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After Licensing Board Threatens Disciplinary Action, Maine Physician Asks Board to Define COVID ‘Misinformation’

Physicians face  losing licences; ask for definitionThe Maine Board of Licensure in Medicine this month issued a position statement in which it said: “Physicians who generate and spread COVID-19 vaccine misinformation or disinformation are risking disciplinary action by state medical boards, including the suspension or revocation of their medical license.”

In the letter below, Dr. Meryl Nass, a practicing physician in Maine and member of the Children’s Health Defense scientific advisory board, asked the board to define what it means by “misinformation” and “disinformation,” and to clarify what statutory authority the board has to discipline physicians on the basis of undefined transgressions. The letter, which includes the Nov. 16 testimony Nass gave to the New Hampshire state legislature, has been edited slightly for clarity.

November 22, 2021

To the Maine Board of Licensure in Medicine:

I am a physician, licensed in Maine for the past 24 years. I am concerned about the use of the terms “misinformation” and “disinformation” and the new threat to physicians’ licenses issued by the board today for undefined behaviors.

I require clarification regarding the board’s definition of misinformation and disinformation and would like to know what statutory authority the board has to discipline physicians on the basis of undefined transgressions.

Please tell me what law or regulation authorizes such threats for speech outside the clinic.


TVNL Comment: Please read the letter to its conclusion.  It is VERY important.

US appeals court lets Texas resume ban on most abortions

Texaas appeal court lets abortion ban stayA federal appeals court Friday night quickly allowed Texas to resume banning most abortions, just one day after clinics across the state began rushing to serve patients again for the first time since early September.

Abortion providers in Texas had been bracing for the 5th U.S. Court of Appeals to act fast, even as they booked new appointments and reopened their doors during a brief reprieve from the law known as Senate Bill 8, which bans abortions once cardiac activity is detected, usually around six weeks.

On Wednesday, U.S. District Judge Robert Pitman, an appointee of President Barack Obama, suspended the Texas law that he called an “offensive deprivation” of the constitutional right to an abortion. But in a one-page order, the New Orleans-based appeals court temporarily set aside Pitman’s ruling for now while it considers the state’s appeal.



COVID-19 transmission among the fully vaccinated is rare, but possible, experts say. Here's why.

Covid transmission among vaccinated is possibleAs the country confronts a massive surge of coronavirus cases, fully vaccinated Americans worry whether they're adequately protected. As masking recommendations for the vaccinated change, one aspect of the transmissibility debate can be overlooked.

Cases of breakthrough infections among the vaccinated remain rare. In that event, health experts said, a fully vaccinated person who gets COVID-19 won’t be contagious for very long and may not have the chance to transmit the virus to another person.

A vaccinated person may have the same viral loads as an unvaccinated person, but that high level of virus lasts only three to four days compared with an unvaccinated person who could be contagious for up to 10 days, said Suresh Mittal, professor of virology at Purdue University’s College of Veterinary Medicine.


US life expectancy in 2020 saw biggest drop since second world war

Life expectancy falls US life expectancy fell by a year and a half in 2020, the largest one-year decline since the second world war, public health officials said Wednesday. The decrease for both Black Americans and Hispanic Americans was even worse: three years.

The drop spelled out by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is due mainly to the pandemic, which health officials said is responsible for close to 74% of the overall life expectancy decline. More than 3.3 million Americans died last year, far more than any other year in US history, with Covid accounting for about 11% of those deaths.

The findings come as officials across the country weigh the possibility of reinstating some of the stricter efforts to curb the virus, including universal mask wearing and vaccine work requirements. Los Angeles county recently reinstated its indoor mask guidance.


Indiana Students Sue University Over COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate

Indiana students sue university over vaccine mandate Eight students at Indiana University have filed a lawsuit against the school over a mandatory coronavirus vaccine policy that they say is unconstitutional and a violation of a state law barring so-called vaccine passports.

In a 55-page complaint filed Monday, the students claimed the public university’s vaccination mandate for all students, staff and faculty is a form of coercion that unnecessarily puts their health and safety at risk.

Eight students at Indiana University have filed a lawsuit against the school over a mandatory coronavirus vaccine policy that they say is unconstitutional and a violation of a state law barring so-called vaccine passports.

In a 55-page complaint filed Monday, the students claimed the public university’s vaccination mandate for all students, staff and faculty is a form of coercion that unnecessarily puts their health and safety at risk.


U.S. COVID-19 deaths cross painful 600,000 milestone as country reopens

Covid deaths pass 600,000

The United States has now lost over 600,000 mothers, fathers, children, siblings and friends to COVID-19, a painful reminder that death, sickness and grief continue even as the country begins to return to something resembling pre-pandemic normal.

A bride forced by the pandemic to have a Zoom wedding is planning a lavish in-person anniversary celebration this summer, but all of the guests must attest they are vaccinated.

A Houston artist, still deep in grief, is working on a collage of images of people who died in her community. Others crowd theaters and bars, saying it is time to move on.


Michigan was warned about the British COVID-19 variant, but many ignored it

Michigan was warned about Covid vaiantLocal health departments across Michigan started sounding the alarm months ago.

A deadlier coronavirus variant that had first ravaged Britain was now here — in metro Detroit, at the University of Michigan, a state prison in Ionia and rural counties in the Thumb region — with doctors, nurses and public health officials fully aware.

And yet Michiganders — from state prison employees to small business owners and local officials to parents of high school athletes — ignored medical experts' repeated warnings about the highly infectious variant. They rebuffed stay-in-place recommendations, allowed crowded events to occur and turned a blind eye to defiant behavior, according to thousands of internal health department emails and contact tracing notes from across the state and interviews with those in charge.


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