Date: December 10th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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·        Monday, December 12th: Topic: SPECIAL EDITION! The 2 Party System, Evil Vs. Evil - Vaccine Project - National Death Sentence, 9/11 - New Information About the Towers, Al Qaeda - Made in America

Guest: Karl B. Schwarz. : Former 3rd Party Unification Presidential Candidate & Republican insider.


FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for it’s overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -

TVNL Editor's Comments: When Theodore Roosevelt said that America should “walk softly and carry a big stick” he demonstrated his understanding of the power of humility. He understood that power yielded with arrogance was a formula for disaster.

The Bush administration has raised arrogance to a new level. With every step they take the noise increases. In some cases the Bush administration is simply walking in the same footprints as former administrations but they choose to stomp their way along as opposed to walking softly.

The result of all this stomping has been that it has brought a great deal of attention to some of the wicked paths carved out by American administrations. We have walked softly as we conducted or supported many great atrocities. At least former administrations had cared enough about their own image and the image of our nation to keep that kind of stuff quiet. It’s one thing to commit a crime; it’s another thing to tell everyone that you are a criminal.

Roosevelt also understood that simply being a tough guy with a big stick was often all one needed to influence those around him. The Bush administration seems to be suffering from low self esteem and has something to prove. It is like that bully in school who has to beat the crap out of people in order to get his way or make people “like” him (actually they just fear him). These guys (the Bush clan) could learn a lot about life from watching old episodes of Happy Days. Maybe they can see how America used to be viewed as the Fonzy of the world. Remember that through the entire series you saw the Fonz win battle after battle yet he never actually hit anyone even though he was quite capable of doing so? Well, that is not exactly how America conducted itself but at least we tried to portray ourselves that way. At least they tried to keep our image clean.

Even though the Bush administration has raised the bar when it comes to the number and severity of atrocities (via policy, conduct & actions), committed by an American administration they are not the originators of this practice. They are however, the first administration to take pride in the ugliness that is political & military power. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

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· Police killed in Taleban assault - Seven police officers and five Taleban fighters have been killed during an assault on government offices in southern Afghanistan.

· TASK FORCE BAGHDAD SOLDIER KILLED - A Task Force Baghdad Soldier was killed when a suicide car bomber attacked a unit operating in the Abu Ghraib district of west Baghdad Dec. 9.

· II MEF SOLDIER DIES OF SUSPECTED HEART ATTACK - A Soldier assigned to the 155th Brigade Combat Team, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), died of a suspected heart attack while on guard duty at Forward Operating Base Kalsu, Dec. 8.

· Claim of al-Qaida ties to Iraq called coerced - The officials said the captive, Ibn al-Shaykh al-Libi, provided his most specific and elaborate accounts about ties between Iraq and al-Qaida only after he was secretly handed over to Egypt by the United States in January 2002, in a process known as rendition.





· Stomp Loudly & Use That Big Stick Often - These guys (the Bush clan) could learn a lot about life from watching old episodes of Happy Days. Maybe they can see how America used to be viewed as the Fonzy of the world. Remember that through the entire series you saw the Fonz win battle after battle yet he never actually hit anyone even though he was quite capable of doing so? Well, that is not exactly how America conducted itself but at least we tried to portray ourselves that way. At least they tried to keep our image clean.

· Questions For Those Still Approving of Bush - But this time, my inquiries are serious and meant to truly gauge whether Bush backers understand reality and knowledgably support him or whether the president has just been phenomenally successful at superimposing his face over the American flag.








9/11 News :


· Able Danger and Unaccountability - But after months of chasing the Pentagon for answers about, and accountability for, intelligence failures relative to the Able Danger data mining operation – which purportedly identified four 9/11 hijackers a year before the worst terror attacks ever on US soil – the Wolfowitz “What Me Worry?” response was exactly what I expected.

· 911 - Too Hot To Handle? - "If the people knew what we had done, they would chase us down the street and lynch us." -- George HW Bush











· Report Slams Medical Response to Katrina - The federal government's medical response to Hurricane Katrina was bungled by a lack of supplies and poor communication, according to a congressional report released Friday.





· Businessmen sue over Chinese leak - Businessmen from the Chinese city of Harbin are planning to sue the state-owned chemical company blamed for poisoning the water supply.

· Pollution in Tehran 'kills 100' - Hospitals have reported more than 1,000 cases of heart attacks and breathing problems, while many residents are complaining of fatigue and headaches.

· Last-minute climate deals reached - If the US "had a serious, disciplined effort to apply on a large scale existing clean energy and energy conservation technologies... we could meet and surpass the Kyoto targets easily in a way that would strengthen, not weaken, our economies," he said.

· Angry Bush official met with McKenna over Martin's climate comments - An angry Bush administration official demanded and received a meeting with Canadian ambassador Frank McKenna to complain about Prime Minister Paul Martin's attacks on U.S. environmental policy, U.S. sources say.

· Bush Threatens U.N. Over Clinton Climate Speech - Bush-administration officials privately threatened organizers of the U.N. Climate Change Conference, telling them that any chance there might’ve been for the United States to sign on to the Kyoto global-warming protocol would be scuttled if they allowed Bill Clinton to speak at the gathering today in Montreal, according to a source involved with the negotiations who spoke to New York Magazine on condition of anonymity.





· Israel expands war arsenal to deal with Iranian nuclear threat - It has acquired dozens of warplanes with long-range fuel tanks to allow them to reach Iran and signed a deal with Germany for two submarines reportedly capable of firing nuclear missiles.

· USA to steal oil-rich Arctic region away from Russia - The US administration plans to launch an extensive economic intrusion in the Arctic from Alaska





· McCann Erickson wins $1.35bn US Army advertising account - The US Army has awarded McCann Erickson its $1.35bn (£775m) advertising contract in a welcome triumph for the Interpublic agency, following account losses in the last year.

· Medford single mother called back to active duty in Iraq - "If I were a reservist assigned to a unit, I'd have been trained and informed of the possibility that I would be called. I'm not prepared for this."





· The Dance of Polarization - How a Culture Breaks Down into Warring Half-Truths

· The Arrogance of Power - The American people are held in such contempt by those in power and by their servants in the corporate media that they are constantly spoon fed the most blatant lies.





· Reporters taste tradition at White House - Would accurate reporting require an additional lap around the dessert table, with just a spoonful each of raspberries in whipped cream, hot cherry cake, apple cobbler, chocolate soufflé and pumpkin custard?

· The Future Face Of Network News - Cable news, not the broadcast network evening news, is now the basic electronic news utility. The nightly news shows still attract much bigger numbers -- 10 times as much, in their time slots, as even the biggest cable shows -- but what's scary is the way they continue to decline. And the anchors who command real loyalty and enthusiasm are no longer the stentorian network newsreaders but the excitable cable table pounders -- the Matthewses, the Nancy Graces, the O'Reillys and the Hannitys.





· Merck's Deleted Data - A top editor of The New England Journal of Medicine says that he was stunned to find out that data linking Vioxx to cardiovascular risk was deleted from a major study his journal published five years ago--and that it appears that Merck researchers may have deleted that data.





· The US has used torture for decades. All that's new is the openness about it - By ignoring past abuses, opponents of torture are in danger of pushing it back into the shadows instead of abolishing it

· The Torture Administration - But it still comes as a shock to discover that American leaders will open the way for the torture of prisoners, that lawyers will invent justifications for it, that the President of the United States will strenuously resist legislation prohibiting cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment of prisoners--and that much of the American public will be indifferent to what is being done in its name.

· Push to nix gay nuptials begins - According to sources involved in the discussions, the influential Colorado Springs evangelical Christian group Focus on the Family is pressing for a measure that would ban not only gay marriage but also same-sex civil unions or domestic partnerships.





· UN watchdog receives Nobel prize - They were being recognised for their efforts to contain the spread of nuclear weapons.

· Reporter sues NASA, alleges UFO cover-up - Witnesses claim a UFO landed 30 miles southeast of Pittsburgh. Kean charges NASA is trying to cover-up what happened and wants the space agency to release documents about the incident.

· New documents offer details of the FBI's secret OKC investigation - Several newly revealed FBI documents provide the most dramatic evidence to date that the Oklahoma City bombing was carried out by a conspiracy involving more people than Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols.





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