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Jesse Richard's Commentary Needs You Today! Take 5 Minutes to Be a Journalist.

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This is a huge week when it comes to real news and information. The anniversary of the events of 9/11 always piques interest on the Internet. My recent articles on 9/11 are directed at people who would not ordinarily visit our site. While many sites have republished these articles the majority of people who really need a a wake-up call to reality will never see them.

I ask you all to take a few minutes to be a journalist today. I ask you to take a few minutes to help inform your fellow human beings that the real world is not on TV. Help share vital news and information with them today!

Take a few minutes to help reach a wider audience. If you would be so kind as to take any or all of the following steps you would be helping us out greatly.

Last Updated on Thursday, 08 September 2011 22:04

Our Troops do NOT Protect Our Freedom and We Should Stop Thanking Them for Doing So

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Let's make one thing crystal clear, no member of the US military contributes in any way whatsoever to protecting the freedoms of the American people. As a matter of fact, they are more likely to turn their weapons on you than they are to defend your Constitutional rights.

The only people on this planet Earth who can affect your freedom are members of Congress, local legislators and the members of enforcement institutions who will blindly follow the rulers who sign their paychecks. And, while your beloved troops are murdering people around the globe, yes, I said murdering, your Congress and local legislators are eliminating your freedoms, en masse, without any intervention by our so-called protectors in the armed forces.

Last Updated on Thursday, 10 November 2011 18:24

New Yorkers Beg for Another Blackout!

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Note: This article was originally posted after the blackout of 2003. Unfortunately, even though we updated some of it's content the majority of it is still current!  PRINT THIS OUT AND HAND TO THE SHOP KEEPERS WHO LEAVE THEIR DOORS OPEN

As I strolled across town on 42nd street this afternoon, heading west from 3rd Avenue towards Grand Central Station, I was greeted with intermittent blasts of ice cold air in stark contrast to the 88 degree (today it is 104 degrees outside), heat and oppressive humidity. This is a common phenomenon in New York. I‘m not sure this is commonplace elsewhere, but New Yorkers are well aware of what I am describing” the blasts of ice cold air pouring out of almost every store in Manhattan as front doors are propped wide open to entice people to enter the comfortable environment.

Last Updated on Friday, 22 July 2011 17:31

Real Americans...

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Reclaim the Flag. It belongs to real Americans.

Last Updated on Sunday, 03 July 2011 11:44

The Japanese Learned Nothing From Hiroshima and Nagasaki

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You would think that the only nation to actually learn first hand about the potential horrors of nuclear power would be insightful enough to realize that nuclear energy and life on Earth cannot coincide. You would think that the nation that suffered not once, but twice from the direct results of nuclear energy unleashed by human technology, would be first to understand the risks associated with this unnecessary evil.

Of course money trumps logic, so the profits made by the nuclear energy industry speak louder than the combined experience of the victims of the premier example of what happens when a society's technology advances faster than it's intelligence.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 15 March 2011 10:31

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