Date: February 26th 2006

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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Tuesday, February 21st: Police State America!
Guest: Roxanne Jekot, a dedicated activist for election reform--so sharp, and so dedicated, that she's being persecuted by the state of
Georgia, where she lives and works with ever greater difficulty.

THURSDAY NIGHT LIVE: Listen to my live broadcasts on Thursdays! The Revere Radio Network has invited me to do a weekly program on their network. I will be doing a 1 hour program every Thursday night on their network. You can find out about the details here: .
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Editor’s Comments -

TVNL Editor's Comments: George W. Bush was correct when he declared “mission accomplished” shortly after the invasion of Iraq. Unfortunately Bush lied to America about what the mission was and now the media are in full swing history revision mode as they continue their relentless mission of deception of the people.

What we are witnessing on a minute by minute basis is an admission to the lies that took us to war, but nobody has the courage to say this.

The “mission,” as we were told by George W. Bush, the PNAC warmongering 9/11 conducting administration and their covert accomplices known as the US news media, was to FIND AND DESTORY WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION IN ORDER TO PROTECT AMERICA FROM A GRAVE THREAT! Well, that mission was indeed accomplished, in a sense. Actually that mission resulted in a realization that the mission was a mistake and deserved a load and humble apology to the world by George W. Bush and his media lapdogs. It was the equivalent of an arrest, conviction and death sentence of a criminal suspect who is found to be innocent after the fact. Of course this would only be addressed if the mistake was an honest one, and not one that was designed to permit the killing of an innocent victim.

Now, we are being told our mission in Iraq can potentially fail. What mission is that? We did not agree to start a war for the purpose of spreading democracy. That was not the mission. That was not what our troops were told when they were dropping bombs on Iraqis, torturing people, killing families at checkpoints, or simply conducting their mission of massive collateral damage. Our troops did not die because they went to fight in the Iraqi revolutionary war! They were not exposing themselves to uranium radiation because they wanted to bring about a change to the political system in Iraq. We were told that we started this war in order to prevent a mushroom cloud from forming on US soil.

The surreal faux world we see on TV each day becomes more detached from reality by the minute. The mission ended at the very moment a potential threat to the US was eliminated. In that sense there was no real mission because there was no real threat so the mission itself became invalid.

So when we hear about the mission or goal of the administration being in danger, we are actually hearing an admission to the fact that they did indeed lie to America, to Congress and to the troops about the mission itself. This is a crime. It should be treated as a crime. We are hearing the confession every day now; when are the law enforcement officials in our government going to act on this confession and finally arrest the criminals in the Bush administration, in the media and in the military leadership (perhaps the most vile of the criminals for they lied their troops to death) of our nation. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

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NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:







· Bush Was Correct, The Mission WAS Accomplished! A Confession to the Lies That Led to War - Now, we are being told our mission in Iraq can potentially fail. What mission is that? We did not agree to start a war for the purpose of spreading democracy. That was not the mission.

· Pentagon: Iraqi troops downgraded - The only Iraqi battalion capable of fighting without U.S. support has been downgraded to a level requiring them to fight with American troops backing them up, the Pentagon said Friday.

· Curfew fails to halt Iraq killing - More than 20 people have died in three attacks across Iraq as the authorities fight to contain sectarian violence in which at least 150 have died this week.

· It Didn’t Work - Our mission has failed because Iraqi animosities have proved uncontainable by an invading army of 130,000 Americans.
TVNL Comment: Our "mission" was to eliminate the WM
D threat posed by Iraq. That is what we were told. That is why Bush was given the power to send us to war. What "mission" is Buckley talking about? Is he admitting that they lied to us about the mission?





· Business as usual - Bush's strong support of the Dubai ports deal isn't so surprising in light of his family's many financial ties to Arab sheikdoms.

· Plame Whistleblowers Targeted by Administration - Two top Bush administration officials who played an active role in the leak of covert CIA agent Valerie Plame Wilson, have been removing from their jobs, career State Deptartment weapons experts who have spoken to investigators during the past two years about the officials role in the leak, according to a half-dozen State Department officials.

· White House 'Discovers' 250 Emails Related to Plame Leak - The emails are said to be explosive, and may prove that Cheney played an active role in the effort to discredit Plame Wilson’s husband, former Ambassador Joseph Wilson, a vocal critic of the Bush administration’s prewar Iraq intelligence, sources close to the investigation said.

· Bush Family Ties to the UAE - Lou Dobbs took a look at the family ties between the two.







9/11 News :

· 911 / An Inside Job - America, you are being set up for a nuclear false flag attack.











· Man Pleads Not Guilty in Voting Device Case - "It's a devastating allegation for a whistle-blower," said Blair Berk, Heller's attorney. "Certainly, someone who saw those documents could have reasonably believed that thousands of voters were going to be potentially disenfranchised in upcoming elections."

· Peace groups under watch - Authorities keep tabs on non-violent Seattle activists in hunt for al-Qaida

· Big Brother Watching Americans' Email, Computer Data - Fast-evolving Internet and communications technology is outpacing privacy laws and leaving a treasure trove of personal data prey to government surveillance, a new report warned.





· Feds plan nuke waste depot on Indian land - A controversy concerning radioactive waste storage has developed at the Goshute Indian Reservation in Skull Valley, Utah.





· Venezuela cuts US airline flights - They accuse the US - which imposed a similar ban on Venezuela 10 years ago - of failing to give Venezuelan carriers equal access to American soil.





· Pentagon denies Wolfowitz approved Guantanamo interrogation tactics - The Pentagon denied that former deputy secretary of defense Paul Wolfowitz approved interrogation techniques used on war-on-terror detainees as claimed in a recently released FBI email.

· Army Charges 7 in Sex-For-Money Web Site - The Army has charged seven paratroopers from the celebrated 82nd Airborne Division with engaging in sex acts in video shown on a Web site, authorities said Friday.

· Tax Dollars at War - Jon Stewart had a hilarious bit on military recruiting and the cost of the war in Iraq





· Just Where Is Our National Conscience? - We profess to pollsters a high regard for "moral values", and yet why isn’t poverty immoral? Why isn’t lack of medical care immoral? Surely there is no more commanding moral imperative than to "value" the poor and the vulnerable, for whom the God of all religions admonishes us to care?

· Apologies of a Bush Voter - Republicans may someday look on the re-election of George Bush as one of the biggest disasters that has ever befallen their Party
TVNL Comment: If we live long enough to realize what is going on!





· Media misses bigger target--Cheney's public policy atrocities - It's become ever more apparent to those who consult lots of media that Dick Cheney:

· O'Reilly: U.S. should leave Iraq "as fast as humanly possible" - O'Reilly has previously called those advocating immediate withdrawal from Iraq "pinheads" and compared them to Hitler appeasers.

· New York Times, with same facts, changes Iraq conflict from 'civil war' to having 'endangered future' - Within an hour and without explanation, the Times yanked the headline in favor of "U.S. Envoy Says Sectarian Violence Threatens Iraq's Future."

· The Olympics We Missed - You get the sense that none but American athletes are in these competitions, just as the Bush White House gives the sense that all the world is collateral for American foreign policy. NBC has been trained for the task. The same people who brought us the Iraq war as show business and The Rescue of Jessica Lynch as truth, and who keep bringing us coverage of the White House as public relations, now bring us the Olympics as a two-week commercial for American power.

· Watchdogs Urge Full Probe of Bush Propaganda Spending - Media reform groups are calling for a deeper investigation of Bush administration advertising and propaganda efforts following the release of a report that concludes the White House has spun a web of public relations (PR) contracts larger than previously thought.




















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