Date: December 20th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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·        TODAY: Monday, 12/19: Peak Oil. Are we running out oil? Are we headed for economic and lifestyle doom? Are we ignoring the biggest threat ever to modern man?

Michael C. Ruppert of From the Wilderness. Michael C. Ruppert of From the Wilderness. Michael Ruppert. a former Los Angeles police officer who exposed the CIA drug trade and identified Dick Cheney’s role in the events of 9/11, is now warning the public about what is possibly the greatest threat to the modern man’s way of life.

·        Tuesday, 12/20: September 11th

Guest: Eric Hufscmidt. - Author, film maker, conspiracy researcher.



FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for it’s overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -

TVNL Editor's Comments: In our black and white world of George W. Bush logic, where you are either with us or against us, you are either good or evil and you are either pro-war or anti-troop, breaking the law sure seems to be a gray area. How is it that everything is so clear to the Bush lemmings yet when there is a clear and obvious violation of the law by a Bush administration official or by Bush himself, the shades of gray pallet appears?

Wire tapping Americans without a court order is illegal. George W. Bush authorized this illegal activity. There is no further discussion necessary. He broke the law. He admitted breaking the law. Now treat him as a law breaker. Period. End of story.

If you do not know how to deal with someone who breaks the law do a google search for the words “Bill Clinton” & “impeachment”. Maybe that will jar your memory and you will remember how important the rule of law was to you! Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:







· Bush Says Iraq War Is Good for Israel - In sharp contrast to the growing consensus of Jerusalem's security and political establishment, President Bush argued this week that Israel's safety depends on democratization of the Arab world.

· Rise in poll complaints troubles Iraq vote monitors - Suspected polling violations on voting day last week far exceeded the number in Iraq's first election in January, local and international monitors said yesterday.

· Iraqi militants broadcast hostage's 'killing' - A Sunni Arab extremist group close to Al Qaeda has broadcast a videotape on the Internet, which shows the execution of a man it says is an American contractor held hostage in Iraq.

· MARINE KILLED IN ACTION - A Marine assigned to the 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), was killed in action by small arms fire while conducting combat operations against the enemy in ar Ramadi, Dec. 18.

· MARINE DIES FROM NON-HOSTILE GUNSHOT WOUND - A Marine assigned to the 2nd Marine Logistics Group, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), died from a non-hostile gunshot wound here, Dec. 16.





· Bush Broke the Law. Period. End of Story. Now Treat Him Like a Law Breaker. - Wire tapping Americans without a court order is illegal. George W. Bush authorized this illegal activity. There is no further discussion necessary. He broke the law. He admitted breaking the law. Now treat him as a law breaker. Period. End of story.

· Powell admits being sidelined by Cheney, Rumsfeld - Former U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell said Vice President Dick Cheney and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld went behind his back, and the backs of other members of the administration.

· Bob Barr: The president violated the law - Bob Barr came out swinging against Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) on CNN yesterday-over news that President Bush has been spying on U.S. citizens.








9/11 News :


· Hollywood starts confronting 9/11 - So will this Hollywood slate of Sept. 11 films be more than high-impact flag-waving?

· Distinguished University of Minnesota Philosophy Professor Joins 9/11 Fight, Saying the Truth Must Be Uncovered - James H.Fetzer, PhD., has publicly thrown his hat in the ring to support other professors seriously questioning and casting doubt on the official 9/11 story.






· House Opens Way for Oil Drilling in Arctic - The House also narrowly passed a plan to cut deficits by almost $40 billion over five years in legislation hailed by GOP conservatives as a sign their party was returning to fiscal discipline and assailed by Democrats as victimizing medical and education programs that help the poor.

· Sen. Reid calls US Congress 'most corrupt in history' - "Don't lump me in with Jack Abramoff. This is a Republican scandal," Reid told Fox News Sunday, saying he never received any money from Abramoff.

· Lawmakers Call for Domestic Spying Probe - Specter said he wants Bush's advisers to cite their specific legal authority for bypassing the courts. Bush said the attorney general and White House counsel's office had affirmed the legality of his actions.





· New Patriot Act Amendments would Create Secret Police - This "Secret Police" will have rights to warrantless arrest. They can be called upon by the president at special events of national significance, as determined by the President.










· Anti-US leftist clinches Bolivia election - Washington considers Morales an enemy in its anti-drug fight in Bolivia, the third biggest cocaine producer after Colombia and Peru. His critics fear a Morales government could jeopardize the country's flow of multi-million dollar economic aid from Washington.

· Sharon rushed to Jerusalem hospital after minor stroke - Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was rushed to hospital in Jerusalem on Sunday evening after apparently suffering a minor stroke. About an hour later, the hospital said that the prime minister was in a stable condition.

· Pakistan to stand by Iran in case of US aggression: Kasuri - Foreign Minister Khursheed Kasuri has said Pakistan strictly opposes any expected US attack on Iran, and will stand by Iran if this extreme step is taken by Washington.





· Wounded veteran: War 'a mistake' - Wounded Iraq war vet L. Tammy Duckworth, who launches her Democratic campaign for Congress today, said she would have not voted to authorize the war that cost her both of her legs and mangled her arm.

· Army accepts more low-aptitude recruits - The Army met its recruiting goal for November by again accepting a high percentage of recruits who scored in the lowest category on the military’s aptitude tests, Pentagon officials said Thursday, raising renewed concerns that the quality of the all-volunteer force will suffer.

· Reservist Arrested on Iraqi Bribe Charges - An Army Reserve lieutenant colonel was arrested Thursday on charges she was part of a conspiracy to steer Iraqi reconstruction contracts to a businessman in exchange for money and gifts, including a Cadillac SUV.





· Every Day Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld are in Office, Our Lives and the Lives of Our Loved Ones are Increasingly at Risk - It is, let us remember again and again, the Bush Administration who puts us at greatest risk for terrorism.





· ABC news loses war - The London-based ABC News correspondent who claimed he was fired because he refused assignments in Iraq and Afghanistan won his unfair dismissal case against the network on Friday.

· How the media "authorize" the abuse of government power - And most disturbing of all, we have a media that, because of protive motives and fear of power, are more than happy to help that president publicly justify his disregard for the rule of law.

· Media Bias Is Real, Finds UCLA Political Scientist - The most centrist outlet proved to be the "NewsHour With Jim Lehrer." CNN's "NewsNight With Aaron Brown" and ABC's "Good Morning America" were a close second and third.

· 'Super Size Me' filmmaker plans film on conservatives, science - The book by Chris Mooney argues that Republican stances on stem-cell research, global climate change and sex education, among other topics, show a conservative bias on environment, health and security issues.

· U.S. firm paid $20M for Iraq propaganda - The Washington company hired by the Pentagon to secretly write anonymous pro-U.S. news stories in Iraq was paid $20 million for a two-month contract.

· How The Media Works - Anatomy Of A News Photograph - This is a great example of press censorship - and how communist control is influencing protests.





· Conflicts of interest: How Big Pharma influences the FDA's drug approval process at the expense of public safety - The bottom line is, there should be a divide between the individuals approving drugs and the companies making those drugs. Individuals with financial ties to the drug industry should not be approving drugs for public use.

· Castro's 'miracle' cures the poor of blindness - A remarkable humanitarian programme is under way here, which aims to restore the sight of six million people through free eye surgery.





· US operated secret prison in Kabul: group - US officials operated a secret prison near Kabul where detainees were abused and tortured as recently as 2004, the rights group Human Rights Watch said today, citing former inmates as sources.






· Seven Verifiable Facts May Change Our World and Lead to a Brighter Future - If the facts presented here were reported in headline news where they belong, concerned citizens would be astounded and demand to know more.





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