Dick Cheney
Here is where we will explore the secrets of Dick Cheney.
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Dick Cheney:
The “Ground Zero of Corruption”
of the Bush/PNAC administration.
What was Dick Cheney doing on the morning of September 11th, 2001?
Editor Comment: It my opinion, based on public information and official record, that Dick Cheney is perhaps the most corrupt criminal to ever hold public office in the United States. Strong evidence exists the the entire Bush presidency, Cheney's vice presidency included, was actually an electoral coupe which would make Dick Cheney an enemy of the state. It is also my opinion that if we were to explore the details of his illegally secret energy policy meetings we would discover clear anticipation of the events of 9/11. He is the textbook example of the danger posed to our nation by the military industrial complex and secretive powerful "think tanks" like the Project for a New American Century (PNAC). He has operated above the law, out of site of the so called news media and he has acted more as an industry representative to the defense and oil industries than as a trusted representative of the citizens. History will prove that Dick Cheney has been one of the worst things that ever happened to our nation and to our planet. - Jesse Richard - Editor, TvNewsLIES.org