Sunday, Jun 30th

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CIA Protects Al-Qaeda Group From Extradition

The CIA is protecting an Al-Qaeda linked terror group formerly headed by the alleged mastermind of 9/11 from being extradited to Iran according to an ABC News report, which also reveals that U.S. intelligence has been meeting and advising the group that has been blamed for bombings in Iran.

TVNL Comment: The CIA has to protect their own. The question is not whether or not al Qaeda is a terrorist organization; the question is "who is al Qaeda and who controls them!"


Ventura Slams Media Witch Hunt For Questioning 9/11

Former Governor Jesse Ventura slammed the media witch hunt that he was subjected to in the wake of questioning the official 9/11 story and admitted that he was shocked by the reaction to his comments about the demolition of WTC 7 and the twin towers, but the ex-wrestling and movie star reiterated and expanded upon his views on 9/11 during an appearance on The Alex Jones Show.

"How come we're not allowed to ask any questions today?" asked Ventura, referring to the hostile corporate media reaction that was elicited in response to his last appearance on The Alex Jones Show when he questioned the official 9/11 story.


9/11 Conspiracy Connection To DC Madam Murder

Former NSA analyst and Navy intelligence officer Wayne Madsen tells the The Alex Jones Show that one of the key motives behind the DC Madam's murder may have been the information her call girls picked up from Washington's top brass concerning foreknowledge and government complicity in the 9/11 attacks.

Madsen also connected another suspicious death - that of former CIA agent Roland Carnaby who was gunned down by Houston police last week - to another individual who was involved in both the 9/11 cover-up and the D.C. Madam scandal, disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff.


Government Itself Won't Swear To Official Theory of 9/11

While many people question the government's conclusions about 9/11, rest assured that the government agencies tasked with investigating 9/11 are confident that the government's answer to the following questions is correct:


Was 10:45 a.m. the Originally Planned Demolition Time of WTC 7?

At 11:07 a.m. in the morning of September 11, 2001, a CNN correspondent in New York reported that a third tower had possibly collapsed. While this report was incorrect, it is interesting to note that the reporter's description could have applied to World Trade Center Building 7.


BBC Anchor Who Reported on WTC7 Collapse Early Agrees There May Be a 'Conspiracy'

Hayton failed to recollect even being in the studio on the day of 9/11-- at first-- but then recalls the situation when it is described in detail, including the actions of Jane Standley, who reported the collapse some 26 minutes in advance with WTC Building 7 still visible in the background.

"A lot of eyebrows were raised," We Are Change reporters point out in summary, because many saw it as a clear controlled demolition, including a number of engineers.


The incredible shrinking terror case

Once labelled Canada's first homegrown, Islamist terror plot, the case of the so-called Toronto 18 is quietly melting away.

This does not necessarily mean the Crown's case is entirely bogus. The government argues that some of the remaining 11 were involved in a scheme to obtain explosive material, while others participated in a terror training camp.


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