Date: February 12th 2006

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TONIGHT!!! SPECIAL New York 9/11 Event February 11th: Thanks to the hard work and personal efforts of James Richards we will be holding a special public screening of Loose Change 2. This documentary about the events of 9/11 will surely convince you that the official conspiracy theory of 9/11 as told to us by the Bush/PNAC administration is nothing more than a series of lies and deceptions. NYC police and Firefighters are encouraged to attend as well as members of the media and the NYC Department of Justice. The screening will be in New York City at the Pioneer Theater on February 11th at 9:00 PM. A screening and discussion will be held. Refreshments will be served. Seating is limited. If you wish to reserve tickets write to Admission is free but donations will be accepted. Donations will go towards 9/11 truth efforts.

ANNOUNCEMENT! YOU STILL HAVE TIME TO SAVE US!!! We (Monksmedia) need to raise $200 per program in order for Monks Media to break even. Please consider becoming a sponsor! You can advertise for as little as $50 per program or you can even buy a $10 shout out ad where we will read your personal message in the air. PLEASE ADVERTISE WITH US!!! Contact

TVNL RADIO SHOW ARCHIVE! You can listen to the show live or you can download the archived shows. The live programs are on Mondays at 12 noon ET! Spread the word! Tune in! You can call the show live, e-mail me or contact the show vie AOL Instant Messenger! I’ll post more information here but you can check out Monks Media Radio Network for information on how to listen! or for the archive and schedule: SPREAD THE WORD!

Monday, February 13th: Blogging, Censorship & America Today. - Guest: Martin (Booman) Longman of – Join us as we discuss blogging, censorship and the general state of the world!

Tuesday, February 14th: What happened on 9/11? - Guest: James H. Fetzer of Scholars for 9/11 Truth (S9/11T), a non-partisan association of faculty, students, and scholars, in fields as diverse as history, science, military affairs, psychology, and philosophy, dedicated to exposing falsehoods and to revealing truths behind 9/11.

THURSDAY NIGHT LIVE: Listen to my live broadcasts on Thursdays! The Revere Radio Network has invited me to do a weekly program on their network. I will be doing a 1 hour program every Thursday night on their network. You can find out about the details here: .
Past Shows Here:



FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for it’s overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -

TVNL Editor's Comments: MSNBC ran another episode of their special investigation into pedophile predators on the Internet. While a wide demographic of people may be interested in a program like this there is no doubt that pedophiles were watching as well. Perhaps they tuned in to see how sting operations may affect them. Perhaps some tuned in so that they can try and influence themselves that they should seek help. But perhaps, and I repeat perhaps some tuned in because some of the stories of pedophilia that were detailed during the two hour broadcast, excited them!

Well the good people at Pfizer must have known who the audience would be. In what I see as a decision based on the worst aspects of human nature, Pfizer made the stomach turning decision to advertise their sexual arousal product, Viagra, throughout a program on pedophilia!

Several of the pedophiles who were caught on the program happen to have the little blue Viagra pills with them as they arrived at the homes of their victims. One would think that kind of free advertising would suffice to such unscrupulous businessmen. Well they were not satisfied (no pun intended) with that. They wanted to make sure that everyone who was watching a two hour program about adult males who liked to have sex with young children, thought about their own sexual arousal. Excuse me while I vomit.

We live in a nation where citizens or citizen groups are not permitted to run informative accurate ads on TV that are designed to provide the viewers with information that our news media neglect to report. This is because the TV executives feel that it is unfair to inform the public about real facts about a sitting president that may not be flattering to dictator in chief. Yet nobody seems to have a problem with huge corporations running ads to promote sexual arousal during a program involving SEX WITH CHILDREN! This nation is in the hands of the truly insane and the Bush Republicans are truly leading this nation down a path to Hell. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:







· General faults U.S. on Iraqi military - The American general in charge of training the new Iraqi military after Baghdad fell says the Bush administration's strategy to use those forces to replace departing U.S. soldiers was hobbled from its belated start by poor pre-war planning and insufficient staff and equipment.

· Iraq Utilities Are Falling Short of Prewar Performance - Virtually every measure of the performance of Iraq's oil, electricity, water and sewerage sectors has fallen below preinvasion values even though $16 billion of American taxpayer money has already been disbursed in the Iraq reconstruction program, several government witnesses said at a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on Wednesday.
TVNL Comment: Who is better off? How are they better off? Oh, I forgot, Bush can say anything without having to back it up!









· Japanese paying U.S. workers bonuses - Toyota Motor Corp. awarded its 5,600 hourly employees at its largest U.S. plant in Georgetown, Ky., an average of $10,131 for 2005, the Detroit News said Friday. The plant builds the Camry, the best-selling car in the nation.

· US trade deficit hits record high - The United States trade deficit widened last year to a record high of about $990 billion.
TVNL Comment: Another Bush legacy.



9/11 News :


· 9/11 Rescuer Saw Explosions Inside WTC 6 Lobby - Within minutes after the South Tower collapses, she witnessed the WTC 5 blowing up, cars exploding, and explosions inside the lobby of the WTC 6, all the while narrowly escaping with her own life.

· Late Night with Keith Olbermann: LA terrorist Plot debunked? - In our continuing effort to give a hat tip to Keith for his work, Gerald Posner takes a look at the possible "foiled" LA terrorist attack on "Liberty-I mean-Library-I mean-Bank Towers in Los Angeles.

· Intel pros say Bush is lying about foiling 2002 terror attack - "The President has cheapened the entire intelligence community by dragging us into his fantasy world," says a longtime field operative of the Central Intelligence Agency. "He is basing this absurd claim on the same discredited informant who told us Al Qaeda would attack selected financial institutions in New York and Washington."

· Dr. Steven Jones Utah Seminar - Video Download - This recent presentation by Dr. Steven Jones (Department of Physics and Astronomy - Brigham Young University) is primarily focused on the collapses of World Trade Center 1, 2, and 7 on 9/11.






· Expert on Congress's Power Claims He Was Muzzled for Faulting Bush - A dispute involving a researcher at the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service is fueling a debate over whether analysts throughout the government are being muzzled to prevent criticism of Bush administration policies.

· Pombo charges taxpayers for vacation - In summer 2003, just after he was named chairman of the House Resources Committee, Rep. Richard Pombo loaded the family in an RV for “two weeks on vacation” traveling around the West. Documents obtained by the Tracy Press show taxpayers covered most of his expenses.

· Republican Speaks Up, Leading Others to Challenge Wiretaps - When Representative Heather A. Wilson broke ranks with President Bush on Tuesday to declare her "serious concerns" about domestic eavesdropping, she gave voice to what some fellow Republicans were thinking, if not saying.
TVNL Comment: Too little, too late. We need a complete change of global leadership at this point.

· Three More Lawmakers Linked to Abramoff - Two of the elected officials referred to in Friday's filings have been identified in published reports as Reps. Steven LaTourette, R-Ohio, and Don Young, R-Alaska. According to Roll Call, a Capitol Hill newspaper, the two representatives wrote to the GSA in September 2002, urging the agency to give preferential treatment to groups such as Indian tribes when evaluating development proposals for the Old Post Office.





· VA Nurse Investigated for “Sedition” for Criticizing Bush - After the paper published the letter in its September 15-21 issue, VA administrators seized her computer, alleged that she had written the letter on that computer, and accused her of “sedition.”





· Censorship Is Alleged at NOAA - James E. Hansen, the NASA climate scientist who sparked an uproar last month by accusing the Bush administration of keeping scientific information from reaching the public, said Friday that officials at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration are also muzzling researchers who study global warming. - "It seems more like Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union than the United States," said Hansen, prompting a round of applause from the audience.





· 7 parties to oppose Bush's India visit - "Under President Bush, the US continues to occupy Iraq and oppress its people. It threatens Syria and has targeted Iran on the issue of its nuclear programme. It backs the naked oppression of the Palestinian people by Israel. He is certainly not welcome in India," a joint statement of CPI, CPI(M), RSP, AIFB, CPI(ML) Liberation, JD(S) and SP said after a decision in this regard was taken at a meeting here.
TVNL Comment: The most hated American in history!
Disliked & disrespected; deservedly so.

· Russia confirms missile defence contract with Iran - Amid the escalating crisis around Iran's nuclear programme, Russia said on Thursday that it will still arm Tehran with missiles that can secure nuclear facilities from attacks.

· Vatican abortion treaty brings down government - The Vatican has inadvertently triggered the collapse of the government in Slovakia, one of the economic stars of the 10 entrants to the EU, in a row over abortion rights.





· Story on Wounded Soldier Who Had to Pay for Body Armor Gets Results - More than 200 people donated at least $5,700 to Rebrook after reading about his body armor payment to the Army in an article by Eric Eyre. The vast majority of it came after a popular blog, AmericaBlog, called for and collected funds, but others also contributed via the newspaper and a local radio station.
TVNL Comment:
America Blog readers donated the majority of the fund. Looks like liberals actually do support the troops...more than our Republican government!





· Hey Bush: Obey the Law - The president, for example, is not our commander in chief. He's the commander in chief of the armed forces. As far as we civilians are concerned, he is just the administrator of laws passed by Congress. He cannot make laws. He cannot assume powers not given to him by the Constitution or by Congress. He must obey all the laws just the same as you and me.

· Terrorism: a president's best friend - In other words, our response to Sept. 11 has been almost completely military in nature, granting the Defense Department an excuse to increase spending by 48 percent in just four years.





· Pfizer Markets to Pedophiles on MSNBC! - In what I see as a decision based on the worst aspects of human nature, Pfizer made the stomach turning decision to advertise their sexual arousal product, Viagra, throughout a program on pedophilia!





· Man Dies After Insurance Co. Refuses To Cover Treatment - When Flink talked to Tracy Pierce, his cancer was attacking his body. Despite being fully insured, every treatment his doctors sought for him was denied by his insurance provider. First-Health Coventry deemed the treatments were either not a medical necessity or experimental.
TVNL Comment: Every doctor that would not treat this man should drop dead of the very same illness. Being a doctor is a calling, not an income via extortion scheme!

· Bush's Budget Cuts Elderly Nutrition Plan - ``I call it misplaced priorities. How do you justify doing something like this, while at the same time giving people like Herb Kohl huge tax cuts?'' said Kohl, a multimillionaire.





· Muslims now are the European Jews in the 30’s and 40’s - Started and orchestrated by Bush and his corrupt administration in 9-11, the goal of the campaign is to create fear from a virtual enemy, associate every Muslim and Arab with terrorism and to rally the public opinion against the Muslims.
TVNL Comment: One BIG difference is that there is a portion of the Muslim world that is radical, violent and does not recognize the rights of women or the rights of others to speak freely. Big difference.

· Salaam Al-Jubouri, Iraqi journalist and WTI juror imprisoned at Abu Ghraib - Through David we were given to understand that Salam was initially sent to the prison camp in southern Iraq, Camp Bucca. Now it seems that he has been transfered to Abu Ghraib. David sees Salam's situation as "indicative of the detention process as a whole. The same sort of things have happened to journalists working for various media outlets, from Al-Jazeera to Rueters, one thing that they have had in common is that they have almost exclusively been Iraqi or Arab."





· The Educational System Was Designed to Keep Us Uneducated and Docile - How do I know why America's public school system was designed the way it was (age-segregated, six to eight 50-minute classes in a row announced by Pavlovian bells, emphasis on rote memorization, lorded over by unquestionable authority figures, etc.)? Because the men who designed, funded, and implemented America's formal educational system in the late 1800s and early 1900s wrote about what they were doing.

· Call For A Red Synthetic Terror Alert - An action in Turin would push the Europeans to join the US in the attack on Iran. The sinking of the Egptian ferry in the Red Sea may well fit into this pattern, but this is not clear. The Patriot Act has not been renewed.





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