Date: December 14th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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·        Monday, 12/14: Dick Cheney’s role in the events of 9/11, divisions in the 9/11 truth movement, peak oil & the CIA drug trade.

Michael Rupert of From the Wilderness.



FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for it’s overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -

TVNL Editor's Comments: American patriots can learn a lesson from suicide bombers. No, I don’t mean we should be blowing ourselves up or taking the lives of innocent people. I mean we should risk more in order to defeat our enemies (within).

Many people have inside information about terrible crimes being committed but they are scared to come forward. They fear everything from losing their job to having the government come after them. Many even fear blackmail.

Well guess what…America and the world needs people to risk all and come forward to expose everything from election fraud to the truth behind 9/11. Next time you see a New Hampshire license plate read the motto at the bottom…it says “Live Free, Or Die”. Think about that.

It’s time that the silent majority become the brave majority. If you know about the problem and you are not part of the solution then you are part of the problem. It’s time you become the solution! Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:







· Police Seize Forged Ballots Headed to Iraq From Iran - Less than two days before nationwide elections, the Iraqi border police seized a tanker on Tuesday that had just crossed from Iran filled with thousands of forged ballots, an official at the Interior Ministry said.
TVNL Comment: Setting up
Iran for an invasion?

· US claims international 'boycott' of Saddam trial - US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has accused the world community of boycotting the trial of deposed Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein and doing little to help prosecute him.
TVNL Comment: That is because the world is complicit in his actions, as is the

· FOUR TASK FORCE BAGHDAD SOLDIERS KILLED - LINK - Four Task Force Baghdad Soldiers were killed when their patrol struck an improvised explosive device northwest of Baghdad Dec. 13.





· Fitzgerald briefs grand jury Wednesday - Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald will present additional evidence to a grand jury Wednesday morning in the CIA leak case that could result in an indictment being handed up against White House Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove, sources close to the investigation told RAW STORY.





· Fed Raises Rate to 4.25%, Drops Reference to `Accommodation' - Federal Reserve policy makers raised the main U.S. interest rate to 4.25 percent, the 13th rate boost in a row, and signaled they may soon end their run of increases.

· Housing Costs Lifting Rentals Out of Reach - The cost of rental housing has increased faster than wages, making it increasingly difficult for low-income families to afford even modest apartments, an advocacy group said Tuesday.

· Police: Elderly sell pain pills for cash - "When a person is on Social Security, drawing $500 a month, and they can sell their pain pills for $10 apiece, they'll take half of them for themselves and sell the other half to pay their electric bills or buy groceries," Floyd County jailer Roger Webb said.



9/11 News :


· High-Level Officials Warn of Fake Terror - A variety of current and former high-level officials have recently warned that the Bush administration is attempting to instill a dictatorship in America, and will itself carry out a fake terrorist attack in order to obtain one.











· No White House Bailout for New Orleans Utility - Residents could see their bills soar by 140% at a time when few can afford it, said Clint Vince, who advises the City Council on energy matters. He acknowledged that utilities frequently passed natural-disaster losses on to their customers, but said the scope of the calamity in New Orleans made that impossible.
TVNL Comment: But oil companies get tax breaks.

· Is the Pentagon spying on Americans? - Secret database obtained by NBC News tracks ‘suspicious’ domestic groups

· SECURITIES FRAUD LITIGATION FILED AGAINST DIEBOLD, INC! - Class Action Suit Alleges Fraud, Insider Trading, Manipulation of Stock Prices, Concealment of Known Flaws in Voting Machines and Company Structural Problems

· Telecoms want their products to travel on a faster Internet - Cable TV companies like Comcast Corp. have invaded the telecoms' main business, telephone service. The telecoms want to strike back by offering Internet-based television.





· Calif. regulators unveil solar power plan - State energy regulators on Tuesday unveiled one of the nation's most ambitious programs to expand the market for solar power, proposing to offer more than $3 billion in consumer rebates over the next decade.





· Indonesian court jails electoral commission chief - An Indonesian court has jailed the head of the country's national electoral commission for seven years for corruption.

· Iranian President denies Holocaust - "They have fabricated a legend under the name 'Massacre of the Jews', and they hold it higher than God himself, religion itself and the prophets themselves," he told a crowd in the south-eastern city of Zahedan on Wednesday.





· Rumsfeld mulls cut in military personnel - Hampered by an increasingly combative relationship with Congress, the Pentagon is expected to seek savings from its payroll rather than making deep cuts in major weapons programs in its next long-range plan.

· US Navy helicopter crashes off Colombia - Three crew members are missing.





· America, Home of the Brave? What a Joke! - It’s time that the silent majority become the brave majority. If you know about the problem and you are not part of the solution then you are part of the problem. It’s time you become the solution!

· You Are Not Alone - Recent articles published on the Internet reveal a very personal side to the political mood of people in this country. These thoughts show that real human passions lie behind the cold public opinion polls numbers that chart what is so obvious to anyone who cares about America’s political future: 1) the majority of the American people are totally fed up with the direction the country is headed; and 2) a large number of people don’t think the Democratic Party is doing enough to get it turned back in the right direction.

· A Voter's Bill of Rights - NVRI today is a prominent legal and public education center committed to preserving the right of all citizens to vote and to participate in the electoral process on an equal and meaningful basis.

· A Mole in the Progressive Movement? - David Corn has frequently served as a Neo-Con Lite version of someone who dismisses those who have investigated the crimes of the U.S. government. Corn's attacks against Greg Palast for his coverage of the very real and demonstrably criminal vote fraud in Ohio in 2004 and Florida in 2000 is a case in point. Palast relied on good old pavement-pounding to discover the fraud. The same cannot be said for Corn and his dismissal of the Palast's story. The same situation occured with Corn's attacks on the book Forbidden Truth, published by his Nation magazine's very own publisher. Never mind the fact that the United States had been negotiating with the Taliban just prior to 9/11 as highlighted in the book. Corn's unforgivable attack against the late investigative journalist Gary Webb was an all time low for someone who seems to relish launching broadsides against those who may represent some perceived competition.





· What if there really was a Liberal Bias in the Press? - What if you woke up one morning and went to your front walk and picked up your morning paper to find that overnight there had been a revolution and the press really had been taken over by liberals. What would it look like? I think it might look something like this.

· Yes, We Murder Journalists - Throughout this period of allegedly killing and torturing journalists, the Pentagon has always maintained a stance of plausible deniability. The bombings were accidental. Given the massive civilian carnage in Iraq and the now legendary stupidity of our alleged “smart bombs,” this was plausible—though highly unlikely and embarrassing nonetheless on a whole bunch of other fronts. And the arrests? Well, you know. Shit happens.





· Researchers link vitamin D to healthier lungs - Higher amounts of vitamin D could help make it easier to breathe, according to new findings released on Monday, offering possible good news for smokers, asthmatics and other people with respiratory problems.





· Investigator: U.S. Shipped Out Detainees - A European investigator said Tuesday he has found mounting indications the United States illegally held detainees in Europe but then hurriedly shipped out the last ones to North Africa a month ago when word leaked out.





· Paul Hellyer, Former Canadian Minister of Defense Discusses UFO Cover-up on MSNBC - "I finally concluded, especially after reading a book called “The Day After Roswell” written by Colonel Philip Corso, that unidentified flying objects are, in fact real. I am hoping that we can persuade the Canadian Senate to hold hearings and listen to some of the 400 witnesses that...Dr. Steven Greer, has compiled."





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