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AIDS is man-made - Interview with Dr. Boyd Graves


After beginning his research on the AIDS pandemic in 1992, Dr. Boyd Graves discovered in February 1999 the greatest evidence, to date, of records and reports of the experiments that led to the development of what the world now knows as the AIDS virus. That document is the “1971 Flow Chart of the Special Virus Program of the United States.” Dr. Graves submitted this flowchart as evidence to the Sixth Circuit Federal Court in a case which named the President of the United States as a defendant to answer a petition acknowledging the authenticity of the Flow Chart. On January 12, 2001, the case was dismissed as “frivolous,” and then referred to the District’s Appellate Court, which ruled in favor of the lower court. Eventually, it went to the Supreme Court, which refused to hear it without giving comment as to why. Dr. Graves spoke with Final Call contributor Sultan Muhammad to explain the significance and consequences of his research.

Q: Your statement reminds me of the year 1932, when Mr. Prescott Bush, the grandfather of the current president, convened the first international eugenics conference here in America. I understand this year was significant for other reasons. Could you explain?

A: Many of us are aware that the Tuskegee experiment, where Black sharecroppers were injected intentionally with syphilis for the purposes of infiltrating syphilis into the Black genome. Some 60 years later, we could then say that Black people are scurrilous; syphilis runs rampant throughout Black people and, therefore, they are someone to be placed in a secondary capacity. That is particularly in line with the eugenics program where White births are encouraged and Black births are discouraged.

In 1932, the infectious agent of HIV was first tested on sheep in Iceland. That agent is called Visna. In 1932, in conjunction with the Tuskegee syphilis program, they were testing the infectious agent of HIV on an island nation. We have Visna as 30 percent of the sequences of the HIV here today. So, 1932 not only is significant for the start of a push for eugenics, i.e. a White birth order, but also the start of the testing of the infectious agent of HIV in AIDS. 


151 Congressmen Derive Financial Profit From War

According to the latest reports, 151 members of Congress invested close to a quarter-billion in companies that received defense contracts of at least $5 million in 2006. These companies got more than $275.6 billion from the government in 2006, or $755 million per day, according to, a website of the watchdog group OMBWatch.

Congressmen gave themselves a loophole so they only have to report their assets in broad ranges. Thus, they can be off as much as 160 percent. (Try giving the IRS an estimate like that.)



On April 24, 2008, The Arizona-Republic, published a hit piece on Sen. Karen Johnson, who currently serves in the Arizona State Legislature. This piece of drivel is titled, 'Drinking the 9/11 Kool-Aid.' As you can see by reading it, the author believes that no elected official should question any aspect of the Bush Administration's fairy tale of the events of September 11, 2001. This has been the prevailing attitude of the so-called mainstream media, including cable "news" networks since that day. Anyone questioning the hoax perpetrated on the American people is a Kool-Aid drinker or worse.


Water Gas Fuel for Your Car

TVNL Comment: Here is a perfect example of suppressed reality. Suppressed by the people control our lives...and the media. Water can be used to power virtually everything on the planet. It would solve virtually all of our energy needs, our economic worries and many of our environmental problems. It would prevent wars and eliminate our dependency on foreign nations. But the people who make money on energy and war do not want you to know about this. This is why those people control the media, and do not let you know it exists.

Accused bin Laden driver walks out of hearing

GUATANAMO BAY, Cuba — Osama bin Laden's driver appeared at his war crimes trial Monday looking disheveled and threatened a boycott when a judge postponed until June a hearing on whether his confinement was affecting his mental health.

Lawyers for Salim Ahmed Hamdan, 36, of Yemen filed a brief in February protesting what they argue has been a protracted regime of virtual solitary confinement behind the detention center's barbed wire. Prison camp spokesmen say there is no such thing as solitary confinement at Guantánamo.


Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Michael Savage, Sean Hannity: Poisoning Democracy with Vitriolic Hate

It's a regular staple of the millionaire right-wing echo chamber to use the explicit or implicit language of violence. In fact, the entire "frame" of everyone from Sean Hannity to Bill O'Reilly to Rush Limbaugh is to convince their listeners that people who don't agree with these "pundits of patriotism" are the enemy and dangerous to America.


UN Confirms and Defends Deletion of Ban Statements from Transcripts, What Else Gets Erased?

At the UN statements, like web sites, can be made to disappear. While the range of web sites blocked inside the UN, which Inner City Pres first reported on earlier this month, includes watchdog sites like, on Monday UN Spokesperson Michele Montas defended the omission from the UN's online transcript of Ban Ki-moon's April 16 Q&A session with the press of an answer he gave about Iran.

TVNL Comment: How's that for our world leaders? They are all liars and the people of this planet better do something about it soon...before they can't!


BBC Anchor Who Reported on WTC7 Collapse Early Agrees There May Be a 'Conspiracy'

Hayton failed to recollect even being in the studio on the day of 9/11-- at first-- but then recalls the situation when it is described in detail, including the actions of Jane Standley, who reported the collapse some 26 minutes in advance with WTC Building 7 still visible in the background.

"A lot of eyebrows were raised," We Are Change reporters point out in summary, because many saw it as a clear controlled demolition, including a number of engineers.


GOP objects to bill allowing recounts

Larry Norden, director of the voting technology project at the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University’s law school, called the vote “a sad statement on how little Congress has done on the issue of making sure elections are as secure and reliable as possible.”


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