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Kamala Harris calls Trump’s mention of ‘unified reich’ in video ‘appalling’ – as it happened

Harris on Reich commentIn a speech to union workers today in Philadelphia, the vice-president, Kamala Harris, said the use of the term “unified reich” in a video posted by Donald Trump was “appalling”.

“In this moment, extremists are trying to divide our nation, and we see them as they encourage xenophobia and hate,” Harris said.

“This kind of rhetoric is unsurprising coming from the former president and it is appalling. And we’ve got to tell him who we are. And once again it shows that our freedom and our very democracy are at stake.”

Joe Biden was also asked about the remark as he campaigned in New Hampshire.


Trump 'Looking at' Restricting Birth Control

Trump luring right wing with birth control restriction

Former President Donald Trump hasn’t ruled out backing restrictions on contraception, and suggested Tuesday that limiting access to the morning-after pill should be left up to individual states.

Still, the former president mostly dodged the issue when pressed by an anchor for Pittsburgh’s KDKA News, teasing the release of a “very comprehensive policy” in “a week or so” to address contraception, which includes various forms of birth control.

“We’re looking at that, and I’m going to have a policy on that very shortly. I think it’s something you’ll find interesting,” Trump told the anchor.


Trump, Biden spar over whether Trump's 30-second pause was intentional or a 'glitch'

Trump 39 seond halt in speech questionedFormer President Donald Trump suddenly stopped talking for more than 30 seconds during a speech at the National Rifle Association’s annual meeting in Dallas, Texas over the weekend, leading the Biden campaign to capitalize on the speculation about whether his Republican opponent is fit for office.

The presumptive Republican presidential nominee addressed gun owners after receiving the association’s endorsement, stoking fears of the Biden administration “coming for your guns.” Trump’s critics were quick to attack him, saying he froze during his speech and is unfit for office. His supporters said he paused for dramatic effect.

The campaigns’ sparring was the latest in a back-and-forth about both candidates’ ages and mental competency. Biden is 81 and Trump is 77.



Trump floats idea of three-term presidency at NRA convention

Trump at NRA conventionDonald Trump flirted with the idea of being president for three terms – a clear violation of the US constitution – during a bombastic speech for the National Rifle Association in which he vowed to reverse gun safety measures green-lighted during the Biden administration.

“You know, FDR 16 years – almost 16 years – he was four terms. I don’t know, are we going to be considered three-term? Or two-term?” The ex-president and GOP presidential frontrunner said to the organization’s annual convention in Dallas, prompting some in the crowd to yell “three!” Politico reported.

Trump has floated a third term in past comments, even mentioning a prolonged presidency while campaigning in 2020. He has also tried distancing himself from this idea, telling Time magazine in April: “I wouldn’t be in favor of it at all. I intend to serve four years and do a great job.”


Biden vows to fight ‘poison of white supremacy’ at Morehouse speech

Biden vows to fight white supremacy

Joe Biden told graduating students of Morehouse College that American democracy has failed the Black community, but vowed to continue fighting “the poison of white supremacy”, in a widely watched speech to a historically Black college during an election year.

Despite a backlash from some students and alumni in the weeks leading up to Biden’s commencement address, including over the Hamas-Israel war and concerns that Biden would use the speech as a campaign event, the president’s address to the all-male school was warmly received. He used his speech to reaffirm his commitment to democracy in the wake of the January 6 insurrection, and to reiterate his call for a ceasefire in Gaza.

Biden’s appearance at Morehouse comes as part of his campaign efforts in Georgia, a key swing state in the 2020 election, and as polls suggest his support from young voters and voters of color – who were integral to the coalition that helped him beat Donald Trump in 2020 – appears to be flagging slightly.


Rudy Giuliani Served With Arizona Indictment During Birthday Bash

Rudy GuilianiRudy Giuliani on Friday celebrated his upcoming 80th birthday by taunting prosecutors shortly before he was served with an indictment over his efforts to undermine the results of the 2020 presidential election.

Giuliani, the former mayor of New York City and longtime ally to ex-President Donald Trump, was partying with dozens of guests in Palm Beach, Florida, when officials with the Arizona Attorney General’s Office crashed the shindig to serve him with the indictment.


She Campaigned for a Texas School Board Seat as a GOP Hard-Liner. Now She’s Rejecting Her Party’s Extremism.

Courtney GoreWeeks after winning a school board seat in her deeply red Texas county, Courtney Gore immersed herself in the district’s curriculum, spending her nights and weekends poring over hundreds of pages of lesson plans that she had fanned out on the coffee table in her living room and even across her bed. She was searching for evidence of the sweeping national movement she had warned on the campaign trail was indoctrinating schoolchildren.

Gore, the co-host of a far-right online talk show, had promised that she would be a strong Republican voice on the nonpartisan school board. Citing “small town, conservative Christian values,” she pledged to inspect educational materials for inappropriate messages about sexuality and race and remove them from every campus in the 7,700-student Granbury Independent School District, an hour southwest of Fort Worth.

“Over the years our American Education System has been hijacked by Leftists looking to indoctrinate our kids into the ‘progressive’ way of thinking, and yes, they’ve tried to do this in Granbury ISD,” she wrote in a September 2021 Facebook post, two months before the election. “I cannot sit by and watch their twisted worldview infiltrate Granbury ISD.”


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