Sunday, Jun 30th

Last update07:49:10 AM GMT

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U.S. Troops Kill Iraqi Girl On Roadside

U.S. soldiers shot and killed a young Iraqi girl after firing a warning shot at a woman who "appeared to be signaling to someone" along a stretch of road where several roadside bombs had recently been found, a military official said early Thursday.


Liberal talk radio hires ex-con Ney

Former Rep. Bob Ney (R-Ohio) has landed his first job since being released from prison last month.
Ney is working in Columbus, Ohio, for the Talk Radio News Service (TRNS), thanks to his longtime friend Ellen Ratner.

Ney pleaded guilty in 2006 to corruption charges and was sentenced in January 2007 to serve 30 months in prison, but was released early.


Iraqis bury 10 after blast U.S. says killed no one

It was an incident that aptly summed up the fog of war in Iraq -- relatives burying nine women and a child they said were victims of a bomb attack on a bus in which the U.S. military said no one died.


Bush: ‘Fairness Doctrine’ unfair

In Nashville today, during a speech to the National Religious Broadcasters Convention, President Bush said there’s nothing fair about the so-called “Fairness Doctrine” that once required broadcasters to offer air time for competing ideologies.


The President’s Lawyers

Today, the Justice Department seems at the base of some dark crevasse, and when beams of light flow into it, what we see always causes a shudder. Far from being the gatekeeper of the nation’s legality and the custodian of its ethics, the Justice Department has emerged as the single most corrupt institution on the Washington landscape. The fact that Bush’s first attorney general will soon appear before Congress to explain how he secured a fantastically profitable no-bid contract from a particularly suspect and highly political U.S. attorney can serve as a summary for the entire sordid mess in which the department finds itself. And yet John Ashcroft looks like a moral paragon compared with what followed.


Pentagon Report on Saddam's Iraq Censored?

The Bush Administration apparently does not want a U.S. military study that found no direct connection between Saddam Hussein and al Qaeda to get any attention.  This morning, the Pentagon cancelled plans to send out a press release announcing the report's release and will no longer make the report available online.


TVNL REMINDER: U.S. gives $43 million to Afghanistan

TVNL Comment: Way before most Americans heard of the Taliban the Bush administration had a nice cozy relationship with those barbaric violators of Human rights. It is quite possible that in the history of mankind there has not been a more offensive group of people when it comes to the treatment of women, yet the Bush administration decided to give those barbarians $43 million of your money! This happened at a time when the Taliban overthrew the government of Afghanistan and they were not recognized as the legitimate governing body by any nation on Earth other than Pakistan. These were Bush's oil buddies and the Bush administration was working with them so that Bush's pals at Unical could get their oil pipeline built.

And who led the PR campaign gifting those vermin your money? None other than the traitor Colin Powell. He sold out every woman, past and present, by doing this as he sold out the troops and his nation by helping the Bush administration lie this nation into murderous war.

Warning that Afghanistan is "on the verge of a widespread famine," Secretary of State Colin Powell Thursday announced a $43 million package in humanitarian assistance for the Afghan people.


Killing ourselves in Afghanistan

In a secret meeting with a Taliban commander, I learned how Bush administration aid to Pakistan helps fund insurgents who kill U.S. troops.

Interviews with Afghan and U.S. intelligence officials involved in covert U.S. operations along the border suggest that U.S. intelligence operatives have known since 2005 that the Pakistan army and the ISI have been training and arming insurgents in the Tribal Areas who cross into Afghanistan to kill Afghan, U.S. and coalition forces. "Our guys are getting killed because Pakistan has a double policy," said an American policy advisor who travels frequently to U.S military and CIA bases near the border. But the same advisor says intelligence officials have only recently gotten through to their superiors in Washington that Pakistan is part of the problem.


McCain's voting record - how he REALLY supports the troops

John McCain is yet another republican former military veteran who likes to talk a big game when it comes to having the support of the military.  Yet, time and time again, he has gone out of his way to vote against the needs of those who are serving in our military.


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