Saturday, May 18th

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Selective Constitutionalism

Many conservatives are up in arms regarding the charge that President-elect Barack Obama may not have been born in the United States and is, therefore, not qualified under the U.S. Constitution to be President of the United States.

Many conservatives seem to be obsessed with this controversy, calling it a "constitutional crisis." The fact is, however, we have been in a "constitutional crisis" for years! The problem is, most conservatives only get worked up over a potential abridgement of constitutional government when it serves their partisan political purposes. In other words, when a Democrat appears guilty of constitutional conflict, conservatives "go ballistic," but when Republicans are equally culpable of constitutional conflict, they yawn with utter indifference.


And now for a world government

Barack Obama, America’s president-in-waiting, does not share the Bush administration’s disdain for international agreements and treaties. In his book, The Audacity of Hope, he argued that: “When the world’s sole superpower willingly restrains its power and abides by internationally agreed-upon standards of conduct, it sends a message that these are rules worth following.” The importance that Mr Obama attaches to the UN is shown by the fact that he has appointed Susan Rice, one of his closest aides, as America’s ambassador to the UN, and given her a seat in the cabinet.

So, it seems, everything is in place. For the first time since homo sapiens began to doodle on cave walls, there is an argument, an opportunity and a means to make serious steps towards a world government. 


The deluder in chief

We long ago gave up hope that President Bush would acknowledge his many mistakes, or show he had learned anything from them. Even then we were unprepared for the epic denial that Bush displayed in his interview with ABC News' Charles Gibson the other day, which he presumably considered an important valedictory chat with the American public as well.


TVNL Comment: This editorial should have been written in the lead-up to the war against Iraq.  Who knows how many lives might have been saved if the NYT and other members of the fourth estate had opted to tell the truth back then.  This is far too little, and far too late.

The Real Bill Ayers

In the recently concluded presidential race, I was unwillingly thrust upon the stage and asked to play a role in a profoundly dishonest drama. I refused, and here’s why.


Beware Rumsfeld's Snow Job

Donald Rumsfeld is writing his memoirs, and if his op-ed in the Nov. 23 New York Times is any preview, it should be a classic of self-serving revisionism.

His real intent is clearly to justify his own policies on the war in Iraq, to refute the (properly) widespread idea that he committed serious errors, and even more to deny that he held the views that he actually did hold.


Bush's WH: Another Falsehood Exposed

The more we learn, the more it seems the appeals to fear that Bush used to rally the nation behind him were unfounded.

The latest example came yesterday in a federal courtroom in Washington, where a Bush-appointed judge ordered the release of five Algerian men who had been held at the Guantanamo Bay detention camp for almost seven years.


What Do 43 Million Annual Abortions Have To Do With The Catholic Church?

The human race cannot continue to go forth, multiply and take dominion over the earth. Why? Simple: we're killing the earth with too many humans! We overload the planet's ability to feed, water and sustain us.
Why can't the Pope get that into his understanding? Why can't he add 2+2=4? Why continue doctrines clearly out of step with reality in the 21st century. Why promote 5,6,7, 8, 9 and more kids when more than 10 million children under the age of 12 die of starvation or starvation related diseases around the planet annually? (Source: World Health Organization) Do the Pope's doctrines on prohibiting birth control and then prohibiting pro-choice make any sense? How about nonsense!


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