Date: November 1st 2006

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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THURSDAY NIGHT LIVE: Listen to my live broadcasts on Thursdays! The Revere Radio Network has invited me to do a weekly program on their network. I will be doing a 1 hour program every Thursday night on their network. You can find out about the details here: .
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FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for it’s overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -

TVNL Editor's Comments: Corporate Media Reports on Voting Risks – Why Now?

I hope everyone has noticed that the criminal corporate media seemed to have just noticed that there are “issues” or “concerns” with electronic voting. Well is the institution (journalism) that is supposed to be the guardian of our democracy just now discussing this when we have had clear indications that this has not only been something to be concerned about but it has affected already elections in this nation?

They report this as if there is some theoretical possibility that elections “can” be manipulated. But we have EVIDENCE that elections HAVE been manipulated and election results have been reversed; in effect stealing elections!

As far back as the 2000 elections you had situations where George W. Bush received in excess of 4000 votes in a precinct that had less than 700 registered voters. There was a precinct in Florida (what a surprise) where Al Gore received a NEGATIVE 16,000 or so votes. Let me repeat that…a Florida precinct registered negative numbers from a Democratic candidate and the press in this nation did not find this one bit curious!!!

I don’t care how honest the media in this nation appears at a given snapshot in history, when you stand back and look at the big picture the corporate media in this nation operates as a single unit, with a single point of control. Even if one or two outfits act as mavericks now and then and really inform the public about what really goes on in this world the industry as a whole is controlled by the powers behind the scene, outside the elected sphere. They control what we believe because in our society they are the rubber stamp of approval for what is considered to be officially accepted as fact by the public. Let’s not be fooled by what appears to be blips of legitimate reporting. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:







· Iraqi Demands Pullback; U.S. Lifts Baghdad Cordon - Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki demanded the removal of American checkpoints from the streets of Baghdad on Tuesday, in what appeared to be his latest and boldest gambit in an increasingly tense struggle for more independence from his American protectors.

· Military Charts Movement of Conflict in Iraq Toward Chaos - A classified briefing prepared two weeks ago by the United States Central Command portrays Iraq as edging toward chaos, in a chart that the military is using as a barometer of civil conflict.

· Iraq state TV accuses US of releasing 'terrorist' - Iraq's state-funded television station said on Wednesday the US military had released a "terrorist" after he was captured by the Iraqi army, at a time when tension between Baghdad and Washington is high.

· Iraqi data suggests civilian deaths still rising - Statistics issued by the Interior Ministry for Iraqis killed in political violence put civilian deaths last month at 1,289, nearly 42 a day and up 18 percent from the 1,089 seen in September, itself a record for this particular series of data.

· Baghdad is under siege - Sunni insurgents have cut the roads linking the city to the rest of Iraq. The country is being partitioned as militiamen fight bloody battles for control of towns and villages north and south of the capital.

· Iraq violence 'linked to US vote' - He blamed a recent rise in violence on al-Qaeda and others trying to "break the will of the American people".
TVNL Comment: He is right, the violence is related to the
US vote. If the US votes were counted in 2000 and Gore took office there would be no violence in Iraq.

· Saddam Accepted the American Ultimatum Before the US Invasion, According to Rights and Freedom International - A former political adviser to Saddam Hussein's son said today that Saddam was willing to yield to all American demands before the U.S. invasion of Iraq -- but that the Bush administration refused his offers.

· Baghdad bomb rips through wedding procession - A car bomb ripped through a wedding procession in northeastern Baghdad on Tuesday causing an unknown number of casualties, police said.
TVNL Comment: Freedom a la George W. Bush

· US force in Iraq swells to 150,000: Pentagon - With the US death toll in Iraq passing 100 this month and mid-term elections just days away, the Pentagon said the US force in Iraq has grown to 150,000 troops, the biggest it has been since January.

· Over 40 Iraqis kidnapped north of Baghdad - police - More than 40 people are missing after armed kidnappers ambushed minibuses travelling to Baghdad on a main road north of the Iraqi capital on Tuesday, police in the city of Tikrit said.

· RESISTANCE TO DEADLINES FOR IRAQ IS WEAKENING - More U.S. officers doubt insurgents would gain, and believe that Baghdad must be pushed.





· Shreddin' With Dick - The Mid-Atlantic Shredding Services truck making its way up to the Cheney compound at the Naval Observatory. Fun fact: Mid-Atlantic Shredding Services has been contracted by the Secret Service for our Executive Branch’s record-not-keeping needs.
TVNL Comment: That sounds like it is on the up and up...doesn't it?

· Money trails lead to Bush judges - A four-month investigation reveals that dozens of federal judges gave contributions to President Bush and top Republicans who helped place them on the bench.
TVNL Comment: Hmmm...these judges are political activists? Activist judges? Activist Bush judges? Who'd of thought? Orwell...were art thou?




· Future Tax Shock - Meanwhile, multimillionaires are not being snared at nearly the same rate as other filers.



9/11 News :


· The Absurdity Of The Official 9-11 Account - Comparable Examples of Fictional Media Reports






· Congressman's wife called police - The wife of U.S. Rep. John Sweeney called police last December to complain her husband was ``knocking her around'' during a late-night argument at the couple's home, according to a document obtained last week by the Times Union.

· The Worst Congress Ever - How our national legislature has become a stable of thieves and perverts -- in five easy steps

· Congresswoman has no-fly list troubles - Rep. Loretta Sanchez, a Democrat who has been a critic of the no-fly list, said her staff had booked her a one-way ticket from Boise, Idaho, to Cincinnati through Denver. But they were prevented from printing her boarding pass online and at an airport kiosk.





· GAO Questions IRS Collection Plan - The Internal Revenue Service must improve oversight of a new program using private agencies to collect taxes before expanding the effort, congressional investigators say.

· Florida ballot terminals favor Republicans - Florida voters using electronic ballot machines are having persistent problems choosing Democrats in early elections, the Miami Herald reports.
TVNL Comment: Any questions? We are living under a coup and the present leadership in this nation are invader! How much evidence do we need?

· Will a shocking new GOP court victory and Karl Rove's attack on Ohio 2006 doom the Democrats nationwide? - Through a complex series of legal maneuvers, and now a shocking new decision from the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, the GOP has thrown Ohio's entire process of voting and vote counting into serious disarray. The mess is perfectly designed to suppress voter turnout, make election monitoring and a recount impossible, and allow the Republican Party to emerge with a victory despite overwhelming evidence the electorate wants exactly the opposite.

· Federal observers and monitors heading to polls - The Justice Department plans to dispatch more than 800 federal observers and monitors to 20 states to protect voting rights in potentially troubled polling locations, officials announced Tuesday.

· U.S. Election Fraud 2006 Risk Assessment Update - Election Fraud and Digital Disruption Take on More Importance

· Twelve Arrested In Orange County Voter Fraud Scheme - Orange County's top prosecutor Monday defended his delay until a week before the election in outlining charges filed against a dozen people accused of switching registered Democrats to Republicans without their knowledge.
TVNL Comment: How is this not headline NATIONAL news?

· E-Mail Voting Comes With Risks - But computer security experts inside and outside the government warned that the Pentagon's Federal Voting Assistance Program ignores the risks associated with unencrypted e-mail: interception, hacking and identity theft.
TVNL Comment: Why ae they reporting this and why now? Why did they ignore the clear theft of votes that took place over the last three elections?

· Voter ID rules change a third time in four days - A three-judge panel of the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati blocked an emergency order issued by a federal judge in Columbus Thursday night that had set aside ID requirements for absentee voters after determining that they were vague, confusing and unevenly applied by county election boards.





· 'Almost too late' to stop a global catastrophe - One terrifying prospect is that changes in weather patterns could drive down the output of the world's economies by an amount equivalent to up to £6 trillion a year by 2050, almost the entire output of the EU.

· Melting of Greenland's ice sheet 'is the turning point' - The loss of Greenland's ice would be a global catastrophe, raising sea levels by more than 20ft, swamping vast regions of low-lying land from East Anglia to Bangladesh.





· U.S. envoy says Northwest Passage is international territory - The issue of whether the Northwest Passage belongs to Canada or the world has put the current U.S. ambassador to Canada at odds with his predecessor.

· Iran to start "extensive" military maneuvers in Gulf Thursday - Commander-in-Chief of Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Major General Seyed Yahya Rahim Safavi made the announcement as U.S.-led military maneuvers aimed at blocking the smuggling of nuclear weapons material and arms proliferation were being held in the Gulf waters.
TVNL Comment: Get ready...9/11 was PNAC's
Pearl Harbor and this may be their Gulf of Tonkin!

· Blair faces Commons defeat on Iraq inquiry - Downing Street has warned there would be "very real consequences" for British troops if the government is defeated tonight in a crunch vote on whether to hold another inquiry into the Iraq war.

· ABC News: Bush Warns Sudan to End Darfur Conflict - President Bush warned Sudan's government on Tuesday that it must move soon to end the deadly conflict in its wartorn Darfur region.
TVNL Comment: That's a great way to handle it. Warn them. When you child is sick simply warn them to get better.





· Air Force said to seek $50 bln emergency funds - The U.S. Air Force is asking the Pentagon's leadership for a staggering $50 billion in emergency funding for fiscal 2007 -- an amount equal to nearly half its annual budget, defense analyst Loren Thompson of the Lexington Institute said on Tuesday.

· Pentagon memo reveals launch of new PR war - The Pentagon is buttressing its public relations staff and starting an operation akin to a political campaign war room as Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld faces intensifying criticism over the Iraq war. In a memo obtained by the Associated Press, Dorrance Smith, assistant secretary of defense for public affairs, said new teams of people will "develop messages" for the 24-hour news cycle and "correct the record."





· Halloween Without End - The Permanent Costume Ball of War, Politics and Economic Manipulation





· Montana Newspapers Delivered to Subscribers Wrapped in Political Ads - "It runs the risk of an implied endorsement from the newspaper," said Tester spokesman Matt McKenna.

· Companies on AAR Boycott List! - The memo lists 90 companies that are included in what appears to be an apparent boycott of all Air America Radio affiliates of ABC.

· ABC memo reveals Air America advertiser blacklist - An internal ABC Radio Networks memo obtained by Media Matters for America, originally from a listener to The Peter B. Collins Show, indicates that nearly 100 ABC advertisers insist that their commercials be blacked out on Air America Radio affiliates. According to the memo, the adverstisers insist that "NONE of their commercials air during AIR AMERICA programming."

· FRENCH NEWS CHANNEL TO CHALLENGE 'ANGLO-SAXON' CNN, BBC: BOSS - A round-the-clock international news channel France is to launch in December will challenge the "Anglo-Saxon" views spread by market leaders BBC and CNN by relying on "French values", the network's chief said Tuesday.

· Limbaugh Outfoxed - Radio, television and the Internet greased Limbaugh's descent into fantasy. Years ago, a profile described him "holed up in his New York apartment with Chinese takeout and a stack of rented movies." In another profile, he "complained that he has virtually no social life." Click the video links on his Web site, and you can peer into his world. He sits in a soundproof studio. He never has to go outside.

· Corporate Media Reports on Voting Risks – Why Now? - They report this as if there is some theoretical possibility that elections “can” be manipulated. But we have EVIDENCE that elections HAVE been manipulated and election results have been reversed; in effect stealing elections!





· Puberty Hitting Girls as Young as 4 Years Old - By age 8, almost half of African-American girls and 15 percent of Caucasian girls start developing pubic hair or breasts.
TVNL Comment: Hmmm, could those hormones that are in all of our food, or the genitically modified foods we eat have anything to do with this? Did you approve this in our little democracy?

· Fluoride Was Never FDA Approved For Ingestion - Sodium fluoride was already sold pre-1938 but not as a decay preventive. As strange as it sounds, it commonly sold as a rat poison.





· Sweatshops, made in the good, old U.S. A. - How an official who tried to help exploited workers ran afoul of powerful Republicans.

· Padilla: Dismiss charges because I was tortured - The suspect in a terror case said charges against him should be dropped because, he said, he was tortured in U.S. custody while being detained as an `enemy combatant.'





· More Satanic Worshipping In Vatican Verified - "The Jesuits and the Vatican hierarchy are the master black magicians, controlling the many cult groups involved in the New World Order," said Zagami. "American people need to wake-up as the Vatican controls the U.S. government. The Bush family is a tool of the papacy. They are actually crooks and consider themselves pirates and that is the reason for the name Skull and Bones. These are sick criminals that need to be exposed and I am not afraid to do that since I was one of them at the top level in Monte Carlo.





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