Date: January 23rd 2006

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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Announcement: The Revere Radio Network has invited me to do a weekly program on their network. I will be doing a 1 hour program every Thursday night on their network. You can find out about the details here: . The Monks Media program is still scheduled and we need you to support that program so all help is appreciated.

SPECIAL New York 9/11 Event February 11th: Thanks to the hard work and personal efforts of James Richards we will be holding a special public screening of Loose Change 2. This documentary about the events of 9/11 will surely convince you that the official conspiracy theory of 9/11 as told to us by the Bush/PNAC administration is nothing more than a series of lies and deceptions. NYC police and Firefighters are encouraged to attend as well as members of the media and the NYC Department of Justice. The screening will be in New York City at the Pioneer Theater on February 11th at 9:00 PM. A screening and discussion will be held. Refreshments will be served. Seating is limited. If you wish to reserve tickets write to Admission is free but donations will be accepted. Donations will go towards 9/11 truth efforts.

ANNOUNCEMENT! We may be going off the air in January 2006 BUT YOU STILL HAVE TIME TO SAVE US!!! We (Monksmedia) need to raise $200 per program in order for Monks Media to break even. Please consider becoming a sponsor! You can advertise for as little as $50 per program or you can even buy a $10 shout out ad where we will read your personal message in the air. PLEASE ADVERTISE WITH US!!! Contact

TVNL RADIO SHOW ARCHIVE! You can listen to the show live or you can download the archived shows. The live programs are on Mondays at 12 noon ET! Spread the word! Tune in! You can call the show live, e-mail me or contact the show vie AOL Instant Messenger! I’ll post more information here but you can check out Monks Media Radio Network for information on how to listen! or for the archive and schedule: SPREAD THE WORD!

TODAY: Monday, January 23rd: 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in the USA - Webster Tarpley will be discussing his new book, 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA. Mr. Tarpley will be taking your calls and answering your e-mails live on TvNewsLIES radio. You can watch Mr. Tarpley speak abut the myth of 9/11 by clicking HERE! - Webster Griffin Tarpley is an activist and historian best known for his George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography (1992), a masterpiece of research which is still a must read. A decades-long expert on international terrorism, he directed the study Chi ha ucciso Aldo Moro? (Who Killed Aldo Moro?), commissioned by a member of the Italian government and published in Rome in 1978, which broke open the affiliation of the Red Brigades with the neofascist lodge P2.



FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for it’s overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -

TVNL Editor's Comments: So you think abortion kills “children” and it is something worth fighting against? It is a cause that is so important to some people that they get involved in the political process. They take to the streets in protest. They devote a great deal of time and energy to protecting what they consider to be live children.

OK…well here is some news for these people…pollution kills children, smoking kills children, RADIOACTIVE URANIUM SPLATTERED ACROSS IRAQ KILLS CHILDREN IN A HORRIBLE WAY! Lack of food, housing and health care kills children. Human assisted global warming related storms kill children. There is also a great deal of evidence that vaccines harm children to the point of ruining their lives (causing autism). War kills children. Need I go on?

My question to these people is this…why are you people so selective? Why do you only want to protect “children” from harm when it comes to abortion yet you support people who enable, take part in, promote or ignore the murder and harm of living breathing children all over the world? Are you stupid, ignorant, crazy or simply illogical? It is time for you to set your priorities straight and devote your energy to preventing the outright murder of completely formed living human beings. When that is settled you can start looking out for zygotes. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:







· Bodies of 23 Iraqi police recruits found - Police discovered the bodies of 23 police recruits who were part of a group of 35 killed after being ambushed in a rebel area north of Baghdad last week, a police official said on Sunday.

· TWO MARINES KILLED IN HAQLANIYAH - Two Marines assigned to Regimental Combat Team 2, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), were killed in action by a suicide vehicle-borne improvised explosive device (SVBIED) while conducting combat operations in Haqlaniyah Jan. 20.

· Deplete Uranium Is the Biggest Untold Story of War - Just how many soldiers and civilian are exposed? Here is an analogous situation that might give you an idea.

· Halliburton Cited in Iraq Contamination - Troops and civilians at a U.S. military base in Iraq were exposed to contaminated water last year and employees for the responsible contractor, Halliburton, couldn't get their company to inform camp residents, according to interviews and internal company documents.

· Professionals Fleeing Iraq As Violence, Threats Persist - Iraq's top professionals -- doctors, lawyers, professors -- and businessmen have been targeted by shadowy political groups for kidnapping and ransom, as well as murder, some of them say. So many have fled the country that Iraq is in danger of losing the core of skilled people it needs most just as it is trying to build a newly independent society.

· At Least 23 Iraqis Die in Weekend Attacks - Nevertheless, U.S. Brig. Gen. Don Alston said insurgent attacks nationwide fell 40 percent during the week ending Saturday, compared with the previous week. Attacks in Baghdad fell 80 percent for the same period, he told reporters.

· Saddam lawyers seek to try Bush, Blair - The lawyers want to try them on charges of illegally invading and occupying a sovereign country.

· Nothing depleted about 'depleted uranium' - Iraqi and visiting doctors, and a number of news reports, have reported that birth defects and cancers in Iraqi children have increased five- to 10-fold since the 1991 Gulf War and continue to increase sharply, to over 30-fold in some areas in southern Iraq. Currently, more than 50 percent of Iraqi cancer patients are children under the age of 5, up from 13 percent.

· US troops kill 3 Iraqi soldiers north of Baghdad - U.S. troops opened fire at civilian cars Saturday night in Baiji town, some 200 km north of Baghdad, killing three people, who turned out to be U.S.-trained Iraqi army soldiers, a source from the Iraqi-US liaison office in Tikrit told Xinhua on Sunday.

· Insurgent Attacks Kill at Least 13 in Iraq - There was no word, meanwhile, on the fate of American journalist Jill Carroll, kidnapped in Baghdad on Jan. 7 and last seen in a video released Jan. 17. Her kidnappers threatened to kill the 28-year-old if all Iraqi female prisoners were not released within 72 hours.





· Future charges possible, Dems warn White House - Statute of limitations extends past 2008, congressman says - "These are clearly crimes and the statute of limitations extends beyond this president's term,'' which will end in January 2009, said Rep. Jerry Nadler D-N.Y., at an ad hoc hearing called by House Judiciary Committee's Democrats to assail Bush's contention that his order for warrantless domestic wiretaps on American citizens is legal.

· When George Met Jack - White House aides deny the President knew lobbyist Abramoff, but unpublished photos shown to TIME suggest there's more to the story





· Iran’s Oil Exchange threatens the Greenback - The Bush administration will never allow the Iranian government to open an oil exchange (bourse) that trades petroleum in euros. If that were to happen, hundreds of billions of dollars would come flooding back to the United States crushing the greenback and destroying the economy.

· Why America Has to Be Fat - "The obesity problem is really a side effect of things that are good for the economy," said Tomas J. Philipson, an economics professor who studies obesity at the University of Chicago, a city recently named the fattest in America. "But we would rather take improvements in technology and agriculture than go back to the way we lived in the 1950s when everyone was thin. Nobody wants to sweat at work for 10 hours a day and be poor. Yes, you're obese, but you have a life that is much more comfortable."

· Ford expected to announce 25,000 job cuts Monday - Ford Motor Company is expected to announce plans to cut 25,000 jobs and several plants on Monday but analysts are warning the move will not be sufficient to allow the automaker to return its struggling North American unit to profitability.



9/11 News :


· Webster Tarpley on TvNewsLIES Radio - Monday, January 23rd - LINK - Webster Tarpley will be discussing his new book, 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA. Mr. Tarpley will be taking your calls and answering your e-mails live on TvNewsLIES radio. You can watch Mr. Tarpley speak abut the myth of 9/11 by clicking HERE!

· Russian General: Nine Eleven a Globalist Inside Job - Ivashov tells us so-called international terrorism “is not something independent of world politics but simply an instrument, a means to install a unipolar world with a sole world headquarters, a pretext to erase national borders and to establish the rule of a new world elite” and “is a phenomenon that combines the use of terror by state and non-state political structures as a means to attain their political objectives through people’s intimidation, psychological and social destabilization, the elimination of resistance from power organizations and the creation of appropriate conditions for the manipulation of the countries’ policies and the behavior of people.”

· Was 9/11 a myth? - A variety of speakers and commentators will discuss the validity of various consipracy theories regarding the September 11th terrorist attacks.

· Bin Laden expert skeptical about latest purported bin Laden tape - He has doubts about the tape, and thinks bin Laden is dead. Lawrence recently analyzed more than 20 complete speeches and interviews of the al Qaida leader for his book. He says the new message is missing several key elements.

· Bin Laden: Where is he? Who's protecting him? Why can't we find him? - There has not been a single confirmed sighting of him since the battle of Tora Bora, al-Qa'ida's last stand against the US invasion of Afghanistan in 2001.






· Mystery firm linked to US lobbyist scandal - US government investigators probing Washington's explosive Congressional bribery scandal centered on disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff recently visited Hong Kong, according to a witness interviewed by the authorities.





· Bush touts his record, but just to his party - The unusual scene - five hotel security staffers and a sheriff's deputy escorting reporters away from where they could hear the governor - occurred in the middle of a speech in which Bush exhorted party activists to spread the word of Republican successes in Florida.

· SD Legislature To Consider Abortion Ban - Sunday, Hunt and other anti-abortion advocates held an event promoting their legislation. They say now is the time to pass it, because other states are considering similar bills and because with new Chief Justice John Roberts, and possibly Samuel Alito, the US Supreme Court is changing.

· Bush nominee broke law - A federal judge nominated to the U.S. Circuit Court owned stock in corporations involved in lawsuits brought before him.

· Politics Alleged In Voting Cases - The Justice Department's voting section, a small and usually obscure unit that enforces the Voting Rights Act and other federal election laws, has been thrust into the center of a growing debate over recent departures and controversial decisions in the Civil Rights Division as a whole.

· U.S. accused of spying on those who disagree with Bush policies - While the White House defended domestic surveillance as a safeguard against terrorism, a Florida peace activist and several Democrats in Congress accused the Bush administration on Friday of spying on Americans who disagree with President Bush's policies.

· Homeland Security to launch preparedness program for kids - After more than a year of delays, the Department of Homeland Security says it plans to launch a preparedness program next month aimed at alerting and preparing children for terror attacks and natural disasters.

· The Other Big Brother - The Pentagon has its own domestic spying program. Even its leaders say the outfit may have gone too far.





· 'Blue' States Tackling Energy On Their Own - Democratic-leaning states increasingly are regulating energy use and emissions, working around a GOP-controlled federal government that state officials say has not done enough.





· Pakistan PM: CIA attack reports 'bizarre' - Pakistani Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz on Sunday ridiculed as "bizarre" a U.S. report that senior al Qaeda leaders were killed in a CIA attack on a home along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border.

· EU governments complicit in shady CIA activities – investigator - Governments across the European Union have “collaborated, tolerated or looked away” from the United States Central Intelligence Agency’s clandestine operations on their countries’ soil for the last two to three years.

· Israel warns Iran on nuclear work - The Israeli defence minister has warned that the country will not accept an Iranian nuclear capability.
TVNL Comment: Who is
Israel to declare this?

· Nepal Maoist clash leaves 23 dead - Meanwhile Nepalese opposition parties called for three more days of protests after scores of people were arrested in clashes in the capital on Saturday.

· Russia blamed for 'gas sabotage' - Georgia's president has accused Moscow of serious acts of "sabotage" after gas blasts on Russian pipelines cut off supplies to Georgia and Armenia.





· Former Abu Ghraib Guard Calls Top Brass Culpable for Abuse - It was clear it was a military intelligence facility.

· CIA Role a Mystery at Army Court-Martial - In 2004, the CIA said one of its officers may have been involved in Mowhoush's death, but the agency refused to elaborate.

· Mushrooming depleted uranium (DU) scandal Heads roll at Veterans Administration - "Out of the 580,400 soldiers who served in GW1 (the first Gulf War), of them, 11,000 are now dead! By the year 2000, there were 325,000 on Permanent Medical Disability.

· Ex-Abu Ghraib general among anti-war speakers - A former general in charge of the Abu Ghraib prison during the 2004 abuse scandal there and England's former ambassador to Uzbekistan were among several people to speak out against the Bush administration's handling of the "War on Terror" Saturday at an anti-war hearing at Manhattan's Riverside Church.

· US officer guilty of Iraqi death - It was one of a number of deaths of prisoners in Iraq and Afghanistan under investigation by the US military.

· US navy captures Somali 'pirates' - The US navy says it has captured a number of suspected pirates in the Indian Ocean off the coast of Somalia.





· Kill the Children but Save the Zygotes! - Why do you only want to protect “children” from harm when it comes to abortion yet you support people who enable, take part in, promote or ignore the murder and harm of living breathing children all over the world?

· Manufacturing Fear - The relationship between Osama bin Laden and George Bush is an interesting one. Never mind what you see in the commercial media, they are inseparable allies who feed off each other. Bush benefits from the presence of bin Laden whenever events become too overwhelming for him.

· I, Greenspan - Yes, I, Alan Greenspan, ruled the financial world. But who ruled Alan Greenspan?





· A tip for the cowardly press corps - Some brave soul in the White House press corps should ask Scott McClellan a "specific" question about that meeting on May 9, 2001, and suggest that he check the Secret Service's White House logs for the names of Abramoff and the tribal council chiefs.

· Threats to media cloud American view of Iraq - Some reporters have been targeted by insurgents for working with American companies and at least a dozen have been detained by U.S. forces suspicious of their activities, or even just the images on their cameras, the CPJ says. "They're held for months at a time, never charged," CPJ director Ann Cooper said. - "There's no due process and it's setting a terrible example in a country where the United States' goal supposedly is to establish democracy," Cooper told Reuters. - The dire security situation combined with unwillingness by U.S. publishers and editors to give space to in-depth reports means there are giant gaps in the picture seen by the American public, said Orville Schell, dean of the Graduate School of Journalism at Berkeley.

· Voices of the New Arab Public - And around that same time al-Jazeera was emerging and starting to cover the news independently and aggressively, unlike the state-run media stations of old, but also creating a new space for actual political debate that people around the region could watch. So that sort of combined with the emerging Iraq debate to create a perfect storm, right?

· Third Reuters Iraq journalist freed by US troops - The U.S. military freed an Iraqi journalist who works for Reuters on Sunday after holding him for nearly eight months without charge.





· New Mexico Begins Legislative Process To Ban Aspartame - Fifteen state senators sponsored a bill to rid New Mexico of what some have called "Rumsfeld's Disease."





· Army chief denies Timor killings - Indonesia's army chief has rejected a report accusing it of causing deaths of up to 185,000 civilians in East Timor during Jakarta's 24-year rule.





· Vatican Paper Hits 'Intelligent Design' - The Vatican newspaper has published an article saying "intelligent design" is not science and that teaching it alongside evolutionary theory in school classrooms only creates confusion.

· Walker's World: Iran's Really Big Weapon - Tehran is preparing to open a bourse, a mercantile exchange and potentially a futures market, where traders can buy and sell oil and gas, along the lines of the International Petroleum Exchange (IPE) in London and the NYTMEX in New York. The differences are first, that this one would price its energy in euros, not dollars, and second, that it would not use West Texas Intermediate or Brent Crude (from the North Sea) as its standard oil for pricing. It would use a Persian Gulf-produced oil instead. - So what? This sounds like a minor chang





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