Date: January 8th 2006

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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·        Tuesday, 12/27: News Talk. Holidays, America (the not so great), image vs. reality, France, sports…whatever. Call in today. Bring up a topic!

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Editor’s Comments -

TVNL Editor's Comments: The criminal pretend news networks halted their broadcasts yesterday each time there was a press conference regarding the medical condition of the one surviving miner (you thought I was going to say Ariel Sharon…didn’t you?) of the accident we all know so much about. How do they keep from laughing as they announce this type of information as if it were a real national news event? Why are this man’s doctors holding press conferences in the first place? Who is affected by the news of his condition? They should be holding briefings with the man’s family and nobody else! (I spent 2 hours calling up the news networks so that I could yell my head off at them for their laughable coverage! I asked them if they would cover news about my mother’s hangnail which was more important to me than the health of an accident victim that I never met and has absolutely no impact on my life and never will! )

The US media made sure they informed you about every single aspect of this man’s health, which included in depth questions being asked by the mob of reporters spending their entire day waiting for this unimportant news. What the US media did not have time to do however, is report to you the details or even a summary about the 38,000 people who are dying each month as a result of the ongoing conflict in the Congo.

The reason for this is that ever since Henry Kissinger recommended that “population reduction” in Africa should be official US foreign policy because the US may one day grow to a point of needing the natural resources of Africa, the policy has been followed and the US media will not let you know this.

You see, the US media has been compromised by the powerful entities that actually control our government and dictate policy. This has been proven time and time again. But even if you refuse to believe this you can not deny the fact that the US media ignores all news that exposes atrocities that are committed, supported or quietly tolerated by US. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

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· Iraq war could cost US over $2 trillion, says Nobel prize-winning economist - The real cost to the US of the Iraq war is likely to be between $1 trillion and $2 trillion (£1.1 trillion), up to 10 times more than previously thought, according to a report written by a Nobel prize-winning economist and a Harvard budget expert.
TVNL Comment: So were they lying or were they incompetent?

· Pentagon Study Links Fatalities to Body Armor - A secret Pentagon study has found that as many as 80 percent of the marines who have been killed in Iraq from wounds to the upper body could have survived if they had had extra body armor. Such armor has been available since 2003, but until recently the Pentagon has largely declined to supply it to troops despite calls from the field for additional protection, according to military officials.





· Results of AP-Ipsos Poll on Bush, Congress - The Associated Press-Ipsos poll on public attitudes about President Bush and Congress, conducted Jan. 3-5, is based on telephone interviews with 1,001 adults from all states except Alaska and Hawaii.
TVNL Comment: Yet we are supposed to believe that one year ago these people were so satisfied that they re-elected Bush?

· Bush using a little-noticed strategy to alter the balance of power - President Bush agreed with great fanfare last month to accept a ban on torture, but he later quietly reserved the right to ignore it, even as he signed it into law.

· Report Rebuts Bush on Spying - A report by Congress's research arm concluded yesterday that the administration's justification for the warrantless eavesdropping authorized by President Bush conflicts with existing law and hinges on weak legal arguments.

· Lobbyist was only doing what came naturally - ONE of the most puzzling things about the corruption scandal engulfing the US Congress is that Jack Abramoff, the lobbyist who this week pleaded guilty to fraud and conspiracy charges, did almost nothing to hide what he was doing.








9/11 News :


· A cop dies & kin blame 9/11 debris - A retired NYPD detective, who worked more than 450 hours at Ground Zero, died Thursday from brain and respiratory complications that his family insists were linked to the World Trade Center cleanup.






· House GOP Calls for DeLay Replacement - Days after lobbyist Jack Abramoff pleaded guilty in courtrooms in two cities, a pair of GOP lawmakers circulated a petition calling for elections to pick a permanent replacement for DeLay.





· Homeland Security opening private mail - Retired professor confused, angered when letter from abroad is opened

· IRS tracked taxpayers’ political affiliation - As it hunted down tax scofflaws, the Internal Revenue Service collected information on the political party affiliations of taxpayers in 20 states.










· · 'Politics influences World Bank loans' - The study concluded that IMF and World Bank loans were more heavily influenced by the political interests of its biggest Western shareholders than actual economic crisis
TVNL Comment: Are you laughing out loud at this? Are you surprised?
Do you know who owns the world? Can you say "international bankers?" They are the rulers of our planet...everything they do is political!

· Kenya in drive to feed starving - The Kenyan government has said it will buy up all the country's available maize stocks to feed those in the drought-stricken north-east.
TVNL Comment: US help: nowhere. US media: Busy reporting the details of the famliy relationships of the 11 miners who died in an accident.

· 'Thousands' dying in DR Congo war - Conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo is killing 38,000 people each month, says the Lancet medical journal.
TVNL Comment: It is called population reduction and it is backed by the
US government and ignored by the US media. Population reduction in Africa has been US policy since Kissinger recommended it in the 70s.

· World Bank suspends loans to Chad - The World Bank has suspended all loans to Chad, saying the African country's government had breached an agreement over oil revenue controls.

· Blair Criminalizes His Critics - Eighty-year-old John Catt served with the RAF in the Second World War. Last September, he was stopped by police in Brighton for wearing an "offensive" T-shirt, which suggested that Bush and Blair be tried for war crimes. He was arrested under the Terrorism Act and handcuffed, with his arms held behind his back. The official record of the arrest says the "purpose" of searching him was "terrorism" and the "grounds for intervention" were "carrying placard and T-shirt with anti-Blair info" (sic).










· Ariel Sharon - Israel's Prime Minister was a ruthless military commander responsible for one of the most shocking war crimes of the 20th century, argues Robert Fisk. President George Bush acclaims Ariel Sharon as 'a man of peace', yet the blood that was shed at Sabra and Chatila remains a stain on the conscience of the Zionist nation. As Sharon lies stricken in his hospital bed, his political career over, how will history judge him?

· Grab your camera To Protect the Integrity of the Vote - It is crucial for all citizens to re-learn how to act independently of any organization. This is the best way for true citizen oversight to become a national habit.





· 1 Injured Miner or 38,000 Dead Africans Per Month…Which Is Newsworthy in the US? - You see, the US media has been compromised by the powerful entities that actually control our government and dictate policy. This has been proven time and time again. But even if you refuse to believe this you can not deny the fact that the US media ignores all news that exposes atrocities that are committed, supported or quietly tolerated by US.

· American Journalist Kidnapped in Iraq - Gunmen kidnapped a female American journalist and killed her Iraqi translator Saturday in western Baghdad, an Interior Ministry official said.










· Slovak abortion move worries EU - An attempt by the Vatican to reduce the number of abortions in Slovakia has raised concerns in the European Union about the loss of rights for women.





· The lie detector you'll never know is there - THE US Department of Defense has revealed plans to develop a lie detector that can be used without the subject knowing they are being assessed.
TVNL Comment: Can we us it on Bush & Cheney? How about on Colin Powell? What about using it on every single TV news person?

· Dick Cheney's no-sail zone - But Dick and Lynne Cheney, who settled into St. Michaels last fall, are being blamed by the locals for stopping traffic, keeping neighbors barricaded in their homes while the motorcade passes by, and disrupting sleepers' REM cycles with low-flying Chinook helicopters.





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