to do such a thing should be removed from office for their incompetence? They have proven that they are not responsible enough to control a military. Am I wrong for saying that the people who decided to do such a thing and lied in order to do it should be charged with crimes against humanity?

But at the end of the day is an apology really to much to expect from the people who created the conditions that have led to all of this violence? Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

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· Bush’s Bloody Strategy for Victory - Already, "the tempo of American bombing seems to have increased," Hersh reports. And he cites a Pentagon press release that notes that one Marine aircraft unit alone has "dropped more than 500,000 tons of ordnance."

· So Where is the White House’s Apology to Iraq? - Am I wrong here? Am I stupid for believing that a nation that conducts itself in a way that results in creating a dangerous and deadly environment for another nation should at the very least apologize for doing so?

· Gunmen kill 9 in Iraq minibus attack - Iraqi and US officials expect a surge in guerrilla violence in the run-up to national elections on December 15 when Iraqis will vote for their first full-term government since the fall of Saddam Hussein in 2003.

· Iraq likely to face violence for years: US - The White House says Iraq was likely to struggle with violence for many years, but as its forces increasingly take over security, US troops can eventually withdraw.





· Bush's Shrinking Safety Zone - What does it say about the president of the United States that he won't go anywhere near ordinary citizens any more? And that he'll only speak to captive audiences? President Bush's safety zone these days doesn't appear to extend very far beyond military bases, other federal installations and Republican fundraisers.

· Vice President's Office Keeps Travel Expenses Under Wraps - Open-government advocates say that Vice President Cheney is to executive branch secrecy what darkness is to the night.

· Democrats and the War - The Nation therefore takes the following stand: We will not support any candidate for national office who does not make a speedy end to the war in Iraq a major issue of his or her campaign. We urge all voters to join us in adopting this position.

· The Bush Administration's "Noble Lies" - When Dick Cheney gave President Bush distorted pre-war intelligence it was more than a simple lie to advance a war, it was the “noble lie” necessary when superiors are inferior.








9/11 News :








· Sen. Clinton Defends Iraq War Vote - "I take responsibility for my vote, and I, along with a majority of Americans, expect the president and his administration to take responsibility for the false assurances, faulty evidence and mismanagement of the war," the New York senator said in a lengthy letter to thousands of people who have written her about the war.

· Gifts Rep. Cunningham Admitted Receiving - Some of the payments accepted by Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham as detailed in his plea agreement:





· Feds to Fund Controversial School Surveillance - In what some allege is a thinly veiled attempt to normalize surveillance, a federal agency is pumping more money into Big Brother programs that track students despite declining needs for school security.

· Pilots Complain About Cheney's Airspace - The Federal Aviation Administration has imposed flight restrictions over Dick Cheney's new Maryland home, angering private pilots who say they can't fly overhead even when the vice president isn't around.

· Increased video surveillance likely under French terrorism changes - The new law will make it possible to install video cameras on the public transport system, in places of worship, and in shops.
TVNL Comment: Big Brother creeps around the globe!





· Rain Forest Nations Seek Incentive to Conserve - But Somare believes he has found a financial incentive to save his nation's forests, one that should be far more valuable to the world than hardwood timber or coffee plantations. Forests serve as natural air filters that suck up the greenhouse gases that are causing global warming.

· Climate change 'will dry Africa' - Two new studies predict that climate change will make dry regions of Africa drier still in the near future.

· No one is immune from the effects of global warming - Europeans can be forgiven for thinking they will be cushioned from the worst impacts of climate change. It is indeed true that the richer developed nations of the North are not going to suffer in the same way as the poorer countries of the South, where drought, famine and severe coastal flooding are expected to cause incalculable damage and misery. But none of us in this global village of the 21st century is going to be immune from the effects of climate change.

· U.S. Environmental Stance Draws Heat - U.S. comments that it would resist any binding commitment to curb global warming by capping industrial emissions infuriated environmentalists, who accused Washington of trying to derail the U.N. Climate Change Conference.





· 10 dead, 21 injured in Bangladesh suicide bombings - The government and police have accused the hardline Jamayetul Mujahideen, which wants to introduce strict Islamic law in the Muslim-majority democracy, of staging the attacks targeting the legal system.





· Army aims to coax back former troops - The U.S. Army, fresh off missing its latest annual recruiting goal, has launched an unprecedented effort to coax former troops to sign up again for act

· U.S. Military Covertly Pays to Run Stories in Iraqi Press - Troops write articles presented as news reports. Some officers object to the practice.










· Death squads, Devastation and the Corporate Media - American media now functions as an annex of the War Department. The news is fashioned to meet the policy objectives of the state and its constituents. The war that appears on TV stations across America, where US soldiers are dutifully ushering a backwards Muslim nation towards democracy and free enterprise, bears no resemblance to the gruesome realities of the colonial war that is devastating Iraqi society. - The media’s performance in Iraq has been the most successful part of the entire campaign. It continues to embellish, obfuscate or divert attention from the clear facts of America’s criminal involvement.

· Is American Journalism Dying? - The newspaper founded by Joseph Pulitzer in the 19th century, his flagship St. Louis Post-Dispatch, which set the highest standards for American journalism, is now going down in flames.

· O'Reilly Posts Long-Promised Enemies List on Website! - No Supporting Information Given for 'Crimes' Meriting McCarthyesque Listing by Fox 'News' Host

· Media Watchdog Group Calls for CNN to Drop Ann Coulter! - Launches Campaign Citing Rightwing Pundit's Hate Speech, False Information

· Ann Coulter and Her Supporters May Not Care About Jesus' Golden Rule... - BRAD BLOG Guest Blogger Lydia Cornell Responds to Ann Coulter's Astounding Violation of Her Privacy

· Moyers Has His Say - Former Now host on media bias and his feud with former CPB Chairman Ken Tomlinson















· Secrets of the CIA - "Secrets of the CIA" is a fascinating 45-minute Turner Home Entertainment documentary made available for free viewing by Google at the link below. Five former CIA agents describe how their initial pride and enthusiasm at serving their nation turned to anguish and remorse, as they realized that they were actually subverting democracy and killing innocent civilians all in the name "national security" and promoting foreign policy agendas.





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