Date: March 12th 2006

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL RADIO SHOW ARCHIVE! You can listen to the show live or you can download the archived shows. The live programs are on Mondays at 12 noon ET! Spread the word! Tune in! You can call the show live, e-mail me or contact the show vie AOL Instant Messenger! I’ll post more information here but you can check out Monks Media Radio Network for information on how to listen! or for the archive and schedule: SPREAD THE WORD!

Available for downloading: EYEWITNESS& VIDEO ACCOUNT: The Truth About What the US Did in Fallujah.
Guest: Mark Manning – Filmmaker: Caught in the Crossfire: Finally the American public will get to see for themselves what the US actually did in Fallujah. There has been a 100% media blackout on what took place there…until now!

Tuesday, March 14th: The Secret History of America's Beginnings & How George W. Bush hoodwinked American Christians.
David Bay - Director of Cutting Edge Ministries: For almost three years, David was assigned to a Pentagon-level facility in Okinawa, Japan. During this time, he received training on Military Doctrine and Political Strategy, Global National Strategy, and an understanding of politics. In training to be a good analyst, he was trained to correctly "connect the dots" between the facts: to know the background to "see through the veil" to reach a proper understanding of the enemy which his intel group had been assigned.

THURSDAY NIGHT LIVE: Listen to my live broadcasts on Thursdays! The Revere Radio Network has invited me to do a weekly program on their network. I will be doing a 1 hour program every Thursday night on their network. You can find out about the details here: .
Past Shows Here:



FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for it’s overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -

TVNL Editor's Comments: You want to issue a fatwa against someone or kill someone who “insults” your religion, no problem. You want to murder a doctor who performs procedures that are not in line with your religion; go right ahead. You want to conduct acts of terror or start a war using the most advanced military power in history; please…proceed. You are uncomfortable with other people who are sexually attracted to members of the same sex and you want to harm them in the cruelest possible way, just go ahead and do it! Whenever you feel like committing abhorrent immoral acts don’t worry about anything; just commit those acts; but make sure you have a holy book of some sort as justification.

You see, these holy books, be they bibles, torahs, or qurans, can act as your little personal security blanket so that you do not have to face up to the loathsome, horrendous or heinous acts that you commit. Yes, if you really look hard enough in your little holy books I am sure you will be able to find some sentence that you can pervert by way of personal “interpretation”, into some kind of justification for your vile behavior.

Using justification that carries the same weight as David Berkowitz’s (“Son of Sam” murderer) excuse (some dog named Sam was sending messages to him), for his murder spree, people who commit such acts claim that they are justified because of messages that they see, hear or interpret from their god or holy book. People who follow these little religious messages have managed to create a planet of hatred and violence.

Nothing in history has ever been more perverted by the human beings than organized religion. It has become the excuse for injustice and inhumane behavior. Yes, I know what you are saying; religion has had a positive impact on many people. So has electricity; but that too is dangerous and can take a life as easily as it can power an air conditioner on a hot summer day.

Religious justification has now reached the point where it poses a very real threat to life on Earth. The people in charge of the greatest means of killing on the planet have little books that they feel contain certain messages that are in fact permission to act on their insane impulses. If we permit this to continue it we will all pay the price with our lives.

It is high time that people had enough confidence in their own common sense to practice the religion of “do the right thing!” You don’t need a book to tell you how to be a good person and none of us need a book that “permits” us to be bad people! Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:







· 4 Iraq veterans in Japan commit suicide - Four Japanese soldiers have killed themselves since returning from Iraq, possibly because of trauma from the war, a news report said Friday.

· Daniel Pipes Finds Comfort in Muslims Killing Muslims - Now the neocons are beginning to advocate for civil war in Iraq quite openly. The clearest statement of this strategy as yet comes from pre-eminent neocon and ardent Zionist Daniel Pipes.

· John Burns, Back from Baghdad: U.S. Effort In Iraq Will Likely Fail - A day after returning to the U.S., after another long term as bureau chief in Baghdad, John Burns of The New York Times said on Bill Maher's Friday night HBO program that he now feels, for the first time, that the American effort in Iraq will likely "fail."

· Haig: Vietnam Mistakes Repeated in Iraq - Former Nixon adviser Alexander Haig said military leaders in Iraq are repeating a mistake made in Vietnam by not applying the full force of the military to win the war.

· SAS soldier quits Army in disgust at 'illegal' American tactics in Iraq - An SAS soldier has refused to fight in Iraq and has left the Army over the "illegal" tactics of United States troops and the policies of coalition forces. - He said he had witnessed "dozens of illegal acts" by US troops, claiming they viewed all Iraqis as "untermenschen" - the Nazi term for races regarded as sub-human.
TVNL Comment: Suppor the troops? Some of us are havig a hard time supporting these particular troops!





· A Lawless and Incompetent Leadership - There comes a tipping point, however, when the opposition of the establishment, the public opinion of the citizenry, the disgust of the soldiers--their spreading casualties, diseases and mental traumas - and the corruption of the large corporate contractors to whom much of the military's functions have been outsourced, all congeal and overcome the cowardliness of most members of Congress.




· Thanks to Detroit, China Is Poised to Lead - When Ford Motor opened its first production line here in western China just three years ago, it used a layout copied from a Ford factory in the Philippines to produce 20,000 sedans a year based on a small car design taken from Ford operations in India.



9/11 News :







· Members of US Congress demand Impeachment Inquiry - "There has been massive support for House Resolution 635 from a very vigorous network of grassroots activists and people committed to holding the Bush Administration accountable for its widespread abuses of power," US Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) said in a statement prepared for Atlanta Progressive News.





· Did the NSA help Bush hack the vote? - The Bush administration’s utter contempt for the U.S. Constitution and the specific information we now know about its use of the National Security Agency (NSA) surveillance network should further call into question Bush’ 2004 presidential “election.” In a recent revelation, we have learned that the NSA shared the fruits of its illegal spying on behalf of Bush with other government agencies.

· Polls: Public Worried About Gov't Secrecy - The polls released Sunday also found, however, that the public believed government should keep some information private, particularly if it was necessary to combat terrorism.

· Watchdog: What Ever Happened to the Civil Liberties Board? - The delay is "outrageous, considering how long its been since the bill [creating the board] was passed," said Thomas Kean, who chaired the 9/11 Commission. "The administration was never interested in this."

· Australian Media videotapes the 30% of Americans who still think Bush is doing a good job - TVNL Comment: Meet the idiots who comprise the Bush supporting masses in the good old USA! They can't tell Iran from Australia!










· Israel slaps the U.S. - and slaps again - Israel has in recent days delivered not one but two slaps to its closest ally.

· Revealed: UK develops secret nuclear warhead - BRITAIN has been secretly designing a new nuclear warhead in conjunction with the Americans, provoking a legal row over the proliferation of nuclear weapons.
TVNL Comment: We may...they may not!





· Army Guard Refilling Its Ranks - The rebound is striking because since 2003, the Army Guard has performed worse in annual recruiting than any other branch of the U.S. military.

· US Army in jeopardy in Iraq - The United States lost one war not too long ago in Vietnam. Conditions are taking shape that could result in the same outcome in Iraq. Not to plan now for this apocalyptic possibility would be tantamount to criminal neglect on the part of our political and military leadership.





· Go Ahead and Kill. Just Blame it on God! - Yes, if you really look hard enough in your little holy books I am sure you will be able to find some sentence that you can pervert by way of personal “interpretation”, into some kind of justification for your vile behavior.





· Report posits that Chris Matthews has accepted hefty speaking fees from conservative groups - Matthews has given speeches to at least ten major conservative trade associations since 2001. - "Why is Matthews speaking at so many events with Republican-associated trade organizations?" Johnson asks. "What is NBC policy on speaking engagements and why does NBC keep it hidden? Are these trade associations paying Matthews to purchase influence?"





· A Cancer Drug's Big Price Rise Is Cause for Concern - Now Ovation has raised the wholesale price of Mustargen roughly tenfold and that of Cosmegen even more, according to several pharmacists and patients.

· Donald Rumsfeld makes $5m killing on bird flu drug - Donald Rumsfeld has made a killing out of bird flu. The US Defence Secretary has made more than $5m (£2.9m) in capital gains from selling shares in the biotechnology firm that discovered and developed Tamiflu, the drug being bought in massive amounts by Governments to treat a possible human pandemic of the disease.










· For Muslim Who Says Violence Destroys Islam, Violent Threats - In response, clerics throughout the Muslim world have condemned her, and her telephone answering machine has filled with dark threats.





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