Date: December 18th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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·        Monday, 12/14: Peak Oil. Are we running out oil? Are we headed for economic and lifestyle doom? Are we ignoring the biggest threat ever to modern man?

Michael Rupert of From the Wilderness. Michael Ruppert of From the Wilderness. Michael Ruppert. a former Los Angeles police officer who exposed the CIA drug trade and identified Dick Cheney’s role in the events of 9/11, is now warning the public about what is possibly the greatest threat to the modern man’s way of life.



FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for it’s overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -

TVNL Editor's Comments: Why did news related to the Iraqi elections receive overwhelming news coverage in the United States while the bombshell American election news got blacked out? Are you aware that there has been a clear confirmation that the Diebold voting machines have an undocumented backdoor that permits someone with access to reverse election results? Do you know the CEO of that company just resigned? Do you know that the election official in Florida now says that even the 2000 election could have been hacked?

Are you aware that your democracy is now in question? Once the validity of elections are in question our entire democracy is in question. Don’t you think that news coverage of our democracy should take priority over the so called democracy in Iraq? Then again without a real free press we can’t really say that we live in a democracy anyway, can we? Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

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· Iraq needs free institutions not elections - As we now find ourselves yet again facing Iraqi elections, the charade of shifting faces and alliances is causing excitement among many political analysts in the West.

· Bulgaria begins Iraq pullout - Bulgaria's parliament decided in May to maintain its military presence in Iraq not longer than December 31.





· Bush Picks Controversial Nominees for FEC - President Bush nominated two controversial lawyers to the Federal Election Commission yesterday: Hans von Spakovsky who helped Georgia win approval of a disputed voter-identification law, and Robert D. Lenhard, who was part of a legal team that challenged the constitutionality of the McCain-Feingold campaign finance law.

· Bush Acknowledges Approving Eavesdropping - President Bush said Saturday he has no intention of stopping his personal authorizations of a post-Sept. 11 secret eavesdropping program in the U.S., lashing out at those involved in revealing it while defending it as crucial to preventing future attacks.
TVNL Comment: Democracy? Seems more like Stalin's

· Rove, Hadley email 'at crux' of CIA leak investigation - Rove's alleged failure to disclose his conversations with Cooper and Novak and the fact that he didn't turn over the Hadley email on two separate occasions is the reason he's been in Fitzgerald's crosshairs and may end up being indicted, people close to the investigation said.

· Bush least popular US president: survey - Bush was also viewed as the most warlike president (43 per cent), the worst for the economy (42 per cent) and the least effective (33 per cent).








9/11 News :


· Dirty Little 9/11 Secrets Exposed II - BEST OF ALL notice the people that received copies and were well aware of the white jet at both the ST and the NT and the military helicopter at the South Tower OVER TWO YEARS AGO and HAVE NOT TOLD AMERICANS AND THE WORLD!

· WTF is this? - On the lawn of the most prestigious military headquarters in the world, several blotches of dead grass. Not only several, but quite a few. Ever seen a military grounds? They are manicured and perfectly kept. So is the Pentagon lawn. Well, except for this anomaly. - Most importantly, WHY IS IT IN THE EXACT FLIGHT PATH of whatever hit the Pentagon? Not only in the exact flight path, it is angled perfectly with the impact direction. Perfectly.
TVNL Comment: Another often overlooked virtual mathamatical impossibility! Just another "what are the odds" aspects of the events of 9/11. Could this actually be pre-planted evidence of a plane skid?

· The 9/11 Commission's Incredible Tales - In any case, the Commission's timeline, besides being contradicted by all those reports, is also contradicted by James Bamford's account, which is based on a transcript from ABC News. According to this account, Cheney's authorization was transmitted to Colonel Marr at NEADS, who then "sent out word to air traffic controllers to instruct fighter pilots to destroy the United jetliner." Marr reportedly said: "United Airlines Flight 93 will not be allowed to reach Washington, D.C." (238). But the Commission simply tells its new tale as if this report had never been broadcast.






· Senate Rejects Extension of Patriot Act - In a stinging defeat for President Bush, Senate Democrats blocked passage Friday of a new Patriot Act to combat terrorism at home, depicting the measure as a threat to the constitutional liberties of innocent Americans.

· Why Must Congress Nazify America? - Why is the Nazification and conversion of our former republic to full blown fascism so important to GOP republican, Congressman James Sensenbrenner?





· New tests fuel doubts about vote machines - A top election official and computer experts say computer hackers could easily change election results, after they found numerous flaws with a state-approved voting-machine in Tallahassee.










· Protests flare as WTO talks go to the wire - It was the worst street violence in Hong Kong since angry protests following the Chinese army's bloody 1989 Tiananmen Square crackdown on pro-democracy protesters in Beijing.





· Protests flare as WTO talks go to the wire - It was the worst street violence in Hong Kong since angry protests following the Chinese army's bloody 1989 Tiananmen Square crackdown on pro-democracy protesters in Beijing.





· The US is now rediscovering the pitfalls of aspirational imperialism - Bush's desire to implant western-style democracy in Iraq is profoundly reminiscent of past British imperial practice





· Plamegate and the Press: When Will Somebody Get Fired? - The Plamegate investigation has exposed the ugly underbelly of modern, big-time journalism: the rampant insiderism, the special treatment afforded superstar reporters, the oh-so-cozy relationship between those in power and those theoretically tasked with covering them, the lack of newsroom checks and balances, the acceptance of transgressions with barely a whimper.

· Iraq Election News Coverage: Complete - American Election News: UNREPORTED - LINK - Don’t you think that news coverage of our democracy should take priority over the so called democracy in Iraq? Then again without a real free press we can’t really say that we live in a democracy anyway, can we?





· Report Asks if Some Poor May Lose Coverage - Government auditors said Friday they are uncertain that all poor people now getting medicine through Medicaid will be able to get their prescriptions filled beginning Jan. 1.
TVNL Comment: If you voted for Bush and you lose your coverage, you deserve it!

· MP Calls For UK Ban On Aspartame - Sound science and proper regulatory and political independence had been notable by their absence from the approval of aspartame, he said. In addition to Mr Rumsfeld being instrumental in securing aspartame's approval, with the support of the then newly elected president Ronald Reagan, there had been numerous examples of decision makers who were worried about aspartame's safety being discredited or being removed from their positions.





· An Incredible Day in America - First, the media has been totally misled on the alleged Bush-McCain agreement on torture. McCain capitulated. It is not a defeat for Bush. It is a win for Cheney.

· Enemies of the state? Police fail even to question men held as a terror threat - LINK - Suspected of plotting terror, a group of men have been held for four years but never charged. Now, in their first testimonies, they reveal the authorities have not even questioned them since their arrests





· Seven Verifiable Facts May Change Our World and Lead to a Brighter Future - If the facts presented here were reported in headline news where they belong, concerned citizens would be astounded and demand to know more.

· Viggo Mortensen blasts President Bush - “I’m not anti-Bush; I’m anti-Bush behavior,” Mortensen told Progressive magazine. “In other words, I’m against cheating, greed, cruelty, racism, imperialism, religious fundamentalism, treason, and the seemingly limitless capacity for hypocrisy shown by Bush and his administration.”





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