Date: March 3rd 2006

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TONIGHT: Thursday, March 2nd: How Stupid Are Bush Supporters?
Guest: Tune in to my Thursday night program on the Revere Radio Network as I go into detail about just how stupid Bush supporters really are! Can you say "suckers?".

THURSDAY NIGHT LIVE: Listen to my live broadcasts on Thursdays! The Revere Radio Network has invited me to do a weekly program on their network. I will be doing a 1 hour program every Thursday night on their network. You can find out about the details here: .
Past Shows Here:



FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for it’s overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -

TVNL Editor's Comments: So how stupid do you have to be in order to support the Bush administration? How many lies will the good people with good intentions and “faith” in their leaders fall for? How much abuse will they take before they realize that the man in the White House is perhaps the most dishonest person to ever hold office in America?

Within 24 hours proof of two major Bush administration lies emerge. Not evidence, proof. There is a difference! Evidence does not always prove allegations. Proof is definitive.

First off we have the little known news about the Bush administration reducing the penalties and enforcement of mine safety violations by the corporations that run mining operations. This comes about after the false claims by the administration about their efforts to step up mine safety in our nation.

Now we see video proof that Bush and his lying circus not only knew that there was a possibility of the levies in New Orleans failing but they knew that it was expected to happen.

Guess what…there are still people in this nation who trust this bastard! You really have to wonder if inbreeding is taking a toll on this nation. Advice to Bush supporters: a bowl of led contaminated paint chips should not be part of your complete breakfast and Nascar fumes are not exactly helping your brain cells to thrive. Time for a change.

If I ever start a business where I have to sell crappy goods at a high profit to unsuspecting people I am going to pretend to be a Christian Republican and target my marketing to the red states! Talk about easy money! Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:







· Gangs 'kill freely' in Iraq chaos - Hundreds of bodies showing signs of torture or execution arrive at the Baghdad mortuary each month, a senior UN official has told the BBC.

· Iraq government talks in disarray - This is the latest crisis to hit attempts to form a new government.

· 2001: Powell & Rice Declare Iraq Has No WMD and Is Not a Threat - This clip from John Pilger's documentary, Breaking the Silence, contains 2001 footage of Powell and Rice declaring that Iraq is not a threat.
TVNL Comment: Were they lying then, or were they lying during the build up to the war?

· News Slow to Reach Troops in Western Iraq - "They don't tell us anything, other than I have to be on post at 1800 hours," said Lance Cpl. Philip Tootle of Reidsville, Ga., after he learned of the bombing of a Shiite shrine in Samarra.
TVNL Comment: They didn't tell you that your commander in chief lied to you about the reasons you are over in
Iraq killing people and being killed!





· Video: Bush, Chertoff Warned before Katrina - Some of the footage and transcripts from briefings Aug. 25-31 conflicts with the defenses that federal, state and local officials have made in trying to deflect blame and minimize the political fallout from the failed Katrina response:

· Tape: Bush, Chertoff Warned Before Katrina - In dramatic and sometimes agonizing terms, federal disaster officials warned President Bush and his homeland security chief before Hurricane Katrina struck that the storm could breach levees, put lives at risk in New Orleans' Superdome and overwhelm rescuers, according to confidential video footage.

· When the Whole White House is Criminal, How Do You Impeach an Entire Administration? - No matter how noble a policy of spreading freedom may look on paper, the White House has been criminal in carrying it out. - The list of criminals is seemingly endless. - The question today remains, as it was in Franklin’s time, can America keep its democracy?




· US government long-term promises top $46 trillion - As lawmakers prepare to raise the $8.18 trillion U.S. borrowing limit, a congressional agency on Wednesday warned that when promised government health and retirement benefits are taken into account the long-term obligations top $46 trillion.

· Bush, an Opponent of Raising Taxes, Proposes $47 Bln in Fees - While President George W. Bush is adamantly against raising taxes, he's increasingly comfortable with imposing billions of dollars in new government fees, as the airline, commodities and shipping industries have discovered.



9/11 News :

· · Truth For A Change: MNN TV Explodes the Myths that Make for War - Terrorism Expert Webster Tarpley Interviewed in Manhattan and on Web TV today and tomorrow

· Experts Call for Release of 9/11 Evidence - A society of experts and scholars has now joined with Judicial Watch in calling for release of videos that are being held by the Department of Defense... - The group, whose members include such prominent figures as David Ray Griffin, Morgan Reynolds, John McMurtry, Wayne Madsen, Robert Bowman, Webster Tarpley, and Andreas von Buelow, has been speaking out against what its own research suggests has been complicity by elements of the administration in the crime.

· CBC’s Conspiracy Theories - CBC’s Conspiracy Theories Canadas premier news source, CBC (the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) via its investigative program The Fifth Estate ask Who bankrolled bin Laden? Why won't George W. Bush crack down on the moneymen? And explore the ties between Bush, bin Laden and Saudi royal family.
TVNL Comment: Why are there no documentaries like this on American TV? Are there no journalists in
America? I think the title of this site may answer that question.






· Senate Advances Patriot Act Renewal - But even as the new limits progressed on a 95-4 vote, some Democrats complained that restrictions would be virtually meaningless in practice and sought to add even stronger privacy protections.





· Group with White House ties launches ads to bolster war support - The television commercials feature vivid portraits of smoke pouring from the World Trade Center and the aftermath of terrorist attacks in Madrid and London as veterans of the Iraq war and parents of fallen soldiers make the case for continuing the U.S. military campaign in Iraq.

· Katrina Video: New Orleans Mayor Responds - Mayor Ray Nagin reacts to a video obtained exclusively by The Associated Press of President Bush being briefed hours before Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast.
TVNL Comment: He never comments on the fact that Bush lied to the American people about forseeing the levy damage.

· U.S. Is Reducing Safety Penalties for Mine Flaws - In its drive to foster a more cooperative relationship with mining companies, the Bush administration has decreased major fines for safety violations since 2001, and in nearly half the cases, it has not collected the fines, according to a data analysis by The New York Times.
TVNL Comment: It's official, Bush supporters are the dumbest people on the planet!

· Teacher caught in Bush "rant" - The Overland High educator is on administrative leave. Cherry Creek's superintendent said a balanced viewpoint will be given to students.
TVNL Comment: Why must there always be balance? Was there balance when
Clinton was being impeached for lying about a personal issue that had no impact on anyone outside his family? Do you have to balance commentary when discussing child molestors? Why must there be balance only when the evils of Bush are discovered?

· San Francisco supervisors call for impeachment of President Bush - The Board of Supervisors voted 7-3 Tuesday night in favor of the resolution, which also calls for the impeachment of Vice President Dick Cheney.

· Someone accessed 40 Palm Beach County voting machines Nov 2004 - The internal logs of at least 40 Sequoia touch-screen voting machines reveal that votes were time and date-stamped as cast two weeks before the election, sometimes in the middle of the night.

· Concentration Camps in America: - Are They For You?

· Public hearings in Dutchess County, NY - A public hearing sponsored by State Assemblyman Joel M. Miller will be held. The focus of the hearing is on the issue of voting machines and HAVA.

· Did 308,000 cancelled Ohio voter registrations put Bush back in the White House? - It turns out, we missed more than a few of the dirty tricks Karl Rove, Ken Blackwell and their GOP used to get themselves four more years.










· Pakistan bomb kills US diplomat - At least three people, including a US diplomat, have been killed in a bomb attack near the US consulate in Karachi, Pakistani police say.

· At 75, Gorbachev Laments U. - "Ending the Cold War was given as a gift" to the United States, but it only strengthened its arrogance and unilateralism, he said. "The winner's complex is worse than an inferiority complex, because it's harder to cure."





· Recruiter Gets In Hot Water Over Craigslist Ad - An Oregon National Guard recruiter is in hot water after posting an ad on the popular Web site 'craigslist' promising recruits they would not have to serve overseas if they signed up.

· How Bush has stayed away from soldiers' funerals - More than 2,290 US troops have been killed in Iraq. President George Bush has attended none of the funerals - for which he is often criticised by the families of those who have died.





· How Stupid Are Bush Supporters? TVNL Radio - You really have to wonder if inbreeding is taking a toll on this nation. Advice to Bush supporters: a bowl of led contaminated paint chips should not be part of your complete breakfast and Nascar fumes are not exactly helping your brain cells to thrive. Time for a change.





· How did the Washington Post miss the levees in their new story about the Katrina video? - Am I reading this wrong, or does the Washington Post article entirely miss the point about Bush claiming no one could have imagined the levees breaching, when in fact his own briefing told him it was a possibility? And Bush said no one could have expected the storm to be so large, when in fact the briefing told him it was "the big one."

· The Full Disclosure Tucker Carlson Isn't Making - But with all he's had to say about the case, there is one thing that Tucker Carlson has failed to mention: That his father, Richard Carlson, is on the advisory committee of the Libby Legal Defense Trust, the GOP-heavy-hitter-laden group that has so far raised $2 million.

· FOX Ratings In Free Fall - O'Reilly Leads The Way Down - As we all know, the media is rampant with sycophantic, corporate shills and can't be trusted to deliver a pizza. But an intersting trend is developing that ought to shake their confidence in the suck-up school of journalism.










· Pressure Seen on Probes at Baghdad Morgue - Officials overseeing Baghdad's morgue have come under pressure not to investigate the soaring number of apparent cases of execution and torture in the country, the former U.N. human rights chief for Iraq said Tuesday.





· The War in Iraq Costs - Compare to the cost of:

· Download a Free Election Reform CD! - Now you can download a "Best of" CD on the U.S. electoral crisis, created by Gary Beckwith of the Solarbus Election Justice Center





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