Sunday, Jun 30th

Last update07:49:10 AM GMT

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When Christianity Is UnAmerican

There is a growing chasm between the values of America’s founders and the values of the theocratic Christian right, who claim that their version of authoritarianism is a more authentic interpretation of American values than the Enlightenment values so cherished by our nation’s forebears.


Big Pharma Money Spent on Marketing Exceeds Drug Development Costs

While knowing that the pharmaceutical industry spends nearly U.S. $57.5 billion on marketing and U.S. $31.5 billion on R&D, those that believe the industry is promotion based, and not entirely altruistic as the industry claims, have some proof to this claim.


Inflammation: What to Eat to Reduce Your Risk of Many Diseases

Diseases in which inflammation plays a role are heart disease, stroke, Alzheimer's, cancers, arthritis, gingivitis and other "itis" disorders.


Bush Legacy Already Established

President Seems To Have Hard Time Abiding By Law

By his deeds you shall know him; preemptive war, torture and wiretapping, for starters.

He has governed with threats -- and by nourishing fear in the American people.

But it is no joke that he has found ways to circumvent the constitutional restraints of his office with signing statements and secret directives.

Bush also has been able to execute his power grab by playing the fear card -- and with hardly a peep from a cowed Congress. 


Air-Powered Car Coming to U.S. in 2009 to 2010 at Sub-$18,000

Zero Pollution Motors (ZPM) confirmed to on Thursday that it expects to produce the world’s first air-powered car for the United States by late 2009 or early 2010.

TVNL Comment: Don't be surprised if you never see this in the US! And don't be surprised if you never see this covered adequately by the US establishment media!


Ex-Congressman: U.S. Government Created Al-Qaeda, Involved In 9/11

A former Congressman says that the U.S. government created Al-Qaeda and was involved in bombing its own citizens on 9/11, telling a national radio show that elements of the Bush administration assisted the attacks on the WTC and the Pentagon.


Money, Banking, and the Federal Reserve

"The Federal Reserve System virtually controls the nation's monetary system, yet it is accountable to no one. It has no budget; it is subject to no audit; and no Congressional Committee knows of, or can truly supervise, its operations."


Unraveling Of The Official 911 Story Continues

It is now 2008. Is America prepared to face reality? The 9/11 Commission's lack of direct access to the captured members of al Qaeda can only mean that the official 9/11 investigation was fundamentally compromised from the outset. No other conclusion is possible, given the latest disclosures. In their recent article Kean and Hamilton do not repudiate their own report, at least, not in so many words. But they come close. They insinuate that the CIA's stonewalling now calls into question the veracity of key parts of the official story, especially the plot against America supposedly masterminded by Khalid Shiekh Mohammed and approved by Osama bin Laden. Until now, the nation has assumed that all of this was soundly based on the testimony of the captured al Qaeda operatives, several of whom supposedly confessed.


More Lies From The Bush Fascists

With the Protect America Act, Bush and his brownshirts are trying to establish the independence of the executive branch from statutory law and the Constitution.  The FISA law means that the president is accountable to federal judges for warrants.  Bush and the brownshirt Republicans are striving to make the president independent of all accountability.  The brownshirts insist that the leader knows best and can tolerate no interference from the law, the judiciary, the Congress, or the Constitution, and certainly not from the American people who, the brownshirts tell us, wont be safe unless Bush is very powerful.


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