Date: September 5th 2006

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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THURSDAY NIGHT LIVE: Listen to my live broadcasts on Thursdays! The Revere Radio Network has invited me to do a weekly program on their network. I will be doing a 1 hour program every Thursday night on their network. You can find out about the details here: .
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FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for it’s overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -

TVNL Editor's Comments: When is 2nd Place More Important Than 1st Place? When it Comes to al Qaeda!

Bush administration officials, from George W. Bush, to Condoleezza Rice to every right wing mouth piece (and gutter mouth…can you say Ann Coulter?), has told us that Osama bin Laden is no longer a main focus of our war on Terror. Imagine that…they tell us that he is responsible for the attacks of 9/11 and then they say he is not an issue. OK, let’s follow their skewed logic (or cover up for the real facts about 9/11 and the role Osama bin Laden plays in the world), and let us for one minute believe what the Bush administration tells us when they say Osama bin laden is not a factor in the war on terror. Well then why the hell do the keep announcing the arrests or murders of whoever happens to be to be the number two al Qaeda man?

How stupid has this world become? How much can we fall for before our brains can not take it anymore and simply jump out of our skulls? We keep falling for this fake or hyped global state of terror and no matter how stupid the claims of the Bush administration become we keep convincing ourselves that we should believe them. Well, at least some of us can see that we are victims of a grand distraction.

Then again maybe the Bush administration is right and bin Laden is a non-factor here; because perhaps they themselves are the real number one! Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

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· U.S. army says dead soldiers not linked to Iraqi rape - The U.S. military in Iraq said on Monday that three soldiers killed by kidnappers in June do not appear to have had any involvement in the rape and murder of a 14-year-old Iraqi girl and her family in the same area.

· Iraq: A Sweeping, Secret New Report - Bush administration policymakers and their congressional backers may get some unwelcome news from a new analysis on Iraq that the office of intelligence czar John Negroponte will soon produce.

· Kuwait makes second complaint in two weeks to Iraq - Kuwait's Foreign Ministry complained to Iraq yesterday, for the second time in less than two weeks, of repeated incursions from the Iraqi side of their shared frontier and attacks on Kuwaiti border police.





· Book: Bush told reporter Jews are 'all going to hell' - The quip never received wider media attention, even though the Austin American-Statesman reported it in December of 1998.

· New book alleges Rove held secret Abramoff meetings; Stepfather's gay life explored - "When the latest sidewalk strategy session with Karl Rove had concluded, Jack Abramoff settled into the backseat of his chauffeur-driven car," Moore and Slater write on page 9. "'Like I said, everything that comes out of the White House is logged in. The phone calls he makes. The phone calls he receives. So this is just easier.'"

· On terrorism, Bush maligns history and our intelligence - There is something sad about a grown man playing children's make-believe war games in a tree house in grandpa's back yard - which is how President George W. Bush came across Thursday night in his speech on the importance of winning the war in Iraq in the global battle against terrorism. Rarely does a leader of a great country like the United States malign history, his people's intelligence and the dignity of over a billion Muslims in one speech, but Bush did that Thursday night and will probably keep doing it for a while.




· The end of the American dream? - So far, though, little of that growth has translated into the hands of the average worker, according to new research from the Economic Policy Institute
TVNL Comment: Along with all the other re-defined teminology that has come out of the Bush administration the American Dream has now been replaced by the Fascists' Dream!

· Wages down for 90% of Pa. workers - The rich really are getting richer in Pennsylvania. And, according to a new report on wages, everybody else is getting poorer.
TVNL Comment: Republican economics at work! It's called fascism.

· Many Entry-Level Workers Feel Pinch of Rough Market - This Labor Day, the 45 million young people in the nation’s work force face a choppy job market in which entry-level wages have often trailed inflation, making it hard for many to cope with high housing costs and rising college debt loads.
TVNL Comment: More money for the CEOs and less money for the YOUs!



9/11 News :


· When is 2nd Place More Important Than 1st Place? When it Comes to al Qaeda! - Then again maybe the Bush administration is right and bin Laden is a non-factor here; because perhaps they themselves are the real number one!

· Under Fire, ABC Yanks Official Blog of 9/11 Docudrama - The show’s official blog attracted many comments from the public criticizing the film for its inaccuracies.

· CBS pleads censorship over 9/11 show - Broadcasters say the hesitancy of some CBS affiliates to air a powerful Sept. 11 documentary next week proves there's been a chilling effect on the First Amendment since federal regulators boosted penalties for television obscenities after Janet Jackson's breast was exposed at a Super Bowl halftime show.

· Writer of ABC’s 9/11 ‘Docudrama’ Is Avowed Conservative Activist - ABC will air a “docudrama” next weekend called “The Path to 9/11″ which blames President Clinton for the 9/11 attacks while praising President Bush. The writer of the movie is an unabashed conservative named Cyrus Nowrasteh.






· First Time Released Documents Expose Subservient Congress - National Security Whistleblowers Coalition (NSWBC) has obtained documents revealing that to date the Executive Branch has refused congressional requests to be briefed on illegal black operations conducted by the NSA, and has denied these representatives access to relevant witnesses and documents. - The term "national security" has become talismanic, conferring extraordinary powers on the President whenever it is uttered.





· Maine Refuses Sex-Ed Funds - Under newly tightened federal rules, “This money has to be part of an abstinence-only program,” and that would prevent the state from providing “comprehensive information” to simultaneously encourage abstinence and help sexually active young people, said Dr. Dora Anne Mills, the state’s public-health director.

· BBV shows how to change the memory card in a SEALED Diebold optical-scan machine WITHOUT LEAVING A TRACE!!! - A couple of 54-year old women from Black Box Voting bought $12 worth of tools and in four minutes penetrated the memory card seals, removed, replaced the memory card, and sealed it all up again without leaving a trace.

· Domestic Security Since 9/11 Is Barely Better, Schumer Says - Domestic security remains mediocre at best, and in some ways has barely improved, since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, Senator Charles E. Schumer said yesterday.
TVNL Comment: Perhaps they know that there is not as big a threat as they want us to believe? Is sure appears that way!

· CU students punished for time helping with Katrina - In extreme cases, the bad grades or uncompleted classes meant repayment of financial aid and the loss of GI Bill assistance.
TVNL Comment: Where is George W. Bush and Congress on this one?





· Ice core evidence of human impact on CO2 in air - Air from the oldest ice core confirms human activity has increased the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere to levels not seen for hundreds of thousands of years, scientists said on Monday.
TVNL Comment: Hey Mr. Bush: Do you know what the meaning of "confirms" is? Does the word "proof" mean anything to you?

· Rules Ignored, Toxic Sludge Sinks Chinese Village - Fifty-seven homes sank into a black, polluted lake.

· Genetically engineered grass found in wild - Grass that was genetically engineered for golf courses is growing in the wild, posing one of the first threats of agricultural biotechnology escaping from the farm in the United States, a new study says.





· New Labour MPs to call on Blair to quit - Tony Blair's position has been further undermined by the drafting of a private letter from a majority of the 2001 intake of Labour MPs urging him to resign.

· Some countries refusing to let Israeli planes with army cargo land - Captain Etai Regev, chairman of El Al's pilots' union, was quoted in the daily as saying that the refusal came from such countries as Britain, Germany and Italy, which are considered friendly with Israel.

· Indian IT-majors outpacing rivals in US - A number of global research firms, including Goldman Sachs, Forrester, Gartner, AMR Research and Wachovia Securities have suggested in separate research reports that Indian IT majors are outpacing their rivals in the US as well as other low-cost counties like China.

· 'Deluded': Extraordinary attack on Blair by Cabinet - Now he faces a full-scale revolt after suggesting that the "largest part" of those MPs who want him to go also desire a return to the beliefs and practices of "Old Labour".





· Marine battalion heads to Iraq for fourth time - Tears flow as loved ones bid goodbye to unit members in Twentynine Palms

· Army recommends death for accused GIs - An Army investigator has recommended the death penalty for four soldiers accused of murder during a raid in Iraq.

· If Bush Orders Iran Bombing Without Congress Authorization, The Military MUST DISOBEY - Unconstitutional Orders Must Be Disobeyed, Even If They Are from the President Himself.





· Our Fascism, and Theirs - In the Bizarro World of the neocons, it's always 1939

· George Carlin - Who Really Controls America

· The End Times Hits Primetime - Karl Rove and Co. may be flirting with selling the public the same thing cult leaders throughout history have sold their followers: the afterlife.





· British Minister to Raise Press Freedom with Beijing - Jowell, who is responsible for her government's media and sports portfolios as well as the 2012 London Olympics, said reports of harassment of journalists in China were ``matters of concern.''

· Media giant drives off other Pimps - One of the largest media companies in the world is flexing its muscle to stop anyone using a phrase beginning with the words: "Pimp my ...".

· Dave Lindorff: Impeachent Brown-out in Corporate Media, and C-Span's online report "The Case for Impeachment" - Back during the Clinton presidency, when the president was being charged with lying about a marital infidelity, a number of major publications were calling for his resignation or impeachment. Now, when the president is openly undermining the fundamental principles of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, starting wars in violation of the Nuremburg Charter, ignoring acts passed by the Congress, and stripping citizens of their right to a trial, not one paper has called for resignation, much less impeachment.





· Number of Uninsured Children Rises - For the first time since 1998, the number of children younger than 18 without health coverage ticked upward last year by 361,000, along with the overall increase in the ranks of the uninsured, according to census figures released last week.
TVNL Comment: "Compassionate" conservatism at work.

· Disease 'migrates' as world warms - "There are already significant indications of disease burden occurring in Europe as a result of climate change," he told the conference.

· AMA Admits no studies were done on Fluoride Side Effects - The following letter from Dr. Flanagan, Assistant Director of the American Medical Association certainly makes clear that the AMA refuses to say that fluoridation is harmless and that no studies were ever done on fluoride side effects.





· 'My son was worked to death' - Saying his son was fit and healthy, Moon said the heart attack was caused by overwork and stress from the competitive internship.

· Human rights group: Contempt for human life in Gaza - Members of the Physicians for Human Rights organization deplored on Sunday the dire humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip where they visited a number of hospitals and met with Palestinian Health Minister Dr Basim Naeem of Hamas.





· Hitler' Desk, Chair Up for Auction - A London-based auctioneer says a desk and chair that belonged to Adolf Hitler are up for auction, and could fetch as much as $1 million.
TVNL Comment: Does the White House need any furniture?

· Former Texas first lady Connally dies - The 87-year-old was the last living person who had been part of that fateful Dallas drive.

· The Fiction of Government Debt - We have had three Presidents who supported the right of the government to issue Treasury Notes instead of Federal Reserve Notes. Unfortunately for us, all three were killed by "lone assassins."





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