Date: December 15th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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·        Monday, 12/14: Dick Cheney’s role in the events of 9/11, divisions in the 9/11 truth movement, peak oil & the CIA drug trade.

Michael Rupert of From the Wilderness.



FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for it’s overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -

TVNL Editor's Comments: Let me decipher the current administration’s pro-military double speak. We hear so much a about how Republicans are pro-military. We hear how this current administration “supports” the troops. Let me splash some reality on that notion.

First off, what is pro-military? This is the most misused and ambiguous term in our vernacular. It means nothing. There are virtually no Americans who do not appreciate the individuals who serve our nation. “Supporting the troops” is another stupid phrase. To Republicans it means “shut your mouth and let us use, misuse, abuse and shortchange the troops however we want to!” To liberals it means stop cutting the troops benefits, address the homeless veteran situation, fund the VA hospitals, don’t send them into battle unless it is truly necessary and when you send them to battle make damn sure that they have the equipment they need.

Donald Rumsfeld may be the most anti-troop Defense Secretary in the history of the world. I won’t even bring up the horribly miss-planned and under-resourced invasion of Iraq; I’ll just talk about his strategy of making the military more efficient and streamlined. You know, creating a smaller, faster military. Well wake up people, this is code for replacing the military with profit based paramilitary companies. Yes, Donald Rumsfeld is outsourcing our military. What is taking place is our military funding is now going to private contractors that perform tasks that our military used to do or should be doing. And our military would do a better job at those tasks to begin with! The only real differences are that the military now has lower quality support and private companies (friends of Rumsfeld, Bush, Cheney, etc) can now earn record profits, with little accountability, by means of no-bid contracts.

In a nutshell the current pro-troop administration is diverting billions of dollars away from the military and placing it in the hands of their friends who own and run corporations. They are increasing the industrial elements of war. They are increasing the presence of the military industrial complex. And they are leaving the troops, especially those who can not longer serve because of age or injury, to fend for themselves with virtually no support whatsoever.

So I ask you, who supports the troops? It’s not who you think! Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

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· Morgue can't cope with numbers of bodies arriving on a daily basis, doctors say - "We receive over 1,600 corpses on a monthly basis and the huge number of bodies has resulted in a lack of space for them," Ameen continued.

· Inside the Public Relations Blitz to Sell Iraq War Overseas - ABC News has obtained a strategy document called "The Making of Heroes: Lincoln Group and the Fight for Fallujah" — part of the Pentagon's multi-million dollar public relations campaign to sell the American war effort to the Iraqis.

· Italy to Pull Out 300 Troops From Iraq - Italy's defense minister said Thursday the country will pull 300 more troops out of Iraq in January, continuing a gradual withdrawal begun earlier this year.

· MARINE KILLED IN IED ATTACK DEC 14 - A Marine assigned to the 2nd Marine Logistics Group, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), was killed in action from an improvised explosive device attack while conducting combat operations against the enemy in the vicinity of ar Ramadi, Dec. 14.










· Consumer prices plunge 0.6% in Nov. - U.S. consumer prices fell at the fastest rate since 1949 in November, plunging 0.6% as energy prices retreated, the Labor Department said Thursday.

· Privatize Me...Corporatize Me.... Blackwaterize Me... - In a time that is roughly comparable to that of the Gilded Age, corporations and the wealthy elite in the United States revel in their virtually unparalleled power and wealth. Labor unions, whose membership peaked at 35% of the hourly wage force in the 1950's, now comprise less than 10% of the US work force. The wealth gap continues to widen to devastating proportions as the middle class slowly disappears.



9/11 News :


· The 9/11 Commission's Incredible Tales - In any case, the Commission's timeline, besides being contradicted by all those reports, is also contradicted by James Bamford's account, which is based on a transcript from ABC News. According to this account, Cheney's authorization was transmitted to Colonel Marr at NEADS, who then "sent out word to air traffic controllers to instruct fighter pilots to destroy the United jetliner." Marr reportedly said: "United Airlines Flight 93 will not be allowed to reach Washington, D.C." (238). But the Commission simply tells its new tale as if this report had never been broadcast.

· 9/11 ID computer was sham, doc sez - A shameless $10 million computer system ripoff - exposed last week by authorities - slowed the grim process of identifying 9/11 victims, the former head of the city's DNA unit charged yesterday.

· 9/11 Evidence Ignored By Apathetic American Public - Four years after 9/11, numerous people have come forward with damaging evidence but the government has never even blinked an eye.- Worse yet, the state sponsored media and the American people have turned a blind eye and a deaf ear, a sign of cover-up by the media and apathy on the part of the people.






· Former Senate maverick William Proxmire dies - Tenure marked by independence, battles against government waste

· Senate Democrat May Block Nominee for Pentagon Post - J. Dorrance Smith, the nominee, testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee in a closed session about an opinion article in which he accused U.S. television networks of helping terrorists through the networks' partnerships with al-Jazeera.

· Senate Is Set to Require Details on Secret Prisons - The Senate is poised to approve a measure that would require the Bush administration to provide Congress with its most specific and extensive accounting about the secret pris





· In a Shift, Anti-Prostitution Effort Targets Pimps and Johns - Behind the scenes, an unlikely coalition of evangelicals, feminists, liberal activists and conservative human rights advocates are pushing the issue. They are trying to reframe the way people talk about prostitutes, calling them "survivors" and signing off e-mails with the slogan "Abolition!"

· Leon County, FL to Dump Diebold After Undetectable Hack Reverses Test Election! - Results Completely Flipped Despite 800 Documented Officials Told by Diebold That It Couldn't be Done!










· Poor countries flex muscles at WTO talks - Global trade talks were confronted with growing pressure from poorer countries, with African cotton producers and Latin American banana exporters leading the charge for fairer treatment.

· Canada-US war of words escalates - Canada's Prime Minister, Paul Martin, has warned the US that he will "not be dictated to", saying Canadians expected him to stand up for their country.





· Who Supports the Troops? Not Who You Think! - Let me decipher the current administration’s pro-military double speak. We hear so much a about how Republicans are pro-military. We hear how this current administration “supports” the troops. Let me splash some reality on that notion.










· Iraqi Shias slam Arab TV channel - Thousands of Iraqi Shias have staged demonstrations in several cities in protest against the Arabic satellite television channel al-Jazeera.










· U.S. Envoy Says Detainee Abuse Was Worse Than Described - The American ambassador in Iraq said today that more than 100 detainees had been abused in two Iraqi detention facilities, more than had been previously disclosed.

· Latvia cements gay marriage ban - MPs in the Baltic state of Latvia have passed a constitutional amendment ensuring that gay couples cannot marry.
TVNL Comment: Now their citizens will be safe, healty & happy!





· Bush friend linked to top job in Russian oil industry - A former cabinet minister and close personal friend of George Bush may be appointed head of Russia's leading state oil company, it was reported yesterday.





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