Date: October 27th 2006

Just when I seem to have the mailing list working my main computer died. Just before last night’s radio broadcast my system froze. I did the show using my laptop; the same one I am using to send out this newsletter. Thanks to your donations I was able to purchase this as a backup and to use for running even when I am on a so called vacation.


Due to the fact that I have been in the process of moving I don’t have backups and I may have lost the website! I’ll be busy trying to recover all of this. (Does anyone want to donate a PC with a RAID drive system?...Don’t worry however…I’ll make due.:-)


My e-mail will be overflowing as well. Please understand if updates and newsletters are not completed on schedule. Thank you, Jesse


TvNewsLIES Headline News


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THURSDAY NIGHT LIVE: Listen to my live broadcasts on Thursdays! The Revere Radio Network has invited me to do a weekly program on their network. I will be doing a 1 hour program every Thursday night on their network. You can find out about the details here: .
Past Shows Here:



FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for it’s overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -

TVNL Editor's Comments: US Corporate MediaAmerica’s Greatest Enemy: Nobody Needs to Know About Election Fraud!

Keep in mind that the press is the only vocation that is protected by the U.S. Constitution. The reason for this is because it is the press that is tasked with keeping our democracy alive and healthy. They are responsible for keeping the public informed about the conduct of the people who hold Constitutional offices and all things related. They are responsible for alerting the public when threats to our democracy or Constitution arise.

Well we now have evidence that that last three elections, one presidential and two midterms, have been subject to massive election fraud that has resulted in reversing the results of American elections; including presidential elections. That’s right folks; George W. Bush was not elected, twice. His cabal, which includes the owners of the two companies that manufacture the majority of the electronic voting machines, stole two presidential elections in the United States of America. This has been fully documented.

Now, as each day passes, new stories exposing what appears to be the largest effort in the history of human kind to manipulate election results go unmentioned on TV and radio news reports. You have to wait for an occasional one time special or report here and there to learn about the rising “concern” about our electoral system but you do not hear the daily reports of actual election crimes taking place now!

When our Constitutional institutions are threatened it is the single most important responsibility of journalists to inform the public of this. Technically nothing else should matter to the press. You can liken this to making sure you have food and water before you do anything else. The press is there to make sure that our democracy has food and water. It is the job of the press to tell the people of this nation when their democracy is in jeopardy. Our current national press is complicit in the crime of starving our democracy to death. They continue to trick the American public into becoming concerned about so called news items that have no impact on the nation; only on a few people here and there while they deliberately refuse to expose the criminals who are tampering with our democracy.

There is no way for me to accurately express how angry I am at the members of the US media. Each time I see a talking head on TV reporting, in detail, news items that affect less than one millionth of the US population, flashes of violence litter my thoughts like a strobe light at a disco. My only hope is that with each expose I present I open the eyes of a few of my fellow Americans and awaken their patriotism. My only hope is that my newly awakened Americans learn to spot their real enemies; and there can be no worse enemy of the American people than the universal lookout/getaway car driver/ and false witness for the rest of the enemies of American democracy…the US Corporate News Media. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:







· Red white & Blue - The body count has increased markedly since then.

· Iraqis Were Better Off Under Saddam, Says Former Weapons Inspector - "Iraq is a pure failure," Blix was quoted as saying. "If the Americans pull out, there is a risk that they will leave a country in civil war. At the same time it doesn't seem that the United States can help to stabilize the situation by staying there."

· We have turned Iraq into the most hellish place on Earth - Armies claiming to bring prosperity have instead brought a misery worse than under the cruellest of modern dictators

· NATO strike killed 85 civilians, 48 Taliban rebels - Over 85 civilians including women and children were killed in Zang Abad village of Panjwayi district, 20 kilometres west of Kandahar Province Tuesday evening, said Bismillah Afghanmal, a member of Kandahar provincial council.





· Bush Reserves Right To Repeat Katrina Failures - In yet another egregious executive-power grab, President Bush asserted his right last week via signing statement to ignore a Congressional mandate that the next FEMA Director have at least five years of disaster response experience.

· Rove Protégé Behind Racy Tennessee Ad - A protégé of White House political guru Karl Rove produced the controversial Republican National Committee ad targeting Tennessee Democratic Senate candidate Rep. Harold Ford Jr., that some have called racist, CBS News has learned.

· Dissent Grows Over Silent Treatment for ‘Axis of Evil’ Nations - Ever since President Bush first proclaimed there to be an “axis of evil” in 2002, pundits, diplomats and politicians have urged him to talk to its members. But in the last few weeks, with Iraq experiencing a further surge in violence, North Korea testing a nuclear device and Iran continuing to defy a United Nations Security Council demand to stop enriching uranium, the cries for dialogue have grown louder.




· Economy weakest in 3 years - Economic growth slowed to the weakest pace in more than three years in the third quarter, as the government's main gauge of the strength of the U.S. economy came in much lower than analysts had forecast.

· US house price fall steepest since 1970 - Prices for newly built American homes have suffered their largest drop year-on-year since 1970, according to data released yesterday, highlighting the dramatic nature of the downturn of the US housing sector. However, growing sales offered homebuilders some hope of recovery.

· Health costs bedeviling Americans, survey shows - Frustration with the rising costs of health coverage surged sharply this year, helping to explain why many voters remain uneasy about the economy despite falling gasoline prices, low unemployment and a soaring stock market.



9/11 News :


· Recent Interview With Andreas von Buelow - Good interview with von Buelow
TVNL Comment: Found on

· More allegations from EPA whistleblower - In the latest report, Jenkins contends that by failing to report that some of the particulates in the air constituted a severe health hazard--and by suppressing the results of tests for the presence of other toxic chemicals--the EPA misled the public about the dire health consequences of remaining near ground zero or participating in the clean-up effort in the days following the attack.






· Probe of Harman's AIPAC Ties Confirmed - Federal law enforcement sources confirmed yesterday that the FBI opened an investigation in 2005 into whether Rep. Jane Harman (D-Calif.) improperly enlisted the aid of a pro-Israel lobbying group, but they cautioned that no evidence of wrongdoing was found.





· 11 in O.C. charged with voter registration fraud - Dozens of people who thought they were signing up to be Democrats ended up Republican. Those accused in the case are low-level, per-signature workers.

· Gallup: Only 1 in 4 Americans Very Confident Votes Will Be Counted Accurately - Republicans also express more faith in electronic ballots than Democrats.
TVNL Comment: Of course they helps them!

· Help stop election fraud in the US - Spread the word










· CIA tried to silence EU on torture flights - The CIA tried to persuade Germany to silence EU protests about the human rights record of one of America's key allies in its clandestine torture flights programme, the Guardian can reveal.

· Electronic voting blamed for Quebec municipal election 'disaster' - In a new report on problems with Quebec's 2005 municipal election, chief electoral officer Marcel Blanchet targets the electronic voting system used to collect and count the votes.





· Army funding short under budget plan - Earlier this year, Army officials struggling to find money to pay war costs cut back for travel, civilian hiring and other expenses not essential to the war mission.





· A Note to NeoCons and the Religious Right - Here’s an exercise. Substitute the word “Pharisees” with “Religious Right” or “NeoCon”.

· The Importance of Understanding Polls, Lying 101 - They wield the media as their weapon, making the absurd seem logical and trying to convince you to focus on things that will nudge you to vote for the current disastrous reign of the GOP. One weapon the media wields so effectively are polls.

· Stealing the Midterms and the Power of Myth - Given the current projections, any massive voter tampering is likely to trigger a public outcry that will inevitably result in an investigation.





· US Corporate Media – America’s Greatest Enemy: Nobody Needs to Know About Election Fraud! - When our Constitutional institutions are threatened it is the single most important responsibility of journalists to inform the public of this. Technically nothing else should matter to the press. You can liken this to making sure you have food and water before you do anything else. The press is there to make sure that our democracy has food and water. It is the job of the press to tell the people of this nation when their democracy is in jeopardy. Our current national press is complicit in the crime of starving out democracy to death.

· Media promote mutually inconsistent themes on terrorism and the election, both of which benefit GOP - The fact that the U.S. political media routinely tell us both of those mutually inconsistent things reveals almost everything we need to know about the state of the profession and the quality of the political information we receive. Almost everything.

· Prickly Peacock nixes Chicks - The Weinstein Co. is claiming that NBC and the CW have refused to air national ads for the new Dixie Chicks docu "Shut Up & Sing." But while the Peacock has specifically said it won't accept the spots because they are disparaging of President Bush, a rep for the CW strongly denies the Weinsteins version of events.

· Journalist, his wife found dead in their house west of Baghdad - An Iraqi journalist and his wife were found dead in their house in Amiriyah area west of the capital, said a security source on Thursday.





· The Bottled Water Lie - The corporations that sell bottled water are depleting natural resources, jacking up prices, and lying when they tell you their water is purer and tastes better than the stuff that comes out of the tap.

· Rare interview with Tom Bearden on the forgotten work of Nikola Tesla - See Tom Bearden and Floyd Sweet demonstrate Sweet's 1987 Overunity device as it puts out over a Million times more electrical power than is input by the operator, taking almost all its input energy from the active vacuum.

· HIV to go on trial in Aussie court - An HIV-positive Australian, convicted of endangering the lives of three women, is challenging the existence of the virus in court.





· Judge Orders Release of Abu Ghraib Child Rape Photos - A federal judge ruled today that graphic pictures of detainee abuse at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison must be released over government claims that they could damage America's image. Last year a Republican senator conceded that they contained scenes of "rape and murder" and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld said they included acts that were "blatantly sadistic."





· Anger as rabbis demand boy be recircumcised - A BOY on the verge of his bar mitzvah was told he was not properly circumcised and therefore was not Jewish.
TVNL Comment: Holy stupidity Batman!





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