Date: December 22nd 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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·        Monday, 12/19: Peak Oil. Are we running out oil? Are we headed for economic and lifestyle doom? Are we ignoring the biggest threat ever to modern man?

Michael C. Ruppert of From the Wilderness. Michael C. Ruppert of From the Wilderness. Michael Ruppert. a former Los Angeles police officer who exposed the CIA drug trade and identified Dick Cheney’s role in the events of 9/11, is now warning the public about what is possibly the greatest threat to the modern man’s way of life.


·        Tuesday, 12/20: September 11th

Guest: Eric Hufschmidt. - Author, film maker, conspiracy researcher.



FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for it’s overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -

TVNL Editor's Comments: “I did not have sexual relations with that illegal wiretap order!” Maybe if that was one of the thousands of lies uttered by George W. Bush over the last 5 years it would get news coverage. Maybe if sex was involved with the numerous lies of George W. Bush the news coverage would be adequate. I suppose you can change the “illegal wiretap” portion of that statement to any one of a thousand things like “fixed intelligence about Iraq”, “widespread voting irregularities that all went in my favor”, “unanswered questions about 9/11”, etc. The list is endless.

So have you been able to count the lies that have come out of George W. Bush’s mouth? I lost count years ago, but I can tell you how many of his lies were pointed out by the US media: ZERO! Interestingly enough this week we have clear and undeniable poof that Bush once again lied and he lied to cover up the fact that he broke the law. We are not talking about marital infidelity here; we are talking about violating the US Constitution.

We have seen video evidence of George W. Bush acknowledging that all wiretaps require court orders and that all the wiretaps that his administration complies with the law. Wouldn’t it be nice if America had a single broadcast news organization who felt that this was important as the Monica Lewinski scandal? Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

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· Bush's Gift to America - Endless War - Bush practices a Manichean variety of Christianity. He divides everything into two categories: good and evil. He used this simplistic thinking throughout his speech.

· Iraqi parties seek new election - Sunni Arab and secular parties in Iraq have threatened to boycott the new parliament, complaining that last week's elections were marred by fraud.

· Saddam decries White House 'lies' - The former president said the US could not be believed, as proved by its pre-war claims that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, and the fact that none were found.





· THE PRESIDENT WHO DOES NOT LIE! - How the American media use euphemisms, substitutions, and muted language to re-define and soft-pedal the word LIE!

· Abramoff mostly paid Republicans - U.S. President George W. Bush calls indicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff "an equal money dispenser" who helped politicians of both parties. Campaign donation records show Republicans were a lot more equal than Democrats. - Between 2001 and 2004, Abramoff gave more than US$127,000 to Republican candidates and committees and nothing to Democrats, federal records show.

· Spying, the Constitution — and the ‘I-word’ - 2006 will offer up Nixon-era nastiness and a chorus of calls to impeach Bush

· Leak probe not seen to end with Rove, lawyers say - Individuals close to the probe say Fitzgerald is still investigating other unnamed White House officials.





· Nearly One in 10 Pension Plans Said Frozen - The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp., the federal agency that guarantees worker pension benefits, said 9.4 percent of the 29,000 plans it insures and for which it had data were "hard-frozen" in 2003, the most recent year for which numbers were available. Hard-frozen means employees can no longer accrue benefits under a pension plan.
TVNL Comment: So how about those tax cuts and this strong economy?



9/11 News :








· Senate reaches Patriot Act deal - The US Senate has passed a six-month extension of the anti-terrorist law known as the Patriot Act.
TVNL Comment: Anti-terrorist law or anti-Constitution law?

· Abramoff said to discuss plea deal - Mr. Abramoff is believed to have extensive knowledge of what prosecutors suspect is a wider pattern of corruption among lawmakers and Congressional staff members. One participant in the case who insisted on anonymity because of the sensitivity of the negotiations described him as a "unique resource."

· Pirro to Drop N.Y. Senate Bid, Sources Say - Jeanine Pirro has decided to halt her struggling campaign for the Republican nomination to challenge Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton in 2006, two Republicans close to the situation said Wednesday.





· Diebold Hack Hints at Wider Flaws - Election officials spooked by tampering in a test last week of Diebold optical-scan voting machines should be equally wary of optical-scan equipment produced by other manufacturers, according to a computer scientist who conducted the test.

· Department's Mission Was Undermined From Start - Nearly three years after it was created in the largest government reorganization since the Department of Defense, DHS does have a story, but so far it is one of haphazard design, bureaucratic warfare and unfulfilled promises.

· Judges on Surveillance Court To Be Briefed on Spy Program - Several members of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court said in interviews that they want to know why the administration believed secretly listening in on telephone calls and reading e-mails of U.S. citizens without court authorization was legal.

· Bush Forcing The Nation To Choose Degradation Of Our Values Or Impeachment... - Until Mr. Bush openly proclaimed as commander in chief that he can brush aside the law, cries for impeachment were heard only on the political fringe, although most Americans have long since realized that he misled America into war.





· EU quotas bring modest fish cuts - Scientists had called for a blanket ban on cod fishing due to low stocks, but this was opposed by fishing fleets.

· Japan's population set to shrink - Deaths are expected to exceed births by 10,000, and inward migration will not make up the difference.





· Cuba launches verbal assault on top US diplomat - "Michael Parmly has quickly begun to carry out his job as the ruthless guardian and springboard of the anti-Cuba Bush policy, having frequent contacts with his mercenaries, guiding them, supplying them and exhibiting them to the press," program moderator Randy Alonso said.

· Nuclear Pakistan Will Back Iran If Attacked By US - Pakistan's Foreign Minister Khurshid Mahmood Kasuri has said that Pakistan is strictly opposed to any U.S. attack on Iran and will stand by Tehran if this extreme step is taken by Washington.

· Russia Will Take Syria's Side If War With US Erupts - Nikolai Leonov, a member of parliament's security committee, who had recently visited Syria along with Sultanov and other MPs, said it was primarily beneficial for the U.S. to accuse Syria of murdering Hariri. "Indeed, Syria is an excellent oil corridor with access to deep-water Mediterranean ports. Besides, this is a good pretext to distract the world community's attention from the events in Iraq," the MP said.

· Lebanon calm over US hijack plea - Lebanon has expressed surprise at US demands that it track down a hijacker freed from jail in Germany.

· Hunger leads to deaths in Kenya - These reports come two days after UN agencies warned that 2.5 million Kenyans could face famine next year unless food aid pleas are met.
TVNL Comment: No liberation from the threat of hunger by the Bush/PNAC crew!










· I Did Not Have Sexual Relations With That Illegal Wiretap Order!” - Maybe if sex was involved with the numerous lies of George W. Bush the news coverage would be adequate.

· The Would-Be Dictator: How We Got to This Awful Place - It's clear that Bush violated the law by ordering the National Security Agency to engage in warrantless domestic spying on U.S. citizens. So, once again, I have a question for those who, perhaps somewhat reluctantly, voted for George Bush: NOW do you get it?





· Drudge Fact Check:Clinton/Carter Executive Orders Did Not Authorize Warrantless - The top of the Drudge Report claims “CLINTON EXECUTIVE ORDER: SECRET SEARCH ON AMERICANS WITHOUT COURT ORDER…” It’s not true. Here’s the breakdown

· C-SPAN Slanting Right - Of the partisan guests, Republicans outnumbered Democrats nearly two to one (134 to 70). Not a single representative of a third party appeared during the study period.

· Bush’s Snoopgate - The president was so desperate to kill The New York Times’ eavesdropping story, he summoned the paper’s editor and publisher to the Oval Office. But it wasn’t just out of concern about national security.










· Americans tortured me - Saddam - "I have been beaten on every place of my body, and the signs are all over my body," he told the court.





· Hackers Break Into Computer-Security Firm's Customer Database - Guidance Software -- the leading provider of software used to diagnose hacker break-ins -- has itself been hacked, resulting in the exposure of financial and personal data connected to thousands of law enforcement officials and network-security professionals.





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