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BBC Anchor Who Reported on WTC7 Collapse Early Agrees There May Be a 'Conspiracy'

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Hayton failed to recollect even being in the studio on the day of 9/11-- at first-- but then recalls the situation when it is described in detail, including the actions of Jane Standley, who reported the collapse some 26 minutes in advance with WTC Building 7 still visible in the background.

"A lot of eyebrows were raised," We Are Change reporters point out in summary, because many saw it as a clear controlled demolition, including a number of engineers.


The incredible shrinking terror case

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Once labelled Canada's first homegrown, Islamist terror plot, the case of the so-called Toronto 18 is quietly melting away.

This does not necessarily mean the Crown's case is entirely bogus. The government argues that some of the remaining 11 were involved in a scheme to obtain explosive material, while others participated in a terror training camp.


NORAD Releases Mother Lode of 9/11 Tapes

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The Web site says NORAD and U.S. Northern Command "have released a copy of their audio files, telephone conversations and situation room discussions, from the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001."

TVNL Comment: We've had them for almost a year !


Report: Netanyahu says 9/11 terror attacks good for Israel

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The Israeli newspaper Ma'ariv on Wednesday reported that Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu told an audience at Bar Ilan university that the September 11, 2001 terror attacks had been beneficial for Israel.

"We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq," Ma'ariv quoted the former prime minister as saying. He reportedly added that these events "swung American public opinion in our favor."

TVNL Comment: Criminal investigation 101...ask "who benefits?" Who had the means, the opportunity and the motivation? There answer to all of of these questions: the Neocons. They represented Israel & the war profiteers. They were running the war games on that day and they were the only ones in a position to force our air defense systems to stand down. And the bottom line is that they are the ONLY people to benefit from the event.


Dept Of Homeland Security -

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While bombing Iraq and Afghanistan in the name of the "War on Terror," George Bush allowed(s) tens of millions of unidentified people from around the world a free pass into the United States daily for the past seven years of his presidency. His terrorism war proves a complete fraud on the American public when placed under the scrutiny of verifiable facts.

President George Bush may be compared to Captain Edward John Smith of the Titanic. Both men pretended expertise in their chosen professions; both men created two significant man-made disasters of the 20th and 21st centuries.

Bush's first officer, Michael Chertoff, shakes down old ladies at airports while tens of thousands of illegal aliens walk across our borders weekly.


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