Date: December 16th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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·        Monday, 12/14: Peak Oil. Are we running out oil? Are we headed for economic and lifestyle doom? Are we ignoring the biggest threat to us?

Michael Rupert of From the Wilderness. Michael Rupert is a former Los Angeles police officer who has exposed the CIA drug trade, identified Dick Cheney’s role in the events of 9/11 and is now warning the public about what is possible the greatest threat the modern man’s way of life.



FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for it’s overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -

TVNL Editor's Comments: Um, how can I say this gently? STOP HAVING BABIES! Enough already with these large families! You are endangering the future of mankind!

I was watching CNN today, because I have to in order to run my website, and the anchormorons The O’Brien team were smiling over the fact that a family on the west coast will have a tough time buying holiday gifts. This is because THEY HAVE 17 CHILDREN! Do you people realize that if every couple had 17 children we would enter an Armageddon type era within a decade?

The world can not sustain population growth anymore. We won’t have room to house people, to dispose of all the waste that we produce and we’ll have problem producing enough food for that many people. The amount of fossil fuel needed to keep them warm, produce their electricity or power their cars will not be available and it would cause more global warming than the planet could deal with.

I tell you right now that I fear for future generations. We are being so irresponsible with this planet that their survival is now in question. We are using up everything, destroying natural resources, contaminating large sections of the world and we are contributing to the extinction of thousands of life forms. We are creating new toxins and viruses and we are spreading them all over the world. We are actually destroying the eco system that lets us live in the first place.

STOP OVERPOPULATING THE WORLD! 2 kids are enough! Instead of having MORE children try educating the children you have. Maybe they will be smart enough to stop destroying the world! Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:












· Ex-Abramoff Partner Pleads Guilty to Fraud - A former business partner of Washington lobbyist Jack Abramoff pleaded guilty Thursday to fraud and conspiracy in the ill-fated 2000 purchase of a fleet of gambling boats.

· Fitzgerald briefs grand jury Wednesday - Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald will present additional evidence to a grand jury Wednesday morning in the CIA leak case that could result in an indictment being handed up against White House Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove, sources close to the investigation told RAW STORY.





· Adobe Posts 4Q Profit, Plans Job Cuts - Adobe Systems Inc., which makes software such as Acrobat for creating digital documents, posted higher fourth-quarter earnings Thursday but said it will cut 650 to 700 jobs as it folds recently acquired rival Macromedia Inc. into its operations.
TVNL Comment: Profits = job cuts? Great formula for a good economy! I keep saying that mergers are the most dangerous trend in our economy. Soon only a few powerful corporations will own everything. It is the economic take over of the world.

· BellSouth to Slash 1, 500 Management Jobs - BellSouth Corp., the dominant local phone provider in nine Southeastern states, said Thursday it is cutting 1,500 management jobs, or 2.4 percent of its total work force, because of competition from cable providers.



9/11 News :













· 11M U.S. Adults Can't Read English - About one in 20 adults in the U.S. is not literate in English, meaning 11 million people lack the skills to handle many everyday tasks, a federal study shows.
TVNL Comment: So we are the "greatest nation in the world?" Why do we keep saying that? Do you know what the literacy rate is in
Cuba? It is 97% Think about that.

· Bush 'backed spying on Americans' - President Bush allowed security agents to eavesdrop on people inside the US without search warrants after 9/11, the New York Times has reported.





· Stop Having Children! PLEASE! - The world can not sustain population growth anymore.

· 2005 Continues the Warming Trend - Three studies released yesterday differ slightly, but they all indicate the Earth is rapidly warming.

· Radiation alert at Chechen plant - Prosecutors in Chechnya are looking into how "catastrophic" levels of radioactivity were recorded at a factory in the Russian republic.

· Toxic leak reaches Russian river - A toxic river spill from a chemical explosion in China has reached Russian waters, Moscow has said.





· Berlusconi Changes Rules to His Benefit - The law seems another example of how far the political fortunes of Mr. Berlusconi - who has presided over the longest Italian government since World War II - have fallen. Critics also say the way Mr. Berlusconi, the nation's richest man, pushed the law through was a new level of audacity for a politician more or less defined by that quality.

· Hamas wins in West Bank elections - Palestinian militant group Hamas has won a sweeping victory in municipal elections in the West Bank.

· Bolivia candidate 'US nightmare' - Mr Morales has vowed to end free-market policies and legalise the growing of coca, which has traditional uses but is also used in the production of cocaine.

· Argentina to pay off debt early - Argentina has said it will pay its $10bn debt to the International Monetary Fund three years early.
TVNL Comment: Watch out for a leadership change here. Any natoin that does not remain in debt to the international bankers who own the world by way of debt, will not be permitted to do so for long.

· British UN worker unlawfully shot - A British UN project manager, shot by an Israeli sniper, was unlawfully killed a UK inquest has concluded.





· Reservist Arrested on Iraqi Bribe Charges - An Army Reserve lieutenant colonel was arrested Thursday on charges she was part of a conspiracy to steer Iraqi reconstruction contracts to a businessman in exchange for money and gifts, including a Cadillac SUV.





· Senator Gary Hart Challenges the Unholy Alliance of 'Faith' and Government - Politics is about compromise. If you cannot compromise on issues that are not central to a person’s faith – and that’s about 99% of the issues our country faces – then the country doesn’t work. The government doesn’t work.






· New York Times admits it held domestic spying story for a full year - On the second page of a report which reveals the White House engaged in warantless domestic spying, the New York Times reveals that it held the story for a full year at the request of the Bush Administration, RAW STORY can reveal.
TVNL Comment: Liberl rag? Have we had enough of the Times yet?





· THE WAR OVER OUR GENITALS - The American Pharmacists Association allows its members to refuse to fill prescriptions on moral grounds, as long as they refer their customers to a more open-minded colleague. But thirteen states have proposed or passed laws that would eliminate the referral requirement, and the trend is accelerating.





· Tutu urges apartheid prosecutions - South Africa should have prosecuted the perpetrators of apartheid-era atrocities who did not seek amnesty, Archbishop Desmond Tutu has said.





· Stunning allegations in Polk County - The founder and pastor of the church, 52-year-old Rubin Thankful Thompson Jr., has been charged with five counts of incest for allegedly fathering his own grandchildren with his daughter.
TVNL Comment: Hallelujah!

· Top Ten American War Criminals Living Freely Today - A war crime is a punishable offense, under international law, for violations of the law of war by any person or persons, military or civilian. Every violation of the law of war is a war crime. Also, war crimes are those committed during wartime in violation of international conventions intended to protect civilian populations and prisoners of war. You will note that many on this list, categorized as war criminals, ironically, are among the most powerful and wealthy US citizens





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