Sunday, Jun 30th

Last update07:49:10 AM GMT

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White House admits fault on 'Mission Accomplished' banner

After shifting explanations, the White House eventually said the "Mission Accomplished" phrase referred to the carrier's crew completing its 10-month mission, not the military completing its mission in Iraq. Bush, in October 2003, disavowed any connection with the "Mission Accomplished" message. He said the White House had nothing to do with the banner; a spokesman later said the ship's crew asked for the sign and the White House staff had it made by a private vendor.

"President Bush is well aware that the banner should have been much more specific and said `mission accomplished' for these sailors who are on this ship on their mission," White House press secretary Dana Perino said Wednesday. "And we have certainly paid a price for not being more specific on that banner. And I recognize that the media is going to play this up again tomorrow, as they do every single year."

TVNL Comment: "Shifting explanations"? What the hell does that mean? How many ways can the media avoid using the term "lied"?


Cheney lawyer claims Congress has no authority over vice-president

The lawyer for US vice-president Dick Cheney claimed today that the Congress lacks any authority to examine his behaviour on the job.

The exception claimed by Cheney's counsel came in response to requests from congressional Democrats that David Addington, the vice-president's chief of staff, testify about his involvement in the approval of interrogation tactics used at Guantanamo Bay.


GOP objects to bill allowing recounts

Larry Norden, director of the voting technology project at the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University’s law school, called the vote “a sad statement on how little Congress has done on the issue of making sure elections are as secure and reliable as possible.”


All the president's liars

Fun new game! Which TV news "military expert" is really a whore for the Bush administration? (Hint: all of them)

The truth is as sad as it is revolting: You have been lied to, again and again, perhaps even more than you imagined, in a rather unexpected way, perhaps like no other time in American history, in a more carefully orchestrated and widespread effort than any presidential administration has managed to attempt in the past.


Cheney camp 'behind Syrian reactor claim'

US Government allegations that North Korea helped Syria build a nuclear reactor have been greeted with scepticism because of their timing.

"Everything I'm hearing from my own sources in Washington is that what you have now is a kind of push back by Vice-President [Dick] Cheney and his office and other hardliners who are opposed to diplomatic dealings with North Korea," he said.


Bush’s SCHIP policy violates law, report says

The Bush administration’s limits on expansions of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) are unlawful, according to Congress’s investigative arm.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) unlawfully bypassed congressional review when it issued a directive to states in August alerting them that federal authorities would seek to restrict raising the income eligibility level for the program, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) concluded in a report issued Thursday.

“Both GAO and CRS have now confirmed what so many of us have known for some time, that the administration clearly overstepped its legal authority in issuing the Aug. 17 letter,” said Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.), who requested the GAO report along with Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-Maine).

TVNL Comment: Just add this to the long list of crimes comitted by this administration that go unpunished and are permitted to continue.


Chaos, Deplorable, Abysmal: The state of electronic record-keeping in the federal government

CREW documents the state of affairs in our new report, Record Chaos: The Deplorable State of Electronic Record Keeping in the Federal Government, concluding that the federal government is severely mismanaging its electronic records. "Record Chaos" is based on months of research and the results of an on-line survey. Released today, the full report and its findings and recommendations are available here.

TVNL Comment: This is by design. We have the most criminal administration in history and they are working very hard to make sure there is little evidence of their crimes. From stolen elections to the attacks of 9/11, the Bush administration has to cover their tracks.



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