Sunday, Jun 30th

Last update07:49:10 AM GMT

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G20 "Terrorist Plot" Exposed As Teenagers With Plastic Guns And Fireworks

Media Hype whips up frenzy ahead of G20 protests

Yesterday's reports of a foiled "terrorist plot" in relation to the G20 protests in London have been scaled back after it was revealed that the house raided by police contained only plastic guns and fireworks.

"They are political activists unaffiliated to any terrorist organisation, and were arrested at addresses in Plymouth. They are being held under terrorism legislation. The explosive devices were made from simple fireworks, police said."

The police have also said that they recovered "allegedly extremist materials", without further expanding on what they might be.


Taliban Leader: We're Planning Attack On D.C. "Soon"

The commander of the Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility Tuesday for a deadly assault on a Pakistani police academy and said the group was planning a terrorist attack on the U.S. capital.

Baitullah Mehsud, who has a $5 million bounty on his head from the U.S., said Monday's attack outside the eastern city of Lahore was in retaliation for U.S. missile strikes against militants along the Afghan border.

"Soon we will launch an attack in Washington that will amaze everyone in the world," Mehsud told The Associated Press by phone. He provided no details.

TVNL Comment: So he announces the attack in advance, just like anyone who is planning a surprise attack. That sounds realistic, right?


Could a Massive "False-Flag" Cyberattack Be On The Horizon?

Since the attacks on September 11th, 2001, which many have called a "false-flag operation", meaning elements within the Federal Government carried out the attacks while blaming it on its enemies, there has yet to be a massive Internet attack which would, no doubt, cripple the global infrastructure, especially in these unstable times. But could one be in the works in order to usher in complete worldwide government control of the Internet?


Filmmaker Calls 911 Attacks "a Hoax"

On Sept. 11 2001, filmmaker Paul Cross was doing post-production work in Washington DC when he heard about the "terrorist" attack.  He visited the crash-site just five hours after impact and could plainly see the official story was a lie.

"There was no passenger jet wreckage; the lawn wasn't scorched; lamp posts, fences and construction materials in the path of the jet were untouched." Cross told me.  "If this was a hoax, then the attack on the World Trade Centre was also a hoax."

Cross, 45, characterizes his pre-9-11 self as a "flag- waving patriot" who "voted Republican all my life."



GOVERNMENT plans for an army of 60,000 Britons to protect against terror threats are a farce, it emerged today.

Gordon Brown claimed at the weekend that the volunteers would be "trained and equipped" to deal with and prevent a terror attack.

But the Daily Express can reveal that the so-called training consists of a "multimedia simulation" and a group discussion.

The entire event lasts just three hours - including coffee.



Political Leaders for 9/11 Truth ( is today being launched as the latest formal group calling for a new investigation into the events of September 11, 2001.  The organization is headed by Councilor (Senator) Yukihisa Fujita of Japan and former Senator Karen Johnson of Arizona.

This initiative is formed around a petition asking President Obama “to authorize a new, truly independent, investigation to determine what happened on 9/11.”

Political Leaders for 9/11 Truth thus joins other concerned citizens’ groups calling for a new investigation, including Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Religious Leaders for 9/11 Truth, Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice, and Veterans for 9/11 Truth.

We are being spoon-fed stupid again...

Can someone explain to me how 5 suspected members of Al Qaeda (although there is no question regarding KSM) suddenly got their own PR machine from inside Gitmo and at the hands of a military judge, not to mention getting  a world stage through which to frighten Americans some more?

Now stay with me here. 5 alleged Al Qaeda members issue a statement of guilt, an incendiary statement rejoicing at the lost American lives of those attacks 7 years back, through a filing with the court. This filing is accepted by the court despite some of the attorneys not being made aware that this was going to be filed or what was going to be declared on behalf of their clients. Moreover, defying President Obama's ruling putting a halt on all Gitmo military commissions, the judge on the case not only accepted this filing, but also released it to the public.


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