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Jamal Khashoggi: Turkish Newspaper Names 15 Saudis Linked to Writer’s Disappearance

15 men linked to Khashoggi disappearanceA Turkish newspaper has published the names and CCTV footage of 15 people who it says are members of the Saudi intelligence services that were allegedly involved in the disappearance of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

Khashoggi was last seen a week ago entering the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. Turkish authorities have said they believe Khashoggi, a prominent critic of the kingdom’s policies, was killed inside the building by Saudi intel agents—a charge the consulate denies.


The Latest: Turkey summons Saudi envoy over missing writer

Turrkey suspends Saudi ambassador over  missing writer

A Turkish official says the Saudi ambassador to Turkey has been summoned to the ministry for discussions over a Saudi journalist who disappeared after a visit to the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul.

The Foreign Ministry official says the ambassador was "invited" to the ministry on Thursday but did not provide further detail. The official spoke on condition of anonymity in line with government rules.

Jamal Khashoggi, who has written Washington Post columns critical of the kingdom's assertive crown prince, went missing on Tuesday.


Time Magazine Acquired by the Benioffs, Founders of

Time bought by Marc Benioff and Wife, Inc. founder Marc Benioff and his wife Lynne agreed to acquire Time magazine from Meredith Corp. for $190 million in cash, joining Jeff Bezos among tech billionaires buying venerable print publications.

The move thrusts the brash 53-year-old entrepreneur, who helped lead the shift of software to an on-demand model, into a new role: media baron.

It's a transaction reminiscent of Bezos’s $250 million acquisition of the Washington Post in 2013. That purchase brought Bezos a Pulitzer Prize-winning, 140-year-old newspaper but also put him in the cross hairs of President Donald Trump, who has called the Post an “expensive lobbyist” for Inc.


‘60 Minutes’ Chief Jeff Fager Ousted Amid Allegations Of Inappropriate Conduct

Jeff Fager removed from CBS 60 minutesCBS Corp. has terminated “60 Minutes” producer Jeff Fager’s contract following a bombshell New Yorker article that accused the “60 Minutes” executive producer of sexual harassment.

Fager’s departure comes days after CBS announced the departure of its former CEO and chairman, Les Moonves, not long after two New Yorker articles detailed accusations of sexual misconduct against him.

Six former employees told The New Yorker that Fager would touch employees inappropriately while inebriated at company events, including an incident in which Fager allegedly commented on an associate producer’s breasts and then became “belligerent” when she refused his drunken advances. Fager denied the allegations to The New Yorker in an article that was published online in July.


Second Fox News reporter leaves amid objections to network

FOX reporter leaves over objections to network

Another on-air reporter is leaving Fox News over frustrations with the direction and tone of the network, the second in the last three weeks to defect for those reasons.

Adam Housley, a Los Angeles-based reporter who joined Fox in 2001, felt there was diminished opportunity at the network for reporters and disapproved of tenor of its on-air discussion, according to two former Fox News employees with knowledge of his situation.


A Top Syrian Rocket Scientist Is Blown Up, and Fingers Point at Mossad

israel sid to assassinate top Syrian rocket scientistAziz Asbar was one of Syria’s most important rocket scientists, bent on amassing an arsenal of precision-guided missiles that could be launched with pinpoint accuracy against Israeli cities hundreds of miles away.

He had free access to the highest levels of the Syrian and Iranian governments, and his own security detail. He led a top-secret weapons-development unit called Sector 4 and was hard at work building an underground weapons factory to replace one destroyed by Israel last year.

On Saturday, he was killed by a car bomb — apparently planted by Mossad, the Israeli spy agency.


New York Times Caves To White House On Stephen Miller Interview

NYTimes caves in on Miller interview

Bowing to pressure from the White House, The New York Times did not include in its news podcast an audio clip from an on-the-record interview with Stephen Miller, a senior adviser to President Donald Trump.

The audio recording stemmed from a June 16 story in the paper, “How Trump Came to Enforce a Practice of Separating Migrant Families.” According to Times reporters Julie Hirschfeld Davis and Michael Shear, Miller was instrumental in Trump’s decision to implement a zero-tolerance immigration policy that had been considered but ultimately deemed inhumane by previous administrations.


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