Sunday, Jun 30th

Last update07:49:10 AM GMT

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‘Boeing 767-200ER For Sale !’ is this AA 11 that ‘crashed’ in 9-11? SAME Serial Number: 22332

767-200ERThe seller has a virtual office on k street in washington.

These used to be called “fronts” or better yet “fake offices”. a small store front visable to the public and a hollow shell behind. a mail drop, large corperations like to use in the caribbean to avoid taxes and any other scrutiny.


Can America stop an Israeli 'nuclear' 9/11?

For years, America’s military has been divided, competent military professionals and patriots on one side and Christian Zionists, loyal to Israel and addicted to a propaganda “dreamworld” on the other.

With thousands of of military and intelligence officials, retirees openly, others hiding their rage, aware of the decades of Israeli spying and the 9/11 cover-up, this divide has never been so strong. What we don’t know is how many serving today have the personal courage to speak out openly. Now the threat is nuclear weapons, not just a “shoebox dirty bomb” but full sized nukes, the weapons we have been hunting for years, claiming Saddam was prepared to use them “at 45 minutes notice,” the same nukes “sent to Syria by ambulance.” They could be anywhere and anyone could be ready to use one. There is only one possible culprit capable of doing this, however, only one country with something to gain and the willingness to act.


FBI Placed Left-Wing Activists On Terrorism Watch List Without Cause

The FBI had a weak factual basis for opening and extending some investigations of U.S. activist groups and put individuals affiliated with Greenpeace USA on the terrorist watch list improperly, a report by the Justice Department's Inspector General released Monday found.

In addition, FBI Director Robert Mueller was also found to have unintentionally provided inaccurate testimony to Congress because he was given bad information. FBI personnel told him that certain persons of interest in international terrorism matters were expected to be present at an anti-war rally in Pittsburgh in 2002, according to the report.


9/11 Cover-Up Remains While Questions Mount

While denying involvement, Osama bin Laden did say he believed the attack on New York was in part motivated by Israel’s destruction of downtown Beirut during its 1982 invasion of Lebanon that inflicted some 18,000 civilian deaths.

By the way, I’ve said ever since 9/11 that the danger and size of al-Qaida has been vastly exaggerated – as an explosive report this week by the London’s esteemed International Institute for Strategic Studies has just confirmed. Al-Qaida, dedicated to fighting the Afghan Communists, never had more than 300 members at its peak.


City Releases All 9/11 Related Medicaid and Public Assistance Liens to Plaintiffs Who Settle Their Ground Zero Claims

The City of New York confirmed today that it will waive all 9/11-related Medicaid and public assistance liens for those plaintiffs who agree to settle their claims against the City and its Contractors pursuant to the now-pending Settlement Agreement. This is in addition to the City's prior release of certain Workers' Compensation liens for those clients who opt-in to the settlement. Plaintiffs' attorney Paul J. Napoli noted, "This is great news. The City's waiver today results in a greater net recovery for some plaintiffs and those plaintiffs who are receiving Medicaid and public assistance benefits from the City no longer have to worry that the City may be reimbursed with a portion of their settlement award." Absent today's waiver, the City would be entitled to reimbursement for the expenses it incurred relating to the plaintiffs' 9/11 injuries.

Israeli art student activity reported at federal officials' homes

On the eve of the 9/11 anniversary and in an eerie repeat of Israeli “art student” activity a year and a half prior to the 9/11 attack at the offices and homes of federal government, U.S. military, and even federal judges, WMR has been informed of an increase in similar renewed activity at the homes of current and former federal officials.


'Evidence proves 9/11 story is a lie'

“The 600 architects I represent are most concerned about the freefall collapse of [World Trade Center] Building 7, the third skyscraper [that was] not hit by an airplane to fall on the afternoon of 9/11...the whole building is destroyed in 6.5 seconds,” the American Free Press quoted Gage as saying.

World Trade Center 7 reportedly collapsed about eight hours after the main World Trade Center towers fell.

The new evidence makes void the official story line that 19 al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked four commercial airliners and crashed into the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City.


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