Date: March 3rd 2006

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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Thursday, March 2nd: How Stupid Are Bush Supporters?
Guest: Tune in to my Thursday night program on the Revere Radio Network as I go into detail about just how stupid Bush supporters really are! Can you say "suckers?".

THURSDAY NIGHT LIVE: Listen to my live broadcasts on Thursdays! The Revere Radio Network has invited me to do a weekly program on their network. I will be doing a 1 hour program every Thursday night on their network. You can find out about the details here: .
Past Shows Here:



FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for it’s overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -

TVNL Editor's Comments: Do you feel safer with Bush in office? Let me ask you a question…if terrorists poisoned the air that you breathe would you want your knight in shining armor, George W. Bush, and his cavalry of mass destruction, the US military, to protect you? Well who is going to protect you when that terrorist is George W. Bush?

Once again as part of his ongoing policies of global genocide we see another attack on the well being of Americans. The Bush administration wants to allow ethanol plants to send more 150% more hazardous air pollutants into your air! That’s right, our protector is poisoning us! But guess what…that is not the first time! As a matter of fact the assault on the public by the Bush administration by way of their environmental & health care policies has made us all much less secure! But the American people feel that dying slow death from environmental poisoning is a dandy idea and one worth supporting! God Bless George W. Bush, who wants to kill us before those nasty terrorists have the chance to harm us! National security, the red state way! Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:







· Civilians Bearing Brunt of Iraq Violence - Insurgency-related violence last year killed more than twice as many Iraqi civilians - 4,024 people - as Iraqi soldiers and police, according to government figures obtained Thursday by The Associated Press.

· Who Will Tell Our Stories? - A delegation of Iraqi women who lost family members during the invasion want to visit the U.S. The State Department says no way.

· Curfew widened amid Iraq violence - In the latest large-scale attack, police quoted residents as saying about 50 gunmen ambushed the small town of Nahrawan, south-east of Baghdad, at nightfall on Thursday.





· Dissenting on Atomic Deal - In concluding its nuclear deal with India, the Bush administration faces significant opposition in Congress and tough questions from its allies on whether the arrangement could set a precedent encouraging the spread of nuclear weapons to Iran and other potential foes of the United States.




· In India, Bush Urges Americans to Welcome Global Competition - Mr. Bush, reiterating a theme of his trip, strongly defended the outsourcing of American jobs to India as the reality of a global economy, and said that the United States should instead focus on India as a vital new market for American goods.
TVNL Comment: Is he talking about the American goods that are made overseas by non-Americans?



9/11 News :







· Senate Panel Rejects Ethics Office Plan - Senators backed away Thursday from expansive lobbying law changes for the second time this week, overwhelmingly voting down a proposal to create an independent office to investigate ethics abuses in Congress.

· Senate Approves Patriot Act Renewal - Critics maintained the bill is weighted too much toward the interests of law enforcement.
TVNL Comment: Our anti-American Senate.





· 20 Calif. Students Suspended Over Web Site - A middle school student faces expulsion for allegedly posting graphic threats against a classmate on the popular Web site, and 20 of his classmates were suspended for viewing the posting, school officials said.

· Former Enron Exec's Testimony Rocks Court - Former Enron Corp. Chief Executive Jeffrey Skilling told other top executives "they're on to us," when a small analyst firm produced a research note critical of the company's sales to partnerships run by then-Chief Financial Officer Andrew Fastow, a former top executive testified in a bombshell revelation Thursday.
TVNL Comment:
Documentary about the Enron Scandal: LINK

· Archivist Urges U.S. to Reopen Classified Files - After complaints from historians, the National Archives directed intelligence agencies on Thursday to stop removing previously declassified historical documents from public access and urged them to return to the shelves as quickly as possible many of the records they had already pulled.

· The NSA scandal now clearly includes interception of domestic communications, perjury and presidential lying - Beyond that, it is becoming increasingly clear that Administration officials, including the President, have been make patently false statements to the public and to the Congress about their conduct here.

· Va. Mayor Indicted in Votes-Bribe Probe - Mayor Ben Cooper, who also is the town manager and runs the police department, faces about 240 charges and "more time than he could possibly serve," said special prosecutor Tim McAfee.

· Students protest teacher's suspension - Hundreds of students walked out of Overland High School this morning in protest after a controversy involving a geography teacher and his statements about President Bush.





· We Want George W. Bush to Kills Us Before Those Nasty Terrorists Can Harm Us! - LINK - The Bush administration wants to allow ethanol plants to send more 150% more hazardous air pollutants into your air! - But the American people feel that dying slow death from environmental poisoning is a dandy idea and one worth supporting!

· Antarctic Ice Sheet Is Melting Rapidly - The new findings, which are being published today in the journal Science, suggest that global sea level could rise substantially over the next several centuries.

· EPA May Let Ethanol Plants Pollute More - In an attempt to increase domestic production of alternative fuel sources, the Bush administration has proposed allowing ethanol plants to send more hazardous air pollutants into the air.
TVNL Comment: The Bush administration is conducting a policy of mass murder.

· Kids Build Soybean-Fueled Car - Five kids, along with a handful of schoolmates, built the soybean-fueled car as an after-school project.





· Pakistanis Protest Cartoons, Bush Visit - ''We are protesting against the coming of Bush because we hate him. He is the killer of so many innocent people, so many innocent Muslims,''

· Husband OF Illegal Child Experimention Victim Fighting U.S. And Canadian Government's Massive Cover-Up - Rod Vienneau says he will not stop fighting to get justice for his wife and many others who were tortured and abused at the hands of illegally sponsored government mind control and drug programs.










· MODERATE CHRISTIANS APPEAR TO HAVE AWAKENED - Since its’ inception, this administration has molded and re-defined Christianity in the United States to revolve around two basic premises; dislike, if not actual hatred of gay people, and elimination of women’s reproductive choices.





· Why Does The Press Pretend For Bush? - But why do educated network anchors have to take it upon themselves to dutifully push the myth that Bush remains stoically indifferent to his political fate?

· Police in Kenya Raid Major Media Firm - Masked police commandos smashed printing presses and seized transmission equipment Thursday in early morning raids at Kenya's second-largest media company. Three reporters were charged with creating public alarm in what officials said was a national security case.





· Bush Considers Outsourcing Some HIV/AIDS Care To India - The reports cite a joint statement issued following the meeting on trade, security and HIV/AIDS that said health tourism from the US to India was an area with "enormous potential for collaboration".

· Bristol-Myers drug raises diabetes risk: study - The Bristol Myers Squibb Co. antibiotic Tequin can have "life threatening" side effects including serious diabetes, according to a Canadian study on Wednesday which urged doctors to stop prescribing it.





· Ex-Official: Iraq Abuses Growing Worse - Human rights abuses in Iraq are as bad now as they were under Saddam Hussein, as lawlessness and sectarian violence sweep the country, the former U.N. human rights chief in Iraq said Thursday.

· Has America's conscience fallen victim to 9/11? - That this is being done in the name of "democracy" is the surest guarantee that American democracy, and those who support it, will be discredited and mistrusted for years to come.










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