Date: March 6th 2006

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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Tuesday, March 7th: EYEWITNESS& VIDEO ACCOUNT: The Truth About What the US Did in Fallujah.
Guest: Mark Manning – Filmmaker: Caught in the Crossfire: Finally the American public will get to see for themselves what the US actually did in Fallujah. There has been a 100% media blackout on what took place there…until now!

Tuesday, March 14th: The Secret History of America's Beginnings & How George W. Bush hoodwinked American Christians.
David Bay - Director of Cutting Edge Ministries: For almost three years, David was assigned to a Pentagon-level facility in Okinawa, Japan. During this time, he received training on Military Doctrine and Political Strategy, Global National Strategy, and an understanding of politics. In training to be a good analyst, he was trained to correctly "connect the dots" between the facts: to know the background to "see through the veil" to reach a proper understanding of the enemy which his intel group had been assigned.

THURSDAY NIGHT LIVE: Listen to my live broadcasts on Thursdays! The Revere Radio Network has invited me to do a weekly program on their network. I will be doing a 1 hour program every Thursday night on their network. You can find out about the details here: .
Past Shows Here:



FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for it’s overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -

TVNL Editor's Comments: It is not “secrecy”, it is massive “cover up!” The media and any person paying attention will tell you that the Bush administration is by far the most secretive in history. Well let me clear up that misnomer. Every administration is secretive. What we have here ladies and gentlemen is an administration that has put into place a system of cover-up by policy. This policy is designed to keep from the public view the virtual total criminal operation that is the Bush administration.

There is no need to go into detail here, pick a topic and we can discuss criminal abuses by the Bush administration on the people of this nation starting with the decimation of the US constitution to right out cold blooded mass murder. Secrecy? Perhaps they are more secretive than most. But more disturbing than that is their efforts to cover-up, misrepresent, suppress and hide from public view the agenda that in a sense is right out in the open. With the help from the criminal media the Bush administration is covering up the very crimes that some may call polices. The cover-up may hide their actions but it won’t hide the results. But by the time enough people notice it will surely be too late. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:







· Iraq: Pure War, Pure Crime - The reason is purely that the media won't like you if you vote against a war, but there's no actual reason for the war - not the weapons of mass destruction that Bush always knew weren't there, not the ties to 9-11 that Bush always knew did not exist on behalf of a ruler who, anyway, is no longer in power, not reducing terrorism which has been increased by this war, not improving global relations when this war has driven global opinion of the US to a record low, not preventing a civil war which the US attack and occupation have created, not supporting the troops when most of the troops want to come home - and almost half of them openly admit to pollsters that they don't know why they're there.

· French soldier killed in Afghanistan, Canadian hurt - Taliban rebels killed a French soldier in a clash in southern Afghanistan on Saturday and a roadside bomb killed an Afghan intelligence agent and four other Afghans.

· UK, US to withdraw Iraq forces by early '07: papers - The Sunday Telegraph said the planned pull-out followed an acceptance by the two governments that the presence of foreign troops in Iraq was now a large obstacle to securing peace.
TVNL Comment: "Obstacle" to securing peace? THEY STARTE
D THE WAR IN THE FIRST PLACE! They are the CAUSE of the violence!

· Daniel Pipes - Civil War in Iraq would not be that bad for our interests - Dr. Pipes believes that civil war will serve coalition interests in so many ways. An incomplete list of the good things (strategically) are as follows:





· Bush Administration: Secretive? They Are Not Secrets; They Are Cover-Ups! - This policy is designed to keep from the public view the virtual total criminal operation that is the Bush administration.

· The I-word goes public - At a forum in New York, pundits and politicians called for the impeachment of George W. Bush.
TVNL Comment: What about the "a" word; "arrest!" Can anyone say "9/11?"

· Pro-Israel Lobbying Group Roiled by Prosecution of Two Ex-Officials - The highly unusual indictment of the former officials, Steven J. Rosen and Keith Weissman, accuses them of receiving classified information about terrorism and Middle East strategy from a Defense Department analyst, Lawrence A. Franklin, and passing it on to a journalist and an Israeli diplomat. Mr. Franklin pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 12½ years in prison, though his sentence could be reduced based on his cooperation in the case.




· Many companies plan more outsourcing - Eighty-nine percent of U.S., British and Asian corporate technology decision makers plan to increase their outsourcing budget over the next 12 months.

· When $8.18 Trillion Isn't Enough - The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities pegged the cost of permanently extending the Bush tax cuts and the Alternative Minimum Tax at $3.3 trillion over ten years.



9/11 News :

· TO THE MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES AND OF THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: - On Behalf of the People of the United States of America, the Undersigned Scholars for 9/11 Truth Hereby Petitions for, and hereby demands, Release of the Following kinds of documents, video and films, and physical evidence to the public for study by experts and scholars investigating the events of 9/11:






· Bill Frist threatens to re-structure the Intelligence Committee in order to block NSA hearings - With the March 7 vote looming on Sen. Rockefeller’s motion for the Committee to finally hold hearings to investigate the scope and nature of the Administration’s NSA warrantless eavesdropping on American citizens -- and with several Committee Republicans indicating their intent to vote for hearings -- Majority Leader Bill Frist threatened the Committee yesterday and warned it not to hold any hearings.





· Thousands of Federal Cases Kept Secret - Despite the Sixth Amendment's guarantee of public trials, nearly all records are being kept secret for more than 5,000 defendants who completed their journey through the federal courts over the last three years. Instances of such secrecy more than doubled from 2003 to 2005.

· Where's the list of the missing? - There is no national registry for missing people after a natural disaster and there are no plans to establish one in time for the coming hurricane season, according to government spokespeople.

· America the Pitiful - Calling our form of government a democratic republic does not make it so. By now it should be abundantly clear that most Americans are incapable of recognizing real democracy—because they have never been subjected to one. Perhaps no culture on earth is more materialistic or delusional than ours’.

· 'Trial' of Bush prompts meeting - Top school officials will huddle privately this morning to discuss a classroom war crimes "trial"of President Bush at Parsippany High School that suddenly is drawing national attention.





· US nuclear plant leaks fuel health concerns - Years of radioactive waste water spills from Illinois nuclear power plants have fueled suspicions the industry covers up safety problems and sparked debate about the risks from exposure to low-level radiation.





· London is world's cocaine capital - Tumbling prices and the lack of stigma attached to the drug have led to soaring use at every level of society

· Bush U-turn on Iranian pipeline - President George W Bush has indicated the US has dropped its staunch opposition to a proposed gas pipeline from Iran to India via Pakistan.
TVNL Comment: According to the media Bush does u-turns, policy alterations and the like;
Kerry however did flip-flops. Of course we can see how different these things are; can't we?

· U.S.-Russia Relations Impaired - The report urged that the United States preserve and expand cooperation on dealing with the threat posed by Iran's nuclear program and on coping with the risk of Russian nuclear materials falling into the wrong hands. On the whole, though, the report said relations

· Bush says "no" to giving Pakistan nuclear deal - Bush told a joint news conference that he and Musharraf discussed the issue in their private talks and "I explained that Pakistan and India are different countries with different needs and different histories."
TVNL Comment: They must have been very impressed with that brilliant observation. They probably did not know this before the brilliant mind of
George W. Bush made it clear to them!

· Hamas rejects recognition of Israel despite pressure - Islamist militant group Hamas rejected Russian appeals for it to recognize Israel or disband its armed wing, senior leaders of the group said on Saturday.





· Okinawans Rally in Opposition to US Military Bases - Thousands of people have rallied Sunday on the southern Japanese island of Okinawa to express continuing opposition to the presence of U.S. military bases there.

· Criminal Probe in Tillman Case Set to Open - The Army is opening a criminal investigation into the "friendly fire" death of former NFL player Pat Tillman to examine whether negligent homicide charges should be brought against members of his Ranger unit who killed him in Afghanistan nearly two years ago, according to defense officials.





· The Art of Politics - New York City has long been considered an international hub of modernity and diversity, and yet bringing “Made in Palestine” to the Big Apple has been a ferocious battle. The taboo of Palestine overtook the minds of museum and gallery curators who feared funding cuts and protests.

· Discovering What Happens Next - The White House has a sorry history of withholding information that the public and Congress need to make informed policy judgments. A proposal in President Bush's new budget would take that damaging tendency one step further by eliminating a government survey that captures the real-world impact of welfare reform, Medicaid, child-support enforcement and many other policies and programs.





· White House Trains Efforts on Media Leaks - The Bush administration, seeking to limit leaks of classified information, has launched initiatives targeting journalists and their possible government sources.





· House mulls bill on food label removal - Worried about arsenic in your bottled water, mercury in your fish or pesticides in your vegetables? These are among hundreds of different warnings required by states -- warnings that could disappear under a measure moving toward House approval.
TVNL Comment: Why would anyone who cared about the people of this nation vote for this?

· Md. House Passes Stem Cell Funding Bill - The Maryland House of Delegates passed a bill yesterday that would provide $25 million a year in state money for stem cell research, a science that proponents say holds great promise for debilitating conditions but whose funding has been limited by President Bush on the federal level.










· Turkish Film Breaks Records by Showing U.S. Troops as Criminals - ``Valley of the Wolves: Iraq,'' in which a Turkish agent avenges the arrest of his country's commandos by U.S. soldiers, is tapping growing anti-American sentiment as the war in Iraq drags on. Since it premiered Jan. 31, the movie starring U.S. actors Billy Zane and Gary Busey has been seen by 3.9 million people, making it the most-watched Turkish film ever, says the film's distributor, Istanbul-based Kenda Film.





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